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Isolationism NOW. Why should we be fighting in the Middle East? I'm fed up with war over there. Their problems are not solvable.?


Why should we be going over there all the time to fight? They don't even HAVE a "right side" to be on. Who do we think we are, to think we can help them? We should just GET OUT of the WHOLE AREA. If we had a civil war, do you think they would care? Before the World Wars, we were isolationist. We did have to stop Hitler. But the wars we've fought since then have been stupid and wasteful. It's time to become isolationist again.

Update 2:

So, "Iwhhow, or someone—what would happen if the US did not send any troops, drops any bombs, support or train any rebel troops, or government forces, or take any action at all, in Syria and the Middle East? Not even any "economic sanctions" - nothing—just leave them alone. What would happen to Al Quaida and all anti-American forces? What would they do? Could they take over the world? What part would China play, or Russia? What would the European countries do? Please outline. Thanks.

7 Answers

  • lwhhow
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because you speak in your question of the... old past world of the 20th and even 19th century...the world of competing alliances, Cold War, and isolationism....That not possible anymore.

    By the time the 21st century started in year (2001) the whole earth and all it's countries and cultures were interconnected on the same grid. This only got stronger over the last 13 years and grows stronger every second, every minute, every day. Trade, finances, communications, education, travel, multi ethnic, multi racial, finances, money, deficits, borrowing, computers, the internet, GPS, palm pilots, cell cams, airline travel to every spot on earth etc. has changed the world (2001-2014) no country can ever 'disconnect' or be old fashioned isolationist ever again....this is the way of 'history'....times change.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    If anyone should be getting involved, it's the Arab states, Turkey and Iran. They have the most to lose from Isis gains. Cameron and Obama think they can solve this problem by throwing things at the enemy from a safe distance. As we have seen, Isis have adapted to these attacks and they have not halted their advance. Britain has no business in the Middle East; we're being used by the Saudis and others as mercenaries - why do so few politicians realise this? Air strikes will not stop the advance of the Caliphate. We need to keep our armed forces away from that viper's nest and channel resources into rooting out the extremists here in the UK.

  • Dirk
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The US and 'friends' have been waist deep in the M.E. for years. Theres no turning back now. Not going to just throw up thier hands and say okay, were done- we dont want to play anymore. The Governments know a hell of a lot more about the issues and dangers then the worlds general public do - they have intel /info that the general public/media just cant get on thier own. And the (western) governments are bound to preserve and protect the way of life for its peoples first and foremost. So they must know some pretty sick crap intended. Thats just fact. As for why the people think (the west) is involved, is one of two reasons as to; One to help the innocent people there ecsape oppressions (inhumane acts being forced upon them by individuals/groups ie mass murder, human slavery, forced beliefs/laws/religion/with hold basic needs to food H2o, eletricity -- you get the picture) AND to stop such people, maybe even kill such people, ie terrorists, before they kill people in the US and friends.

    The second is oil. That the US and friends are there to steal and control the oil in the M.E., line the pockets of big (western) companies and arms dealers. Which I might add has yet to happen, the oil stealing and control part at least. And where would such oil go anyway? Oh yes- it funnels down to the same peoples that are boasting this reason, the same peoples that continue to fill thier gas tanks and heat thier homes with IT. Not thinking about where IT came from. So they themselves would in turn be part of the second reason.

    Either way, besides what the people believe, The US and friends ARE involved in the M.E. the (western) governments are making the decisions and are doing the job that the people elected them to do.

    Russia has its own current problem with terrorists groups/oil and when need be, the Russian government enforce thier plans to protect and preserve thier peoples way of life as well. They already are partially involved in the M.E. anyway. Kind of just sittin on the side lines watching right now.

    And China -- well they survive via trade deals with the whole world and thats what they concern themselves with. But if threatened or terrorized they would fight against it. They have a military thats no joke.

    Pick a side or dont, right or wrong, Its gonna be a long bumpy ride regaurdless.

  • 7 years ago

    If the foreign military forces leave it would not be long before Israel was invaded and destroyed. Before that happened they would probably nuke the islamic holy places - a kind of modern Masada plan. All hell would literally then break loose affecting even Russia and China, a global slump would be a certainty. There is no safe isolationism option in 2014.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The problem is solvable. Just get the US, British and other foreign military forces out and stop meddling.

    So, your quite right but try to tell that to the $2000 suits on Wall Street, Capitol Hill and the shareholders of the big oil giants.

  • 7 years ago

    Just try looking up "war in Syria" on YA right now. You'll find questions from years ago all the way up until now.

  • 7 years ago

    Hi wendalore, due to ignorance war is inevitable. As we do meditation and radiate peace then it may help them to find a solution on their own. So at least one percent population of the world are to be at peace. Let us be optimistic all the time

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