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Religious - Christians, What is the best sermon that you ever heard (or preached)?

I have preached for several years. I read and study other sermons regularly and hear others preach when I am not preaching. I have preached at four different congregations within two hours of our home in the last 5 years. I appreciate any information that you can pass along about such sermon(s). The title and supportive verses would be nice. Have a great week!

Thank You,








5 Answers

  • Sarah
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have stumped me on this question for every sermon I have heard have been the word of God. I have enjoyed every sermon I have heard and cannot pin point any one sermon as being better than another. I have been blessed with having excellent preachers in every congregation I have been associated with. My preachers name is Dale and he is on Youtube Sunday morning and Sunday night live. So go to Google youtube, Green Lawn Church of Christ.

    I think the two most memorial sermons I have heard was two that my son gave when he was 14 and 15 years of age. One was on the establishment of the Church and how God wanted the church to be led.

    Any working organization needs some form of Government. The church of our Lord is no exception. God was the need for church organization and therefore made plans for it and indeed instituted those plans in the new testament church. Acts Chapter 20:28 refers to men whom the Holy Ghost had made overseers over the church. Words to describe this function are elders, bishops, stewards and pastors. Qualifications a person must meet to be head of the church is in I Tim 3:1-7. First record of deacons is in Acts 6. Romans 10:14 defines the need for preachers.

    As a body has many members working together under the direction of the brain it is necessary for a congregation to have member working together under the direction of the elders.

    There are those that will deceive you in doing evil so be careful not to listen to them.

    One day a scorpion came upon a body of water. He wanted to be on the other side, but he could not swim. Then he saw a beaver swimming in the water. He called to the beaver and asks for a ride over to the other side. The beaver asked the scorpion, "are you insane? I know you? You'll bite me and I'll die." "The scorpion replied, "why would I sting you? If I did, you would die, and since I can't swim, I'd drown. Come on, be logical." Well, the beaver thought that made sense, so he took the scorpion on his back and set out to swim across the water. About half way across, the scorpion gives the beaver a furrious sting. Of course the beaver begins to sink because he is dying. He turns to the scorpion, and asks, "why did you do such an wicked thing" You said yourself that there would be no logic in stinging me." The scorpion replied, "logic has nothing to do with it. It's just my nature." The apostle Paul understood and even struggled with the fact that Christians have always had a wicked nature within them and this wicked nature sometimes causes us to do illogical things. In Romans 7:15 he says. ""For what I want to do, I do not do, but do what I hate to do. I keep on doing the evil I do not want to do." However the answer to his dilemma and ours is spelled out in verses 24 and 25 when he asks "who will rescue me?" and concludes that it is the Lord Jesus Christ. That is just part of his lesson when he was 14.

    He preached another one I remember about members working together. He gave this example. If a members cars was stuck in a mud hole and some members went to get the car out of the hole and some got in front of the car and pushed forward and others got in the back and pushed forward what would happen? Absolutely nothing because they were working against each other. But if they got in the front or back of the car and pushed in the same direction, they would get the car out of the hole.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    mopar Mike has chosen one of my favorite pastors too. I like Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley, and J. Vernon Magee. But of all of them I prefer my own pastor because I have access to him, I know him personally, and I know how he lives his life not just on Sundays. I know how diligently he studies the Word of God and how long he wrestles with the understanding God wants him to share with us. He tells us frequently when he has had a tough passage the the Word has beat him up all week and it's our turn to let it work on us. I have watched what the Lord has done and is doing in his life over the last 21 years. If I don't know anything else, I do know that this man has been called of God to teach God's Word without a doubt. I get so excited every Sunday morning and Tuesday evening to sit under his teaching because I know without a doubt that God will speak to me through him. I am so grateful to God for placing me right where I am.

    Pastor Eds, you can check out any or all of my pastor's, Dr. Kenneth J. Burge, Sr., messages at our website or on YouTube. I don't think you will ever be disappointed with any of his messages .... they are all memorable. They are all God's truth being taught. We study a book at a time verse by verse which gives us a more in depth study. He has written a book, Preaching with F.I.R.E.'S E.T.A. that would suit your purposes to a tee. It is written by a Preacher/Teacher to pastors and teachers, etc. on how to study and put together messages for their congregations. I won't go into detail but it would be well worth your reading and putting into practice for your own messages.

    Our website:

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The one delivered by Christ on the mount. Read chapters 5 and 6 of Matthew.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't think I could narrow it down to just one.but I might be able to do a list of ten.

    Here is a very good one.

    Adrian Rogers - The battle for your mind.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Charles Stanley teaching on H.A.L.T.

    Charles Stanley, noted pastor from Atlanta, mentions the H.A.L.T. principle in his

    sermons quite frequently.

    It refers to four areas of our life when we are most vulnerable to the attack of our

    archenemy, the devil.

    Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired are four situations in our lives where we need to be very

    aware that the enemy is out to use this area against us.

    The strongest Biblical example of this is recorded in Matthew 4 and Luke 4. After

    spending forty days in the wilderness where he was under constant bombardment by the

    devil, the Bible says in Luke 4:2, "He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of

    them He was hungry." The first area that the enemy hit was hunger.

    If you will think what it is like to spend forty days alone, then the loneliness that Jesus

    must have experienced is not hard to imagine. The Bible is clear when it says that Jesus

    was tempted in all points, just like us, and He was without sin.

    And if you will also imagine living in a wilderness experience for that long of a time, then

    Jesus must have been very tired. Sleeping outside with no bed or comforts of a home life

    would have caused this.

    And I believe that if you read Matthew 4:10, where Jesus said to the devil, "Away from me

    Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only'", you will see the

    righteous anger in His voice as he rebuked Satan, and told him to leave him alone.

    So it is important to see how Jesus dealt with the HALT in his life. When the Savior was

    vulnerable to sin, how did he handle his confrontation with the enemy?

    Three different times Jesus quoted from the Bible. The most famous verse is Matthew 4:4.

    "It is written, Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the

    mouth of God." Jesus had quoted a verse from Deuteronomy 8:3. He also quotes two

    other verses in Deuteronomy 6:16 and Deuteronomy 6:13.

    One of the verses that describes the early growth of Jesus is Luke 2:52. "And Jesus grew in

    wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." I believe that Jesus knew many

    verses from the then know Word of God. It was a custom of young Jewish children to

    memorize large portions of the Word of God. These were the ammunition that he used to

    defeat the enemy.

    It has always amazed me that most churches have Bible memory programs for the

    children, but rarely do many adults continue with a regular Bible memory program. As a

    young Christian I was introduced to the Topical Memory System , which is published by

    the Navigator Organization. That was over forty years ago, and I can attest to many times

    in all those years, that those memory verses have ministered to me when I found myself in

    the "HALT" condition.

    Prepare yourself for those future attacks of the devil. Order the Topical Memory System

    today, and commit yourself to regular Bible memory for the rest of your life.

    I would imagine that loneliness is amplified in the older generation. The children are

    grown and gone. Perhaps your spouse is not living anymore, or the marriage has failed.

    Jesus is the one true friend we have, when it seems that others do not care. We live in

    such a rat race, that we neglect widows and widowers, and many children are so involved

    in the rat race, that their parents do not get to spend much time with their loved ones.

    I have an assignment for you. It will make your day. Pick up the phone and call your

    parents and/or your children and tell them you love them. Make a commitment to do that

    on a regular basis.

    Now let us think about the "Anger" in the HALT principle. Unlike Jesus, who had

    "righteous anger", we usually sin with our anger. And enemy comes in like a flood. Eph

    4:31,32 tells us to get rid of all anger, and replace it with compassion and forgiveness.

    My anger usually leads to hoof and mouth disease. I open my mouth and stick my foot

    into it. Eph 4:29 is the answer to that. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your

    mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it

    may benefit those who listen."

    Since most of us in America seldom go hungry, I would equate that sin to lack of the

    intake of the Word of God. Real spiritual hunger is in epidemic proportions in our world

    today. Today vow to spend time reading the word of God. Jeremiah 15:16, "When your

    words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight."

    Being tired is a national pastime. Mom's and Dad's both working jobs, caught up in the

    hustle and bustle of taking the kids to soccer, dance lessons, cheerleading or little league.

    Too tired for relationships, too tired to spend time with the Lord, and too tired to build

    into other believer's lives. My article on "The Rat Race" amplifies on this problem.

    So perhaps I have alerted you today to how the enemy operates. I sincerely hope you will

    arm yourself with the Word of God today.

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