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How to explain the prophecy of Jerusalem being built in a day?

I attended a Pentecostal church my friend has been going to for some time now. The only times I go with him is when we get to hang out afterwards. But every time the service ends I get confronted because a couple people there know that I am an open Atheist.

They keep telling me to come over, and accept Jesus; and "everything physical, and spiritual will become a lot easier." - I feel kind of awkward when they ask me if I'm ready to become a Christian, and attend their church services. I just say I don't believe, and shrug it off.

But there was one thing that did strike my interest in the service that night. The pastor was going on about end times (it seems to be the only thing these guys know anymore.): and how biblical prophecies were being fulfilled, slowly but surely.

I was mentally making "ugh" faces during the sermon; again just shrugging it off and continued listening. - The pastor then continued to explain how Israel/Jerusalem rose in a day sometime after WWII, he said just like the bible predicted. He then went on to say some of them don't come true, and some do. Which again made me make a mental "ugh" face. The whole talk of End Times never bothers me because I don't believe in it. But I'm assuming that this was just another "biblical prophecy": just like Nostradamus predicted several things, and some of them came true, and some didn't.

I dunno; what are your guys' thoughts on this. (I would like to get fellow Atheists opinions on this.)

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    How to explain the prophecy of Jerusalem being built in a day?........

    The pastor then continued to explain how Israel/Jerusalem rose in a day sometime after WWII, he said just like the bible predicted.

    So then, why are you asking US to explain when the pastor has already told you!

    Could it be that you thought he was talking absolute boIIocks?

    There you go then! All the explanation you need!

    Don't thank me - thank YOU for asking!

    Source(s): Antitheist
  • 7 years ago

    There are the words of Jesus when he said, "Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

    It should be obvious that he was not speaking literally.

    Jesus often made comments so he listeners would say, "What!?"

    It's an attention getter, that's all.

    Besides, the Israel of the middle east is no longer the chosen people of God.

    Jesus said God would abandon them. Matthew 23:38.

    That's why Galations 6:16 speaks of "the Israel of God."

    That's 'Israel' according to God's definition.

  • 7 years ago

    I never heard the prophecy that Jerusalem would be built in a day, and Google doesn't turn up anything about it. However, Jerusalem clearly wasn't built in a day, it was there for thousands of years before WWII, so if there is a prophecy then it is wrong.

  • 7 years ago

    What prophecy? Where are the specific verses predicting Jerusalem being built in a day, and why would anyone assume that it ever happened?

    Jerusalem was continuously inhabited by various people in the last 5000 years or so. At no point did it have to be "built in a day", not even 5000 years ago.

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  • Raatz
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Jerusalem wasn't built in a day. I don't know what you're talking about. Why on earth are you attending church services of fundamentalists and doomsday cultists, unless they're part of your psychology experiment? Leave for the sake of your sanity.

  • 7 years ago

    I grew up in a mainstream Protestant Church and am now Catholic. Neither churches ever talked about predictions of end times. I don't think it's part of mainstream Christianity. Jesus said that we are not to know when it will happen. Some denominations that are not in the mainstream tend to focus on end times and try to predict when it will happen based on things in scripture.

  • 7 years ago

    Atheism and religion should not mix. As someone who's dabbled in both Atheism and religion - I have to say as irritating as a vocally religious person can be - it has nothing on a vocal Atheist. If you are Atheist it isn't something to display to others, its a lack of faith - there should be nothing to display.

    Far too many Atheists seem to take pride in it - take pride in what? Ruining peoples religious lives? Doing it for a feeling of superiority by fighting religious texts with basic science? Its sad. Religion does not harm for the vast majority of people - its a faith system and hell, I've seen it save my ex girlfriend and one of my best mates who would be on coke, MDMA and had gone to jail for racial crimes. He's now helping children thanks to picking up religion again.

    Now, I'm not a aggressive man, but if some snotty 18 year old kid on the internet who thinks he actually knows science after a few high school classes and wants to bash my religious friend for a feeling of false superiority over them - then I'd get fairly mad! There is a huge snobbery on the part of a growing number of Atheists and its thanks to the likes of Dawkins who is an evolutionary biologist - a man whom I should be reading books for in my advance psych course at university - but has resorted to bashing religion childishly.

    If you are smart, and intelligent, let these people get on with their lives. They don't believe because they are 'stupid' - far from it. They believe as it helps them in life. Noone has that right to take that from them. It seems its often priviledged teenagers who seem to want to do this if youtube is anything to go by. Let them be, thats a sign of true intellect - they cause you no harm. I reckon you will as you seem like a smart lad.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Oh calm down.. these guys know nothing when it comes to eschatology (end times).

    All the OT prophecies already happened. the prophecies in the NT concerning national Israel is about destruction.. there is no "rebuilding" at all. Whenever they talk about "rebuilding" they have to take something from the OT and twist it to follow their own agenda. (Usually they take it from the babylonian captivity. See second temple period). The "end times" already happened during the first century.

    i'll explain the "end times" in layman's terms. In the old testament God made a contract with the Jews. (Giving the law; big 10 and the other 613) It expired when Jesus was crucified and ascended. And the end times was the moment it was shredded > thrown into the trash > burned completely. (The "end" of the contract) It was during the first century with the siege of jerusalem (70 ad). it went to smoke along with the temple in ruin

    Kay? you getting it so far?

    These people were raised into believing that future crap and just continuing what they were taught without poking around its holes to see how stupid it is in fear of being called a heretic; you can't blame them..

  • 7 years ago

    Could it be you're thinking of Isaiah 66:8..?

    Who has heard such a thing?

    Who has seen such things?

    Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?

    Or shall a nation be born at once?

    For as soon as Zion was in labor,

    She gave birth to her children.

    Isaiah 66:8

    The nation of Israel was reborn in one day - May 14, 1948.

  • 7 years ago

    He was talking about the prophecy in Isaiah 66:8, that Israel would be reborn in a day. That prophecy was fulfilled in 1948.

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