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What are the good things that Hitler did to his people and his country(ies)??

By country(ies) i mean Austria and Germany. Well, i will be having class debate next week and my teacher assigned my group to research on the good things that Hitler did to ague back at other group. Help me please? :)

11 Answers

  • Yun
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It appears that a lot of people have a very shallow view of history.

    Hitler contributed a lot to Germany. Though his ideology was utterly corrupt and his actions eventually led to the destruction of Germany in the war, he never would have stayed in power if he hadn't made a difference.

    He took an economy in ruins with massive inflation, widespread unemployment, and a government structure that accomplished practically nothing and turned that nation into an economic and production powerhouse of Europe.

    He helped establish a newer and far more efficient transportation system, promoted innovation in technology, and united the nation (for the most part) into a more unified whole.

  • 6 years ago

    Besides, Germany's rapid economic recovery and rearmament Hitler gave the German people a sense of pride in their national and ethnic identity.

    Because no other European state has ever conquered such a vast territory from the Atlantic to the Urals. The nearest equivalent would be Napoleon's ill fated campaign in Russia. This was the height of Napoleon's military and political career.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    well, his 'nazi' party did bring people together for a short time and help institute jobs... and international recognition to help promote further trade among allies... .at the time.

    UNTIL you know what happened... those nazi supporters soon found out they were betrayed by hitler, his administration and the SS.

    almost there but the celebratory cigars burned out long before they got a half chance to recover from an already torrential past... germany yet suffered another blow... this time a major knock out that devastated the country beyond it's capacity to recover.

  • 6 years ago

    Adolf Hitler wasn't a good man and didn't do good thing's despite people's absurd claims. All his achievements were swings and roundabouts that culminated in the progression of Germany and his vision of Germanica. They were the product of a bad ideology and an extreme world view which was further assisted in the manner in which he exterminated groups and ethnic minorities which he simply felt were non-Germans and sub-human. Take these atrocities away from the equation and you will see just what he absolutely didn't do. It's easy to boost an economy when you're killing, stealing and looting from your citizens and this boosted economy helped him to further his own ambitions but he didn't do good things, he just seemed to be doing good things which of course is a MASSIVE difference.

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  • 6 years ago

    Fixed the German economy - within 2 years of coming to power,the Nazis had virtually eliminated unemployment.

    Made Germans (those that Nazi ideology defined as Germans,that is) feel good about themselves and their country again.

    All this was of course in pursuit of a long term absurd racial theory,which rather negates any benefits that accrued.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    He did a few things,built some roads,schools and hospitals, put the young men into the hitler youth so that they could learn to fight, the women were told to have children,but it was all done to get votes, to make them believe that he was their saviour,instead he led them into the most destructive war that the world had ever seen, and when he knew that he had lost, and russian troops were bearing down on him, he committed suicide and left his people to their fate.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    He had German engineers develop a people transporter and the VW Bug was developed. Volks Wagon meant People Hauler and was my BFF in college in the 60's.

  • 6 years ago

    As a German-Austrian to me none really in the long-term, even if the prewar years (1933-39) were economically pretty successful.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Wow. What grade are you in? I think your teacher might get in some trouble if people hear about this, and rightly so.

    Hitler looted the rest of Europe. He murdered millions of people, stole their wealth and invested or distributed it in Germany. This was good for the German economy, but of course it was horrible for everybody else.

  • 6 years ago

    He introduced a form of socialism, when millions in Germany and Austria were starving. "Nationalsozialismus"

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