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Why are so many Protestants and Catholics rude?

I am a Latter-Day Saint. I was banned from a so-called Christian community forum online. What was the reason? People were criticizing the church, including a moderator, and I was merely correcting faulty information they were providing, not bashing. The moderator said they were allowed to talk in such manner about what I believe because The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints isn't a Christian Church in their eyes despite the fact that we are indeed Christians. However, he turned around and said I was not allowed to clarify anything people said.

I served a mission in Portland, Oregon and the rudest people weren't atheists, but other Christians. How can people be so discriminatory, yell profanities, and be very disrespectful to other Christian faiths and then turn around and say "I'm a real Christian"?


And don't bother posting anti-mormon stuff. I've heard it all and shot it all down. Thanks. The Holy Ghost has told me the Book of Mormon is true; therefore, you can't convince me to turn from the Savior and His church.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Although I am not a member of your religion, I agree with you 100%. Some of the people answering your question here, bash my religion as well. I am a Jehovah's Witness.

    Your religion is every bit as valid as theirs and I have met many nice Mormons. If you and I were to meet, I would discuss my beliefs with you but never bash or be forceful. What draws people to others, is their kindness, not their pushy attitudes.

    Even if they don't consider you a Christian, they know you consider yourself one. So they shouldn't even say anything about that. They would be better off getting on a common ground and going from there.

    When they act so fault finding and critical like what you have described, they are not acting godly. Regardless of what religion they claim to be, they are not themselves Christian. Because they aren't being loving.

  • 6 years ago

    Look at the last line in your post. You essentially said the same thing, You say the holy ghost has told you the book of Mormon is true, so you are saying "I am the true Christian."

    All Christians think their particular flavor of Christianity is the correct, god-sanctioned one. Want to really get bashed? Become a Roman Catholic and have everyone on your back for being a pagan and worshiping false doctrine.

    The problem with Christianity (all religion) everyone thinks their particular flavor is the right, true, and only one. And, evidently, that includes you.

  • Hannah
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I'm sorry to hear that people were so rude to you. I'm not Mormon myself but I actually am friends with a lot of them. I must say that I find you guys WAY nicer than any other Christians! I never hear of Mormons judging people or telling people they're going to hell. From what I have seen, you guys actually take your religion seriously and practice what you preach, and I respect you for that. I think most of these people who are rude and who bash Mormons and other faiths are just those types of "Christians" who show up at church every Sunday just so they can be part of a social club and put on a show for everybody.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Why do you care? What is this, one more opportunity for you to go out there and proclaim to everyone that LDS are the only real christians? Your church was started by a man who walked up to teenage girls and told them if they didn't marry him that he would be killed by an angel of God. He manipulated teenagers into marrying him. He even manipulated women who were already married into marrying him. There's not a single ounce of evidence listed for Nephites or Lamanites, your church's claims are refuted by every single egyptologist and mesoamerican expert on this planet. Your prophet is said to put a rock in his hat and out popped the Book of Mormon translation. Get over yourself, your church is worthy of criticism for what you're trying to peddle to people, just repeat your ridiculous testimony and move on, because your attempts to shoot down any of those critical arguments against Joseph Smith or your church are absolutely laughable.

    Guess who else the Holy Ghost tells them that their denomination is the truth? EVERYONE. Yep, including those FLDS and RLDS mormons you conveniently forget about.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I used to live in Portland, and they have those Bible colleges on... Glisan? On the east side. And yes, those so-called Christians are the rudest and most arrogant people I have ever met. They have little tolerance for those that don't see things their way, and Mormon Bashing 101 is one of their most popular classes.

    Don't let it get to you. Move on and leave them behind.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Tolerance doesn't seem to be a two-way street from their bigoted perspective. True Christians care about each other and the treatment you have received is witness against them that they are not Christians because they demonstrate no love for their neighbors.

    By this shall men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one toward another.

    Source(s): My LDS opinion
  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Perhaps it has something to do with your religion's founder saying, and I quote, "all other churches are an abomination".

    Edit concerning the remarks:

    Joseph Smith said . . .

    (Regarding Joseph Smith's alleged first vision where celestial personages appeared to him) . . . "My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right — and which I should join. I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong, and the personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in His sight: that those professors were all corrupt . . ." (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 1, p. 5-6).

    One could say "The Lord" said this-if they, if fact, believe so, or in God himself for that matter. However Joseph is KNOWN to have said it-even if it was just repeated from what he heard. That is his direct quote as "mouth of God". To say Joseph did not at least quote what he thought was god and therefor claim he did not say it is just LDS diversion tactics and is not a logically sound statement. In fact, Joseph Smith is the ONLY one known to have said this-we don't even know if any god actually spoke to him.

    If you really believe God, and not Joseph said this, then why not continue to be blunt and tell it to people? You can revise Mormonism but you can't revise God.

  • 6 years ago

    I think that they would give you more respect if you did not erroneously call yourself a Christian. They would see this as you trying to be deceptive and that would not be appreciated. Perhaps you do not know what constitutes a Christian. A Christian is one that believes that Jesus is God and the 2nd person in the Trinity of the one God. This is a fundamental Christian belief that Mormons cannot honestly profess. Mormons ae instead a henotheistic religion that believes in innumerable gods and even that they will become a god themselves if they are faithful as a Mormon and someday be worshipped. Christians have no such aspirations or expectations. We desire to only serve the one God of Christianity.

    So my suggestion to you is to just be honest about what you believe and do not try to deceive people by calling yourself a Christian.

    Surely the Holy Spirit has not told you or anyone else that the BOM is true. The Spaulding manuscript that it is plagiarized from by Sydney Rigdon was then and is now a work of absolute fiction. Your confidence in the BOM comes from another source which is the Father of lies, Satan. Joseph Smith was a lifelong con-man and a heretic that created the false religion of Mormonism to enrich himself and satisfy his desire of polygamy with other mens wives. Joseph Smith was a very evil and deceitful person.

    God bless!

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

  • 6 years ago

    fundamentalist mentality

    most Catholics I know are polite to LDS folk

    I've been banned from fora/forums attacking Catholicism simply for questioning the lack of facts and biases sources

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Some of the rudest people I have come across are Mormons

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