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why does god like no sex is it a purity thing?


im talking about virgins and stuff and people who aren't married

11 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, I think the problem is sex is very primal.

    And there is a potential for it to be used in a way where other people are treated as commodities.

    Some Churches are strict about only allowing sex within marriage, I believe for that reason.

    I don't take that strict a view of it myself, but if you look at the world today, you can easily see how sexuality can be misused, and people's dignity not be respected in it.

    To me, it's mostly cautionary.

  • 6 years ago

    God made us and he understands our sexuality. Like everything in life abusing other’s feelings by fulfilling our own wants isn’t cool with God. In times predating birth control people having relations outside of marriage could get infections, cause unwanted pregnancies that would often end in a woman’s death during childbirth or the woman would be shunned by their communities.

    Now with modern medicine and birth control women can explore their own sexuality without ending their lives.

    The purity movement is about repressing female sexuality in a male dominated community and a trait of fundamentalism. Most religious fundamentalists in most religions have some sort of version of that. Or perhaps it’s part of a counter-modernistist identity that is rooted in a past or golden age.

    Whatever it is that is going on it’s creepy. Girls and women are not part of a man’s property. It’s not part of being a Christian.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    God said 'be fruitful and multiply' .. nowhere does it say no sex .. its just that the model God set forth is for a man and a woman to bond for life, not run around doing anything that walks upright ..

  • 6 years ago

    Hes kinda schizophrenic. He made us with sex organs and knew how much we'd love using them, created lust so we'd procreate then forbade it, and will condemn all but a very small percentage of his crowning creations to a fiery eternal afterlife.

    Love the Lord thy God!

    Or else!

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    No, the early church authorities realized there was no more profound intimate, and complete way to control a person than to dictate their sex life. It uses guilt over a natural and irrepressible human impulse to control people and shame them into silence and conformity, and increase the numbers of the congregation to increase followers and tithes.

  • 6 years ago

    God made sex as a bonus for married people.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Because church leaders aren't god.

    Praise be to Dawkins.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I guess it's because he couldn't get any. The Mary thing was artificial insemination.

  • 6 years ago

    Only for women. The bible prescribes the death penalty for any woman found not to be a virgin on her wedding day. The bible has no such penalty for men on their wedding day.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    God is okay with sex (he created it you idiot) it's your wife that hates sex (with you anyway).

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