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Linda R asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 years ago

Did anyone see what Obama's newest executive order is?

It seems he totally believes he can get rid of every Congress member. He stated he has not been able to work with Congress at all and doesn't need them.

It's obvious this DELUSIONAL president does NOT know the law.

14 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    The White House

    Office of the Press Secretary

    For Immediate Release July 01, 2016

    Executive Order -- United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force

    WTF does this have to do with getting rid of congress?

  • 6 years ago

    Obama's newest executive order is this one:

    Establishing a new committee within the executive branch is clearly within his authority.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    back to bush,a year since you asked this question,,the last 2 midterms results,a thousand of your responders' pals were fetched to pack suitcases & go home,such democrat party losses not seen since the 30s.

    contrary to the incessant drumbeat of Y!A demmycrat regulars, obama has the worst record since the '36 dustbowl on the west & middle west demmycrat flyover country,they have ZEEEROOO idea of what occurs outside the washington/ virginia/ 'guvermint' /pbs/gwenn eiffel axis,,none.

    94,000,000 people dropped out of the job seeking workforce,off govt radar,and uncounted in obama 4% unemployment bragging by his media lapdogs.,,obama's exec order numbers get cooked & skewed like the figures on border apprehensions,,ICE orders are to 'catch' border jumpers,put them on buses,and release them a short distance away from where they got picked up,the figures on border guard activities' accounting sheets*<----GO 78s,,or some figure like that at the bottom & top of every government formy used by the 5,,000,000 gumshoe ,workforce,these 'official ' book cookers provide the media boys above with 'obama has issued fewer exec orders than any,',''''''''''' since Truman' or some such US prez.,the nature of those orders is what is infuriating,thousands of convicted felons ordered sprung by obama & co,and states compelled to let them register to vote, jihad,,obama & his vast army of college teachers media bee eff effs wish all to be force fed accepting millions of refugees from areas torn up by plundering murderous criminal,, felonoius,kid raping, pillaging, village burning jihadi.

    US has 2,000,000 muslims,and obama the MIC pull out the stops to get another sack of millions in our midst.,,,,,democrats,if we get trumper into the oval office swivel char,will make the whole party sqwall,holler piss moan,groan riot,pillage & plunder,,payback is on the way kiddies

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    His latest EO has something to do with global warming not doing away with congress. He has committed several crimes and violated the constitution many time while in office. Don't make false statements about the man. You make yourself sound just as dumb as Fox News, MSNBC, CNN etc.

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  • 6 years ago

    whats an executive order? i might be haunted by katrina price of kennebunk.

  • 6 years ago

    Uh, me and most people I know would also like to get rid of those leeches known as "congress members". That's not surprising.

  • 6 years ago

    I'm sorry but do you post things just to hear yourself talk?

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    He has done less Executive orders than Reagan and the Bushes. Of course he knows the law. Fox news doesn't.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You deserve to be shot in front of your family.

  • 6 years ago

    Do You REALLY Think that Someone who once TAUGHT Constitutional Law, at Harvard, Doesn't know what He can "Do"- under it ??! -Think Again. :)

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