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Will Jesus Christ judge the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?

I think that Jehovah's Witnesses is God's organization.  

But, Watch Tower Society lost in court. Many people might be disappointed with the corruption of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses recent. What do you think? What is God's will about it?

Jesus will soon come to inspect the organization of JW. Because, the Bible says: "For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God". (1Pe4:17).

In other words, judgment by Jesus will begin from the organization of JW.

Of course, it will occur before the destruction of Babylon the Great.


What do you think about this opinion? Will Jesus judge the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?


"And Jehovah went on to say to him: “Pass through ・・the midst of Jerusalem, and you must put a mark on the foreheads of the men that are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the midst of it.”"-Ez 9:4

"the midst of Jerusalem" is God's organization. In short, the Bible had prophesied that God's organization rotted.

But, Mal4:5 says:

"Look! I am sending to YOU people Elijah the prophet before the coming ・・ day of Jehovah."

Elijah will preach: "Repent!". Indeed, now is the situation that God's people should repent.

The order's as follows.

1. God's organization rots.

2. Faithful ones are "sighing and groaning".

3. Elijah is sent, and he preaches: "Repent!".

4. Jesus come to judge, after Elijah.

What do you think?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    YANGMAST, I encourage you to ponder on something.


    In your question you said:

    "Jesus will soon come to inspect the organization of JW. Because, the Bible says: "For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God". (1Pe4:17).

    In other words, judgment by Jesus will begin from the organization of JW."


    Based on repetitive statements from Watchtower literature about being God's sole earthly organization, you have adopted those claims as your own. Surely you must realize every Christian religion holds the same claim and devotion to the uniqueness of their church. The one thing they all have in common, INCLUDING YOUR CHURCH, is the lack of ability to prove it outside of creating an emotional response that leads to a psychological investment - hence, a sense of indisputable truth.

    Jesus came to earth and instituted what became the Christian religion - with all it's warts and freckles and disagreements and arguments.. Could the scripture you quote be referring to THAT instead of some isolated sect that tends to glorify itself over the body of the whole?

    Just consider it, please.

    And yes, Jesus will judge the Watchtower religion using the same measuring stick with which He will judge every other segment of Christianity.

  • 6 years ago

    We have been set free from many Christian Myths that other Religions still hold dear >>>

    Exposed: Six Myths About Christianity


    Myth 1: The Soul Is Immortal

    Myth 2: The Wicked Suffer in Hell

    Myth 3: All Good People Go to Heaven

    Myth 4: God Is a Trinity

    Myth 5: Mary Is the Mother of God

    Myth 6: God Approves of the Use of Images and Icons in Worship

    Attachment image
  • 6 years ago

    The Watchtower organisation knows the scripture in 2 Timothy 4:1-2 - "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing [manifestation, NWT] and his kingdom, I give you this charge; Preach the Word..."

    The living AND the dead will be judged by Jesus Christ, at His appearing. That leaves nobody out. Jesus has not yet appeared. But the organisation says He was invisibly 'manifested' in 1914 and in 1918 inspected the then organisation, finding them to be faithful spiritually, so Jesus apparently appointed the anointed leaders to be in charge of all His 'possessions' on Earth. They claim they alone, in all the Earth, were entitled to provide spiritual food to Christ's church (themselves). Now, there are big problems with such claims in regard to your question.

    1) JWs believe that the living who survive Christ's third 'manifestation' (according to their theology - his second 'manifestation' being in 1914) will not be judged. Their survival of Armageddon will entitle them to then have 1,000 years to work hard at earning everlasting life. They speak of a final 'test' at the end of 1,000 years, but they dismiss the biblical Day of Judgement, saying it's 1,000 years of happiness on Earth, a delightful time of growing to perfection.

    2) JW teaching is that not all the dead will be resurrected and judged. They say some who died before - such as at the Flood - will never be resurrected. Well, according to 2 Timothy 4:1, they will! Combine that with Revelation 20:11-15 for confirmation that ALL the dead will be given resurrection bodies so that they can stand before Jesus' throne of judgment.

    3) The organisation has now admitted it was wrong to make those claims about Jesus having judged them in 1918/19. New teaching is that this judgment is still future, and no JW can know yet whether they will be judged by Jesus to be a sheep or a goat. The leadership confidently insists it WILL be appointed as a faithful servant when Jesus is invisibly present in the future, but given the increasing mass of changed teaching they are now coming out with, what confidence can anyone have in them? Are they not preparing the ground for next admitting that their 1914 teaching was premature too? After all, they are slowly switching EVERY interpretation to a future fulfilment, during the coming great tribulation. All the scaffolding around the 1914 doctrine is coming down and there will be no recognisable 1914 doctrine left. But instead of JWs using sound judgment to weigh up their leaders' ever-changing teachings, and turning to trust in Christ alone, they just keep agreeing with every change, not daring to look at the big picture. They accept the drip-fed new ideas, month by month, as if they are too weak to look at the label on the bottle it's coming from - "Spiritual anaesthetic".

    4) JWs are not preaching the Word Christians are commanded to preach in the Bible. The Word is all about Jesus, who He is, what His death and resurrection achieved and why sinners must bend their knees in Jesus' name now, before the Day of Judgement. They are not going door to door preaching the gospel the apostles preached.

    That ends my analysis of 2 Timothy 4:1-2 with regard to the organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses. I conclude that yes, it will be judged by Jesus Christ and found wanting. Not only with regard to the corruption you hint at, but against all who would dare trust in a group of men heading up an organisation rather than to trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. It's time for JWs to chose who they will serve - the only One who died and arose for them, or a group of men who claim that you cannot do that without serving them. Judgement is coming.

    Source(s): Watchtower 15 March 2015 study articles combined with Questions From Readers on types and antitypes, and the latest reinterpretation of the parable of the five wise and the five foolish virgins.
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