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I'm ex-Jehovah's Witness in Japan. (Please forgive my imperfect English). I think that Jehovah's Witnesses are God's organization. But, Governing Body is falling into spiritual snooze. (Based on Nt25:5). So, Jesus Christ will soon come to inspect the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. See

  • Is Jehovah's Witness "the primary cause" of sexual abuse case?

    Does the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses cause sexual abuse cases? No.

    An incident occurred because both the perpetrator and the victim's parents did not strictly implement the organization's guidance. If they followed the guidance of the organization saying "it should not spend time with the opposite sex in a closed room", such case never would have happened.

    After the incident, the organization was consulted by the victim. However, due to insufficient evidence, the elders did not recognize the incident occurred. So they did not notify the police.


    Thus, Jehovah's Witnesses are not "the primary cause" of abuse case. It was the abuse case itself that was the "the primary cause" that caused the injury of victim's heart.

    However, in the trial, despite not verifying that "the primary cause", they are discussing existence or non-existence of "second rape". For that reason Jehovah's Witnesses are regarded as being the root of all evil.

    ★Rather, Shouldn't we first think about the reasons for the occurrence of the abuse cases themselves that is the "the primary cause"?

    Of course, perpetrators are guilty. This point has no room for discussion.

    Meanwhile, I think that parental supervisory responsibility should also be questioned. In fact, if the parents strictly adhere to the guidance of the organization, such incident would have not happened.

    ★So, who should be responsible for "the primary cause" that is abuse cases themselves?

    What do you think?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • Don't you think that the judgment of sexual abuse lawsuits against Jehovah's Witnesses is unfair?

    I am Japanese. Please forget imperfect English.


    I heard about sexual abuse lawsuits. I think that that ruling is too unfair.

    That reason is as follows.


    1. Elders' judgment is "estimated innocence" based on "insufficient evidence" and is the same as the standard of general courts.

    2. If parents of victim were loyal to the instructions from the organization, sexual abuse cases should have not occurred.

    3. The source of pollution of sexual abuse is not in Jehovah's Witness, but in the dark part of American society.


    For details, please see the link below. Because there was a limit on the number of characters, I summarized my opinion in this page.


    What do you think? I want to know your opinion.

    Approval opinion, dissent opinion, both are welcome.


    Please also refer to the question below.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • Did the sexual abuse incident occur because the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses was wrong?

    I am Japanese. Please forget incomplete English.

    I will ask questions about sexual abuse lawsuit against Jehovah's Witnesses.


    The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses instructs that do not to spend time with the opposite sex in a closed room or in a car. They also instruct to avoid unnecessary contact with the opposite sex even if the opponent is an elder.

    Of course, in case of sexual abuse, it is the perpetrators who are primarily responsible. However, if the parents of the victim were strictly executing the instructions of the organization, they should have been able to avoided the damage.

    Parents should bear more responsibility for supervising their children than anyone else.


    So, did the sexual abuse incident occur because the guidance of Jehovah's Witnesses was wrong?

    Or did it happen because parents were not strictly implementing the organization's guidance?

    What do you think about it?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • The view of Jehovah's Witnesses about 607 BCE. Is it correct?

    Carl Olof Jonsson has disproved at the following link.

    In short, he argues this: "the view of Jehovah's Witnesses is wrong. '70 years' of Jeremiah should be considered in association with the domination of Babylon".

    However, I have objection to this rebuttal article.


    First, please read (2Ch36:21) and (Da9:1-2).

    As described above, Ezra and Daniel were associated with the state of Jerusalem and "70 years". Therefore, when we consider "70 years" of Jeremiah, like they, we should have a major interest to the state of the Jerusalem which is the city of God.

    In this way, by Ezra and Daniel, the interpretation about "70 years" of Jeremiah has already been explicit. Therefore, by Carl Olof Jonsson has given the association between the rule of Babylon, there is no need to add new interpretation that is different the Bible authors.


    The main interest of Ezra and Daniel was about the temple in Jerusalem. So, "70 years" of Jeremiah began from "destruction the Jerusalem temple", and ended by "homecoming of the Jews ".

    In other words, this is a prophecy about the state of true worship about from "when the true worship has been cut off", to "when true worship is restored".

    What do you think?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Is there the community site of the advocates of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I am Japanese.

    Is there the community site of the advocates of the Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet?

    If it exists, please tell me .

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Do the scandals of Jehovah's Witnesses have a prophetic meaning?

    Hello. I'm ex-JW in Japan. I think that Jehovah's Witnesses is God's organization.

    Watch Tower Society lost in court. Many people might be disappointed with the corruption of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses recent.

    Many people may think that God's organization is always blameless. However, the record of the Bible is not so. And, I think that there is meaning that God organization rots. What do you think? (This is my question).


    For reference, I show my opinion in the following.


    I think that Matthew 25:5 is fulfilled in the current Governing Body.

    "While the bridegroom was delaying, they all became drowsy and fell asleep". (Mt 25:5).

    Please attention to "they all". In other words, even the discreet (true anointed remnants) virgins also fall into snooze.

    In fact, this is the fundamental reason of misconduct of the organization of JW. In other words, now, Governing Body is falling into spiritual snooze.

    But, they will soon wake up. At that time, the bridegroom Jesus Christ will come to inspect God's people.


    What do you think?

    Do the scandals of Jehovah's Witnesses have a prophetic meaning?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Are Jehovah's Witnesses true Christians?

    JW has refused to military service. Therefore, at the time of the Second World War, they did not bear the sin of blood.

    On the other hand, many Christians shed blood.

    Therefore, after the war, God was blessed JW. And they increased phenomenally.

    On the other hand, many churches were decline.

    I said the only fact. So, what is this mean?


    This is "the wheat" and "the tares". (Mt13:24-30, 36-43). Of course, JW is wheat. In other words, they are true Christians. The Second World War showed that difference clearly.

    Can you identify this difference?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Can Jehovah's Witnesses be said God's true organization?


    Jesus taught: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name". (Mt6:9).

    God's name should be holy. But, many churches has been hiding God's name. Is it God's will?

    No, Devil wants to eliminate God's name. Because, God's name is an eyesore for Devil.

    God announced God's name by the Old Testament. This is the will of God.

    However, without permission of God, they deleted God's name from the Bible. They ignore the policy of God, and give priority to their own policy.

    So, what is their policy? Yes, it is the will of Devil.


    But, In fact, many churches did not hid God's name. To be precise, God prohibited that they use God's holy name. (See Es1:19. 1:16-20).

    Ancient Israelites normally have used God's name. In fact, God's name of 7000 times are written in the Old Testament. God's true people have been praying to God by using God's name. And, God also had answered them. This is God's true people.

    If you are general Christian, you are prohibited from using God's holy name. Have you ever thought about God's name in such a point of view?


    On the other hand, Jehovah's Witnesses has set the God's name to the front. Without permission of God, are they doing so? Or, did God permit to them?

    For example, usually, people write the name in their possessions. So, God also should subject his name to his organization.

    Today, Jehovah's Witnesses who is called by God's name, aren't they God's true organization?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • (2) Will ”economic aggression by China” happen?

    I think that Genesis 14 is a prophetic story. (Ga4:24).

    The other day, I said as follows.


    "4 kings" show BRIC s. (Brazil, Russia, India, China).

    And, "5 kings" show US, UK, EU, and Japan.

    It is "economic aggression" by China. So, it will be deployed to the global scale.


    In fact, China capital is doing the buyout in other countries. So, it might be said that this story has already been fulfilled.

    However, in the story, "decisive event" has occurred. 4 kings completely won to the Sodom and Gomorrah.

    "At this point, the king of Sodom went on the march, and also the king of Gomorrah … and they drew up in battle formation against them in the Valley of Siddim, against Chedorlaomer king of Elam … —four kings against the five. … the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah tried to escape and fell into them, and those who remained fled to the mountainous region. Then the victors took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food and went on their way". -Ge14:8-11.


    My interpretation is as follows.

    Winner: Chedorlaomer = China (the king of the north)

    Loser: Sodom and Gomorrah = America (the king of the south)

    In other words, China will economically "decisive win" against the US.

    Specifically, by the erosion of China capital, the United States economy may be overturned.


    So, I ask.

    If China capital will overturn the American economy, what do you predict about the future deployment?

    7 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • ¿(Biblia) "La agresión económica por parte de China" va a suceder. Qué piensas?

    Soy japonés. Por favor, perdóname por mi imperfecto español.


    Las historias de la Biblia tienen un significado profético. (Galatea4:24).

    Con base en lo anterior, pensé Génesis capítulo 14.

    En la época de Abraham, 4 reyes del norte lucharon con 5 reyes del sur. En ese momento, Lot fue secuestrado. Sin embargo, Abraham lo rescató con 318 esclavos. Y, sacerdote Melquisedec bendijo a Abraham.


    Las historias de la Biblia tienen un significado profético!!

    Bueno, vamos a aclarar el cumplimiento de los personajes de esta historia. Yo interpreté esto como sigue.

    "4 reyes del norte" muestran los aliados de el rey del norte ".

    Son BRIC. (Brasil, Rusia, India, China).

    Y, "5 reyes de los del sur" mostrar aliados del el del rey del sur .

    Son los Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, UE y Japón.


    Los desarrollos futuros que se esperan son los siguientes.

    En primer lugar, esto no es una guerra a gran escala con el rey del norte y el rey del sur. Creo que se trata de "agresión económica" por parte de China.

    "4 reyes de los northen" naciones derrotadas del lado este del Jordán. Así, la agresión económica por parte de China se implementará en la escala global. Por último, incluso el EE.UU. (= Sodoma y Gomorra) sufriría una derrota aplastante.

    La historia continúa・・・・.


    Por lo tanto, "la agresión económica por parte de China" va a suceder.

    Qué piensas?

    7 AnswersReligión y espiritualidad6 years ago
  • "Agressão econômica pela China", Será que isto vai acontecer?

    Eu sou japonês. Por favor, perdoe para o imperfeito Português.


    As histórias da Bíblia tem um significado profético. (Galatea4:24).

    Com base no exposto, pensei em Gênesis capítulo 14.

    Na época de Abraão, quatro reis do norte lutou com cinco reis do sul. Naquela época, Lot foi sequestrado. No entanto, Abraão resgatou ele com 318 escravos. E, sacerdote Melquisedeque abençoou Abraão.


    As histórias da Bíblia tem um significado profético!

    Bem, vou esclarecer o cumprimento de personagens nesta história.

    Os "quatro reis do norte" mostrar os aliados de "o rei do norte ".

    Eles são do BRIC. (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China).

    E, "cinco reis dos sul" mostrar aliados do "o rei do sul".

    Eles são dos Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, União Européia e Japão.


    Os desenvolvimentos futuros que são esperados são os seguintes.

    Em primeiro lugar, isso não é uma guerra em grande escala com o rei do norte e do rei do sul. Eu acho que este é "agressão econômica" pela China.

    "Quatro reis dos Northen" nações derrotadas do lado leste do rio Jordão. Então, agressão econômica pela China será implantado para a escala global. Por fim, mesmo os EUA (= Sodoma e Gomorra) sofreria uma derrota esmagadora.

    Be Continued · ·


    Bem, "agressão econômica pela China", Será que isto vai acontecer?

    O que você acha?

    2 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade6 years ago
  • Wird "Wirtschaftsaggression durch China" geschehen?

    Ich bin Japaner. Bitte verzeihen Sie meine unvollkommene Deutsch.


    Die Bibel Geschichten haben eine prophetische Bedeutung. (Galatea4:24).

    Basierend auf den oben, dachte ich über Genesis Kapitel 14.

    Zu der Zeit Abrahams, 4 Könige des nördlichen mit 5 Könige der südlichen gekämpft. Damals Lot wurde entführt. Allerdings rettete Abraham ihn mit 318 Sklaven. Und Priester Melchisedek segnete Abraham.


    Die Bibel Geschichten haben eine prophetische Bedeutung!

    Nun, lassen Sie klären die Erfüllung der Figuren in dieser Geschichte. Ich interpretierte dies wie folgt.

    Die "4 Könige des nördlichen" zeigen die Verbündeten des "der König des Nordens".

    Sie sind BRIC s (Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China).

    Und "5 Könige der südlichen" Show Verbündeten des "der Königs des Süden".

    Sie sind USA, Großbritannien, der EU und Japan.


    Zukünftige Entwicklungen, die zu erwarten sind, sind wie folgt.

    Zum einen ist dies keine umfassenden Krieg mit dem König des Nordens und den König des Südens. Ich denke, es ist die "wirtschaftliche Aggression" von China.

    "4 Könige der nördlichen" besiegten Nationen der Ostseite des Jordan. So die wirtschaftliche Aggression durch China würde auftreten im globalen Maßstab. Schließlich würde auch die USA (= Sodom und Gomorra) eine vernichtende Niederlage erleiden.

    Die Geschichte geht weiter・・・.


    So, wird "Wirtschaftsaggression durch China" geschehen?

    Was denkst du?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spiritualität6 years ago
  • Va se ”Agression économique par la Chine" passer?

    Je suis japonais. Se il vous plaît pardonner l'imparfait français.


    Les histoires de la Bible ont une signification prophétique. (Ga4:24)

    Basé sur le susdit, j'ai pensé Chapitre 14 de Genèse.

    À l'époque d'Abraham, quatre rois du nord des combattu avec cinq rois du sud. A cette époque, Abraham sauvé Lot. Et, prêtre Melchisédek bénit Abraham.


    Les histoires de la Bible ont une signification prophétique!

    Je ai pensé à l'accomplissement des personnages dans cette histoire. Je ai interprété cela comme suit.

    Les "quatre rois du nord des" montrent les alliés de "les roi du Nord".

    Ils sont BRIC's. (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine).

    Et, "cinq rois des sud" show alliés de "les roi du le sud".

    Ils sont États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, l'Union européenne et le Japon.


    Les développements futurs qui sont attendus sont comme suit.

    Tout d'abord, ce ne est pas une guerre à grande échelle avec le roi du nord et le roi du sud. Je pense que ce est une "agression économique" par la Chine.

    "quatre rois du nord des" vaincus nations du côté est de la Jordanie. Donc, l'agression économique de la Chine sera déployée à l'échelle mondiale. Enfin, même les États-Unis (= Sodome et Gomorrhe) subirait une défaite écrasante.

    Be Continued · · · ·


    Eh bien, volonté "agression économique de la Chine" se produire?

    Que pensez-vous?

    5 AnswersReligions et spiritualité6 years ago
  • Isn't Governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses falling into spiritual snooze?

    Jesus said: "While the bridegroom was delaying, they all became drowsy and fell asleep". (Mt 25:5).

    Please attention to "they all". In other words, even the discreet (= true anointed remnants) virgins also fall into snooze.


    So I ask to brothers and sisters of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    (1) Is Governing Body true anointed remnants?

    (2) If so, isn't Governing body falling into spiritual snooze?


    Governing body who is watchman is dozing. Therefore, devils are invading in the congregation. In fact, this is the fundamental reason of misconduct of the organization of JW.

    However, this is the purpose of Jehovah God. This situation will be soon improved. Governing body will wake up soon. But, how?

    Do you think that point?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Will Jesus Christ judge the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I think that Jehovah's Witnesses is God's organization.  

    But, Watch Tower Society lost in court. Many people might be disappointed with the corruption of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses recent. What do you think? What is God's will about it?

    Jesus will soon come to inspect the organization of JW. Because, the Bible says: "For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God". (1Pe4:17).

    In other words, judgment by Jesus will begin from the organization of JW.

    Of course, it will occur before the destruction of Babylon the Great.


    What do you think about this opinion? Will Jesus judge the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?


    "And Jehovah went on to say to him: “Pass through ・・the midst of Jerusalem, and you must put a mark on the foreheads of the men that are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the midst of it.”"-Ez 9:4

    "the midst of Jerusalem" is God's organization. In short, the Bible had prophesied that God's organization rotted.

    But, Mal4:5 says:

    "Look! I am sending to YOU people Elijah the prophet before the coming ・・ day of Jehovah."

    Elijah will preach: "Repent!". Indeed, now is the situation that God's people should repent.

    The order's as follows.

    1. God's organization rots.

    2. Faithful ones are "sighing and groaning".

    3. Elijah is sent, and he preaches: "Repent!".

    4. Jesus come to judge, after Elijah.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is the blog sites that many Jehovah's Witnesses are using?

    I'm Japanese.

    Please tell me about the blog site in the United States.

    What is the blog sites that many JW or ex-JW are using?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Will ”economic aggression by China” happen?

    The Bible stories have a prophetic meaning. (Ga4:24)

    Based on the above, I thought about Genesis Chapter 14.

    At the time of Abraham, 4 kings of the northern fought with 5 kings of the southern. At that time, Lot was abducted. However, Abraham rescued him with 318 slaves. And, priest Melchizedek blessed Abraham.


    The Bible stories have a prophetic meaning!

    Well, let's clarify the fulfillment of the characters in this story. I interpreted this as follows.

    The "4 kings of the northern" show the allies of 'the king of the north'.

    They are BRIC's. (Brazil, Russia, India, China).

    And, "5 kings of the southern" show allies of 'the south of the king'.

    They are US, UK, EU, and Japan.


    Future developments that are expected are as follows.

    First, this is not a full-scale war with the king of the north and the king of the south. I think that it is "economic aggression" by China.

    "4 kings of the northen" defeated nations of the east side of the Jordan. So, economic aggression by China will be deployed to the global scale. Finally, even the USA (=Sodom and Gomorrah) would suffer a crushing defeat.

    Be Continued・・・・


    Well, will ”economic aggression by China” happen?

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago