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Why do Muslims run away from countries with Sharia law to the West and then try to implement that very same law they ran from?

10 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cognitive dissonance in extremis maximus is my diagnosis


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    Source(s): The Collector
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    A long time ago when the Ottoman Empire collapsed, the Western countries who colonized the Muslim countries tried to do that, now some Muslims are doing what the West did. It is wrong for the Muslims - or anyone to try to implement your own law into a country that is not yours. But it is only a tiny minority of people who do. Many Jewish people want to change the laws slightly into Jewish laws so, it's wrong for you to point the finger at Muslims. Anyways, you need to calm down and forget about it, it's never going to happen so why do you care so much?

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Because NO modern Muslim Country after the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1923 have truly implemented Sharia, in fact the Western country Implement the Sharia more so then the Muslims themselves!

    In the Islamic index published by prof. Hossein Saudi Arabia was ranked at number 93 with Ireland ranking at number 1, the penal code system of Sharia is but 1% of what Sharia actually is, there is a distinct difference between implementing the Sharia and implementing the Penal code. Unfortunately the Saudi regime only focuses on this 1% hence no wonder why the Birth place of Islam scored so low.

    'Hossein Askari, a Professor of International Business and International Affairs at George Washington University in the US was one of the two authors of the Islamicity index along with Scheherazade S. Rehman, told the BBC that the paper tracked how countries applied the lessons of the Qu’aran to societal life.

    “We looked at whether or not the countries did what they were supposed to do.

    “We looked at governance, political and human rights and international relations.”'

    'Regarding the Economic Islamicity Index, they've used 12 broad areas with further sub-categories - don't want to copy the whole lot here, it's all on pages 25-31 in that first document, but the 12 broad areas are:

    (1) Equal economic opportunities for all members of society & economic


    (2) Economic equity,

    (3) Personal property rights and sanctity of contracts,

    (4) Job creation for all that can and want to work & equal availability of


    (5) Equal availability of education,

    (6) Poverty prevention and reduction; basic need fulfillment of food, shelter,

    clothing and rest; and alms giving to charity,

    (7) Taxation to meet the unfulfilled needs of society & to address social issues generally,

    (8) Appropriate management of natural and depletable resources to benefit all members of current and future generations,

    (9) Abolition of corrupt practices,

    (10) Establishment of a supportive financial system,

    (11) Financial practices that includes the abolition of interest, and

    (12) The effectiveness of the state in achieving the above (general economic


    The Overall Islamicity Index Rank incorporates the Economic Islamicity index above, as well as three other indexes:

    Legal and Governance Islamicity Index

    Human and Political Rights Islamicity Index

    International Relations Islamicity Index

    With further subcategories in each of them.

    On the whole, there's a lot there, but there's a lot left out as well. From a strictly economic point of view, the Economic Islamicity Index does make some sense. The "Overall Islamicity Index" on the other hand is certainly something that would need to incorporate many other issues such as alcohol and drugs availability/laws, gambling, Halal procedures/availability, availability of Mosques, laws on things like fornication/adultery, abortion, etc. etc. so I think the authors have done a bit of picking and choosing with that.

    Nonetheless, it's a useful study to look at from a point of view of what Islam teaches aside from the same select few topics that come up again and again, and the fact that the majority of Islamic countries fall well short on the issues that were looked at, the least that it shows is that Muslim-predominant and Islamic are far from synonymous (today at least)'

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Salam.They run away from their Muslim countries have different reason such as (1)seeking for a better education (2)seeking for more lenient law and regulation (3)seeking for better experience (4)seeking for better job and (4)developing da'wah in non Muslim countries Sharia law must be applied where ever they live because it is mandatory

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Many muslims don't either support Islamic Law or sharia law.

  • 6 years ago

    There is not a single country where sharia law was imposed and was not invaded by NATO alliance led by USA!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    I didn't run away xD....but my country doesnt have sharia lw

  • Boab
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    You could ask the same about the mafia,...threats and brainwashing children.

  • 6 years ago

    Ha. You think they are running away.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    because muslims are retarded

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