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ag318pun asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 years ago

How many more people need to be killed before ISIS is satisfied?

135 today

24 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "How many more people need to be killed before ISIS is satisfied? "

    All of them who do not become Salafis. So probably about 6.9 billion or so, assuming no conversions.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Everyone who isn't stupid or in denial on this site clearly knows they want world domination are are prepared to kill millions in order to get it! These fanatics have this barbaric glorious vision of a caliphate with the same size and scope of the USSR at a minimum. If they are not destroyed now they will be able to kill more and more people and maybe even knocking out Damascus and Baghdad!

  • 6 years ago

    ISIS believes in a religious ideology that any religion different from their own is to be eradicated. That means most of the world. I pray our allies converge and define a solution. Until then there is no telling how many will die.

  • 6 years ago

    How many more until the developed world unleashes total war on them? Unfortunately, I don't think the developed world counts the number of Arabs they kill - and it will take a lot more Europeans and Americans killed before Our Dear Leaders do the necessary as well as the right thing and, not to put too fine a point on it, annihilate the jihadists.

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    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Without a manufactured excuse for killing,ISIS would have no reason to exist,,killing is what ISIS DOES.

    In pursuit of an Islamic " paradise",on Earth,,the Kaliphate.

    Islam is not only our main enemy,but also the enemy of any moslims who dare to Think.

  • 6 years ago

    They will never be satisfied. They are not simple religious fanatics. Most religious fanatics have no desire to kill anybody. DAESH [ISIL] is lead by people who love to kill and cause suffering. I do not assume all DAESH members feel this way, but this is demanded of them. Some DAESH members have been known to quit rather than take part in rapes and murders; but this takes some courage and is dangerous to do.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There isn't an upper limit because they aren't counting bodies

    Their goal is to enforce their brand of Islam

    Whether that's just a particular region or the whole world remains to be seen

  • 6 years ago

    Numbers are immaterial to IS/ISIL whose limited ability to establish The Caliphate by

    conventional warfare is backed by terrorist tactics.

    Videos of gruesome butchery/beheadings of hostages/prisoners - designed to cower locals

    and demoralise opposing forces - is a calculated strategy they have NO compunction (or

    compassion) - in using in their MANIC mission to fulfil the 'Will of Allah'.

    Suicidal jihadists believe their self-sacrifice is a ticket to Paradise - and FELLOW Muslims

    who perish in the slaughter will also gain automatic entry. That's the truly insidious aspect

    of Islamic extremism. Bin Laden vowed to destroy western values/power economically and

    the murder of tourists in Tunisia is a sign of things to come. Just as the country is stabilising

    - and rebuilding its vital tourist industry - IS claims 'credit' for such a further atrocity.

    For which we must be prepared for many, many more. With the guarantee that defeat of IS in

    Iraq will trigger similar outrages in London, Paris (again) Amsterdam, NYC etc etc etc.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    These people are brought up to believe this way...their families and communities have taught them what they believe in - the Govts around the world of people involved in this crime ring, need to look closely at the families and communities from where these people originate from as they will be the teachers of this mind set.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    all Non Muslims and Muslims that dont Think like ISIS

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