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What benefit do Jehovah's Witnesses think comes with joining them?


If I will be resurrected at the Millennium on Earth, and be able to choose to become JW then, and spend 1000 years learning to do that properly before Satan tests us, what benefit would there be to spending a few years as a JW now, before I'm assured it's true at the Millennium?

I feel like this makes less sense than it did back when you taught that most JWs went to Heaven to manage the Great Crowd of everyone else on Earth.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh where do I begin?!

    For me personally, the benefits far out way the negatives.

    Having at my fingertips the most amazing information on LIFE! When I hear and see ones floundering within their families with their children and teens and all the books available that do not even begin to touch on the real issues and our society, through Jesus, gives us the most mind blowing common sense reasoning.

    Our wonderful broadcasting program where I hear of outstanding acts of faith and endurance and love.

    How despite the dreadful ebola that is rife in Africa, how health professionals went to halls to educate our spiritual family and came away and said that HE had learned from us and that nothing he said, touched on what they taught him. How brothers and sisters regularly washed their hands when out preaching.

    11 witnesses died; I believe 9 to be health workers and their non believing relatives.

    The biggest benefit of all is knowing that we are bringing praise to Jehovah, which oh my how He deserves our praise!

    And lastly, the hope of perfection to come. It helps me when life becomes too overwhelming for me and then I say: this is not the real life and find courage to continue!

  • Old-un
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    There is no higher position and no greater blessing than being a dedicated worshipper and servant of the one and only true God Jehovah; to be taught how to live upright lives by him (Isaiah 48:17-19), to be called his witnesses (Isaiah 43:10), to be used by him under the command of his Son to preach the good news (Mt 28:18-20) in fulfillment of Mt 24:14, to be able to give Jehovah our God praise every day and make his heart rejoice by doing out utmost to obey him, to help right hearted ones learn about Jehovah, to have the love and care he gives, the aid of his spirit and know that shortly Isaiah 65:17-25 and Revelation 21:1-5 will shortly be a reallity and we may with God's help be among those blessed with living under his Kingdom rule forever. There's too many blessing to list on here but be assured the blessings we receive are far greater than any problems we could or do encounter. My wife and I became Jehovah's Witnesses decades ago and can say Jehovah has always cared for us, he gave his Son for humankind (John 3:16) so all can turn to Jehovah in pure worship, exercise faith in that ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ and have the possibility of everlasting life on a restored paradise earth. Have a free Bible study with us and learn about our wonderful God Jehovah and how you too can enjoy the many blessings that come from serving him and worshipping him as one of his Witnesses, just ask us when we call or via

  • Steph
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    There is no benefit. Only suffering, in the end.

    I saw this on another answer. "Jehovah's Witnesses believe that those who do not know Jesus and his God Jehovah may be resurrected during Jesus' 1000 year reign to learn about God in order that they will come to love him for who he is."

    That's the thing, that's why you have to be one of them *now*. Because if you've heard of them or know about them, or had the opportunity and rejected're not one of these that gets another chance and is resurrected to try again. To them, if you reject them in this life, that's it. What they teach is that everyone who has not had that chance or really heard that message will be resurrected and get another chance. If you have and turned away from it, too bad for you.

    A couple of problems with this. Salvation and the promise of a resurrection come through Jesus alone. Not by being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. No benefit there, it won't gain you a thing. Second problem...second chances are not biblical. "Man is appointed once to die and then comes judgment." Heb. 9:27. There is no second chance to be resurrected to be a JW. When you die, you die. Then comes the resurrection for all - either the resurrection of the righteous or the unrighteous. Whether or not you were a JW won't make a difference. 1 Thess. 4:16 says, "...and the dead in Christ will rise first..." Not the "dead in Jehovah's Witnesses". This is the first resurrection of the righteous to life. Blessed are all who have part in this resurrection. The rest of the dead are not resurrected until after the 1,000 years and this is the second resurrection of the unrighteous to judgment.

    Bottom line... a religion that tells you that it is essential to be part of their organization or else you have no salvation, etc. is a liar. That religion is trying to be the Savior, but there is only one Savior, Christ Jesus. Salvation is not one tiny bit about belonging to a particular religion. It's all about belonging to Christ. So spiritually speaking, there is no benefit at all in joining them, now or ever.


    I was looking on their website for some information about this and I found something sort of interesting. Basically, it's their instruction on dealing with someone who opposes or rejects their version of "the truth".

    A ridiculer builds up resentment and hatred for the one trying to help make his path straight. A wicked person lacks appreciation for the value of reproof. How unwise to try to teach the beautiful truth of God’s Word to someone who hates the truth or is simply seeking to ridicule it! When the apostle Paul was preaching in Antioch, he encountered a group of Jews who had no love for the truth. They tried to embroil him in an argument by blasphemously contradicting him, but Paul simply stated: “Since you are thrusting [the word of God] away from you and do not judge yourselves worthy of everlasting life, look! we turn to the nations.”—Acts 13:45, 46.

    In our endeavor to reach honesthearted ones with the Kingdom good news, may we be careful not to get involved in debates and arguments with ridiculers. Christ Jesus instructed his disciples: “When you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you. Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet.” May 2001 Watchtower

    Jesus Christ instructed his disciples that when anyone failed to receive them or listen to their words, they were to shake or wipe the dust off their feet upon leaving that house or that city. This practice served “for a witness against them,” implying that Jesus’ followers were peacefully departing and leaving that house or that city to the consequences that would come from God.—Mt 10:11-15; Lu 9:5; 10:10-12; Ac 13:50, 51. Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 1

  • 6 years ago

    They believe their religion is 'Jehovah's Organization'. That much I know.

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  • 6 years ago

    If you are good you will get a bike.

    They don't even believe God can heal.

    Kind of a cult more than a religion.

  • 6 years ago

    Not having to pay for your salvation or not having talks about money in the collection plate every week .being part of a world wide organization that help each others having a through knowledge of the bible and in turn a close relationship with God and helping fullifill Jesus commission Matt 28:19 to go preach and make disciples

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Another of Pascals wager. Well god says there will be no more death, he is just saying for a short period of time there will be no death. That is, before he begins yet another mass genocide. I have a dead grandmother and a dead nephew due to the witness cult, AND my fathers lust for little girls is well hidden in their ranks

    exWitness Atheist

  • 6 years ago

    my understanding is that Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the 144,000- even though there is more of them than that.

  • 6 years ago

    The benefit of shunning people and their family members, who do not convert to JW.

    The benefit of dying for having rejected blood as transfusion.

    The benefit of being mentally programed and repeat everything as being told.

  • 6 years ago

    Free cups of coffee.

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