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Lv 7
Andy asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 6 years ago

I'm worried that hunting has made me insensitive. Is that possible?

Earlier I answered a question posted by a gay,liberal,one-armed person. It wasn't two minutes till I got a violation notice from Yahoo. I guess my answer hurt it's feeling(much as I suppose this question will). So my question is this. Has the fact that I hunt made me insensitive, or is it just that as I come closer to my sixtieth birthday I have less tolerance to gay trolls and idiots? Answer quickly please as i'm sure i'll be hearing from the Yahoo folks again soon lol.


The responses have been interesting. Anyone that knows me knows that i'm in no way politically correct. If I have something to say, I say it. I especially don't give a damn about the opinion of a gay little freak from Los Angeles. I know I probably shouldn't have posted it in hunting but I thought the best answers would be found there. After getting reported by the freak I just wanted to have a bit of fun. Thanks to all of you that answered,even you Dave.

19 Answers

  • rick
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I am also 60 and not Politically correct and don't plan to be anytime soon. I don,t care about some girly liberals feelings and don't give two Sh!ts about what anyone thinks. It ain't hunting that makes me this way, It is what this country has become with all this PC crap and feelings Sh!T and that make everyone gets a trophy because the losers feelings may be hurt We hunters know right from wrong know what it neans to win or lose and know the differents between a tail and a split tail and call a spade a spade. I am Violated by some liberal cry baby troll all the time and its no big deal to me and I don't think it will keep me out of Heaven.

  • 6 years ago

    nope! i been hunting for 40+ yrs not insensitive. love animals, an children ( till they pick up the poor habits, lack of respect & morals thier parents are too lazy to correct). the world has become hyper-sensitive. we are not all created equal. an there is alot of the population in western society that are alive that shouldn't be, because of it. the youth of today will ask the same questions when they get older too ( what happen to this world). i aint changing i say it as i see it. an answer with my true opinions not what other want to here. an if they don't like it maybe they will be smart enough to think before askin me.

  • 6 years ago

    I cried last year when missed a big @ss buck. So I'm still sensitive & you can be 2! As far as the 1 legged libs, those whine @sses wont be happy till everybody tells them they are always right, & that the jeans they have on don't make them look fat!

  • Not at all. I've hunted most of my life and those who actually know me would describe me as a very caring person BUT I'm finding that over the years I've become less tolerant of F***ing idiots and trolls.

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  • 6 years ago

    If you see something like that, there are other avenues for dealing with it. One of the things I've found is that question categories are oftentimes... ambiguous.

    There are lots of either high-traffic, high-troll areas or low-traffic, don't-care areas that some of the questions can be moved to so that the hunting section doesn't get contaminated with that garbage.

    Politics section is a good place when it pertains, that way they can have trolls trolling trolls rather than trolls trolling people genuinely trying to help others.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes the act of taking an innocent life would certainly do that. Who gave you the right to decide who should live and die anyway, all the thousands of animals slaughtered daily aren't enough?

  • 6 years ago

    No, but I bet the one armed bandit has become even more sensitive now that he has recognized the algorithms under which he can report people for violations. This is known as "gaming the system" and it is a violation in and of itself.

    Guess we just need to start reporting the little pedophile until he crawls back under his rock again.

  • 6 years ago

    I think so.

    To be really honest.....I believe I have allowed my conservative patriotic lifestyle to turn me into an intolerable anti-liberal. I don't know how to treat this malady.

    Hey- I know!.....lets all meet up somewhere and have a gun cleaning session....we can serve beer and discuss how we might be able to enhance our sensitivities.

  • Jim W
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Possible YES. Probable NO. A swift sure end to a hunt is always a sensitive end to the undertaking.

  • 6 years ago

    Liberalism is a mental illness.

    The problem with gay, one armed, liberals - along with gays, gay liberals, and liberal gays with two arms, and, liberal gays with no arms......... unless you regurgitate back what they tell you - they hate you. They hate you because you are obviously insensitive, racist, and homophobic conservative. Never mind that Liberals - in the name of progress and diversity (All Hail Diversity!!!) will stone or set afire anyone that disagrees with them - because the people they want to stone - are "haters". Meanwhile - Liberals are not 'haters' - they are simply 'passionate' about their ideals. And by 'passionate' - I mean they will clean off the dirt and dust of the rock they are about to bash your face in with.

    Used to be the United States of America was a free country. Do you remember the days when folks used to say 'I may not like what you say...... but I defend to the death your right to say it'? Remember those days? Yeah - try saying how you really feel about gays - see how long that lasts online. You know what ******* pisses me off..... there must be 20 issues facing my family from the price of gas and food, to taxes, the economy, world politics, etc etc - and the 'big deal' my local liberal running for the state legislature was harping on? Gay rights. She got a whopping 2% of the vote. landslide loss.

    Liberals - are mentally ill. California is drying up and blowing away - and what have their state legislature been working on - gun control. I read less than 1% of California is gay..... yet the legislature spend nearly 30 percent of it's time on that subject. Meanwhile - the drought - with effects every single man, woman, child, animal and insect in the state - yeah - not a subject they tackled..... in the past 4 years. Duh?

    Now that the whole country is going to hell in a hand basket........ be sure to explain to your kids - this is what happens when Mommy and Daddy are too busy to vote.

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