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James W asked in Food & DrinkEthnic Cuisine · 6 years ago

What is the grossest food you've tried to date?


Sorry. Bad phrase.

"To date" as in "up until now".

Not tried to date. LOL

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There are many weird food sometimes I tried a little like those deep fried insects, scorpion, larvae etc for taste and experience and most times I shriek with horror example "balut" which is steamed unhatched ducklings embryo, roast dogs, rats, frog legs, which is very popular in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. even sold by roadside vendors. The grossest food of all yet full of nutritious benefits is eating Placenta. The fact it grosses me out that placenta has to be pushed out from the vagina of some women and the thought of it irked me even it was stir fried with garlic, ginger, spring onions, sesame oil, Chinese cooking wine and lots of ground pepper which is really very fragrant.

  • 6 years ago

    Am I the only one who enjoys any form of food?

    I've never personally come across prepared food that I found revolting, I don't know how some of you manage

  • 6 years ago

    I was at a vinegar and oil tasting event, and some of the oils were made from different kinds of seeds and nuts.

    Possibly the worst thing I have ever tasted would be the pumpkin seed oil... Only heaven know who came up with an idea like that, but it was thick and brown and had a bitter, musty taste that clung to your tastebuds well throughout the day.

    So my point is avoid pumpkin seed oil at all costs

    I know oil might not count as a food so the worst "food" I've ever tasted would be a clam dish that my cousin made.... I say "dish" because I had no idea what it was supposed to be.. It looked like a blended up salad.. She put spinach and clams with cheese and cinnamon.... Needless to say the combination was definitely interesting and the amount of sand inside was unbelievable.. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy to know the taste of cinnamon cheese and sand.

  • 6 years ago

    Not a food but a drink. A friend of my stepdad's stayed with us for a few weeks and we used to by sugar and salt by the sack at Sam's club and put them in 5 gallon buckets with lids. We knew which one had sugar and which one had salt but he didn't and he made a gallon of tea one day but accidentally used the salt instead of sugar. When I went in there in the middle of the night to get a glass of tea, I took one sip and was immediately gagging. That was the most revolting thing I had ever put in my mouth and to this day I can still remember the taste, despite this being over 15 years ago.

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  • Adam
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Basically, anything that I couldn't buy at my local supermarket, when I was a kid (in the US and Australia.)

    I've lived in East and South-Asia for almost half of my life, though.Sea-worms (several types) tasted OK...natto needed a clothes-peg on the nose to get it into my mouth...whale-meat (because I knew it had a bigger brain than mine)..and scallops! They actually taste great, but every time I eat them, I vomit (throw-up) within 10-20 minutes.That's pretty gross!

  • Tamaki
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I don't know what it was but it was a Thai dish, I think, and I was at my friend's house (she is Thai) and she brought some. I took one bite but to me it literally tasted like the air freshener you put in your car. Maybe it takes some getting used to, but the taste was strong enough to make me not want another bite.

  • 6 years ago

    I was a chef and worked for hotels around the world, so I tried the local cuisines and delicacy's, I have had many unusual things in my days, I retired 10 yrs ago, from bugs, whale meat and blubber, reindeer milk, I have had Casu Marzu to, Yak Cheese, Fugu and Horse meat.

  • 6 years ago



  • 6 years ago

    The grossest thing I every tried to eat was kidneys. I smelled them way before they were served and that was enough to put me off.

  • HJW
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Tripe at a friend's house. Before entering I smell the odor and knew I could not eat. I was gagging but did not want to offend my close friend. Barf!

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