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Lv 5

I asked a christian friend to try and convert me. short story below. What are your thoughts?

I have a christian friend who's rather passionate about his beliefs but still respects mine (atheist). We enjoy discussing each others view points and can engage in meaningful debates. I'm am normally annoyed when people try and convert me but being friends and thinking it would be a fun exercise, I gave him permission to try. Over the course of about 2 hours and after arriving at many of the logical fallacies within Christianity and me pointing them out, he was getting a bit frustrated. After some thought he end finally said that if i wanted to find god I should not seek him in the ideas of men, and I could not use logic to find him. I laughed and said I agree. I didn't really know what else to say and the conversation ended there. He helped prove my point I think. Anyone else arrive at this conclusion in a discussion with a believer/nonbeliever? Any thoughts or comments?

9 Answers

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What's sad is they think that not having evidence or a logical basis is why their claim has merit. Usually they resort to that after a long discussion where they kept trying to provide a logical basis and proffer evidence. It's a thought stopping cliche, a religious safety net to avoid having to do a sanity check.

    Yes, I've had a similar conversation, although the guy had gone to divinity school, and actually brought out "it has merit because its illogical" earlier on. He'd said that there was no way I'd offend him, but I think he did when I pointed out (what should have been obvious) that skeptics see a degree in theology as a degree in make believe.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It sounds a little like asking someone to help you sleep, but refusing to lie down in a bed. If your going to open your mind to the Bible, then open your mind and find out. I don't know if your friend knows enough to be capable of converting you, even if you did give him a fair shake. You might be better to pick up a book like Lee Strobels The Case for Christ (or borrow it, maybe from a library). If you never give it a fair shake, then of course you will never be converted and you will never really know if you are right or wrong about it.

    You think that Christianity is a bunch of BS, but you must have some doubt about that, since all your information comes from a weighted opinion.

  • 6 years ago

    We can know God exists through logic and common sense. Anything with a beginning has a cause, and the universe has a beginning. This has been shown by astrophysics, therefore, the existence of a Big Bang is evidence that there is a God, because there had to be something to cause the Big Bang to occur. God does not have a beginning because he is an eternal being that exists outside of time and space. In the first moments of the Big Bang, energy, space, time, and matter came into existence. God, on the other hand, is an eternal being, and the creator of time, space, matter, and energy. God does not, and cannot, have a creator, because God is "before" time itself. Since God created time, there cannot be anything "before" God. The order, complexity and stability of the universe infers a grand design. If every house has a builder, certainly something as complex and ordered as the physical universe has a builder. The order, stability, and complexity of the universe is evidence of an intelligent design, and therefore, God.

    Life cannot come from non-living matter. The existence of life necessitates an eternal living God to create life, so is evidence that God exists. Amino acids don't just fall together to form complex chains and proteins. Proteins don't just fall together with fatty acids to form cell walls. Life is far too complex to happen by itself. It would be like saying falling paint over a billion years could result in the Mona Lisa. Art necessitates an artist, and the universe and life, necessitate God.

    Too many weird things happen for there not to be a God. Not just documented miracles, but bizarre coincidences that should never happen. This is evidence for a purpose behind seemingly random events. God is the origin of the design and purpose of human life in the universe. The apparent intelligent design of the universe is evidence that God exists. There appears to be intrinsic meaning and purpose in life. That life has meaning and purpose is evidence of God.

    Concepts come from our experiences. Human beings should not have the concept of a perfect, pure, eternal, omnipotent being, yet over 85% of the human race does. These religious concepts serve no evolutionary purpose. Since everything we know and conceive is derived from our experience, the existence of the God concept is evidence that some such being actually exists. This is not just idealization, conceiving of the greatest of all, or a combination of existing forms. God is outside the box, in the sense of not just the oldest or the first, but eternal, outside the time space continuum, perfect and pure. Either God exists or the question would be absurd. The question of God is not absurd, therefore God exists.

    The fact that the vast majority of human beings believe they can communicate with such a being and that being can communicate with them, is evidence that something exists. Billions of people, the vast majority of the human race, the most intelligent species on the planet, testify to having a direct, supernatural, experience, in one form or another, with the divine. This eye-witness testimony is evidence that such a being exists.

    A lack of evidence that God exists, is not evidence that the opposite is true. A person saying they are an atheist due to a lack of evidence, is being illogical and irrational, because they should be undecided. But an atheist has decided there is no God, when there is no evidence for that belief. This supports the position that a lack of evidence has nothing to do with atheism. Atheism is an emotional decision that a person makes and uses their intellect to try to support and defend it. If it were rational, they would be agnostics, not atheists. This explains why so many atheists don't recognize, near death experiences, and born again experiences of people seeing God, as evidence. Atheists don't see the Bible as evidence, medical miracles as evidence, reports of religious visions, or prophetic dreams, as evidence. They have already made up their minds there is no God, for emotional reasons, and their rationale that there is no evidence, stands, no matter what evidence is presented. All the evidence does not count, for some reason or another.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I tried to use logic for Christ pbuh and it didn't work, so I used it on other religions and it fitted perfectly with Islam, not being funny but it makes sense where Christianity doesn't.

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  • 6 years ago

    Well, I don't know what faith he has but the type of faith is like

    A policeman trying to get you out of harms way, not trying to convert you to a policeman

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    There's a reason why religion puts its emphasis on children. Children have minds like wet clay, and they are easily molded by the adults they depend on. As they mature, the clay hardens, and it either hardens with or without the religion in place.

    It is rare for adults to convert. And when they do, it's usually when they are broken, at the end of their rope, often because of severe problems with substance abuse or mental illness, or some other major problems, and often they have no one else to turn to. This is one thing churches are really good at. People will say "I have a relationship with Jesus"--but I think the truth is that they are really saying they have a "relationship with a network of people who care about me and support me". There are plenty of people who overcome severe problems such as substance abuse IF they have a supporting network of caring individuals surrounding them. But I have to hand it to churches--they do this well.

    But there's a reason why normal, psychologically healthy people do not convert. They have usually learned to think for themselves. They are able to think critically. All the reasons that professional apologists use to try to win debates (and often the same arguments are used in forums like this)--such as arguments from ignorance, or existence--in reality, those arguments very rarely convert anyone at all. People are either indoctrinated as children (although sometimes this indoctrination lies dormant for a time), or else they are desperate and need some sort of caring supportive family, or they convert for emotional or practical reasons, and just tell everyone they believe.

    When you ask believers why they believe, they will almost always claim that they "came to Christ on their own", but you will almost always find some indoctrination in their childhood. When asked why they believe, they will usually tell you something like "my personal relationship with Christ" or the "witness of the Holy Spirit" or the "testimony of others"--never, ever is it any sort of hard evidence--because there is none.

    When you pary all their "evidence"--they wind up getting impatient and frustrated. Then, you start hearing the following: "You just have to have faith!" (Meaning they have no good reason to believe what they do). Or if they are NOT your friend, you might hear "you just want to sin" or "you just don't want to believe. You have to WANT to believe!" Or ultimately "You will go to Hell." That's when you know they've shot their last bolt.

    Hope this helps.

  • 6 years ago

    you can use logic... whast illogical is the notion that something can come from absolutelly nothing (including no quantum fields).

    Ask yourself what proof whould you need to belive in the Christian God?

    I belive this quote summarize it the best :-

    “For those with faith, no evidence is necessary; for those without it, no evidence will suffice.”

    ― Thomas Aquinas

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You don't respect him so you are a hypocrite. I hate hypocrites.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I call bullshitt.

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