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Lv 6
Adair asked in HealthMental Health · 6 years ago

Pal talks incessantly... Help!?

I'm in a situation where I have to be around this person a lot. She nice all in all but may be bipolar. I've seen a mean and vindictive streak in her, but not towards me (yet). She will contradict herself, rewrite history a bit, and become emotional, but most of all she talks all the time. She talks in a way where there is no room for me to speak and she goes on for awhile. I have to be around her and it's starting to wear on me. I also have a 5 month old and you may not believe it but sometimes it seems my baby is annoyed at having to hear the same voice all day too. I also am concerned that this interferes with the things I'm teaching my baby and our bonding time. It doesn't matter what I'm doing- playing with the baby, eating, talking on the phone, watching a movie- this person talks talks talkstalkstalkskstalksTALKSTALKSTALKS all through any of it. She's 50 so she's not likely to change anytime soon and the way she does it seems like a compulsion. Help! OMG!

1 Answer

  • Red
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Have you tried saying something to her? Unfortunately some just don't notice they're doing that, and many also like talking and it's a thing for them. I've noticed lonely people do it often too, and don't KNOW they're doing it because they're used to not having to hush for things. It pretty much is compulsory, and can take time for them to fix or try to fix it...but if you never say anything when she does it, she will never stop. Yes, it's rude, but if you allow it, they do it.

    Basically you need to tell her to hush or stop when she blasts off when you're on the phone or watching a movie. It's hard to bring it to their attention and does risk hurting feelings...but unless you're prepared to tell her to get lost because she talks a lot, you need to.

    By the way, talking a lot and having a random mean streak is not bipolar, though it could be one of the 40-some symptoms. I am bipolar...I have mood swings at the drop of a hat, there are no exclusions when it happens. Then again, there was this one med I was on as a teenager that made it so I couldn't hear well babbled all the time. So I suppose that's possible too.

    Sounds to me like she just likes gossip and is either lonely, or used to talking all the time. Oh Some people are just like that...I have a couple in my family, both are Italian/from New York. lol I dunno if that has anything to do with it, but my grandma claims it does, they have that Fonze accent...and talk constantly, LOUDLY. All the time, can't get a word in edge-wise with those two in particular. x.x

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