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I feel like at any moment a lot of my goals and dreams will come to fruition. Pray for me, please!

  • What does it mean when you don t qualify for a bond?

    I am my father's only heir and I just received a letter from my lawyer saying that the conservator's lawyer told her (my lawyer) that I don't qualify for a bond. What does that mean? I thought only the conservator purchased bonds. Why would I need one? Why wouldn't I qualify for one?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Pal talks incessantly... Help!?

    I'm in a situation where I have to be around this person a lot. She nice all in all but may be bipolar. I've seen a mean and vindictive streak in her, but not towards me (yet). She will contradict herself, rewrite history a bit, and become emotional, but most of all she talks all the time. She talks in a way where there is no room for me to speak and she goes on for awhile. I have to be around her and it's starting to wear on me. I also have a 5 month old and you may not believe it but sometimes it seems my baby is annoyed at having to hear the same voice all day too. I also am concerned that this interferes with the things I'm teaching my baby and our bonding time. It doesn't matter what I'm doing- playing with the baby, eating, talking on the phone, watching a movie- this person talks talks talkstalkstalkskstalksTALKSTALKSTALKS all through any of it. She's 50 so she's not likely to change anytime soon and the way she does it seems like a compulsion. Help! OMG!

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • How do I get rid of this guy?

    I'm not in the habit of dating losers, but made the mistake of dating this one (for about 3 months). He lied (A LOOOOT), stole from me, was controlling, negative, mean, and forceful. He even forced sex on me once. He was a drug addict and never wanted to do anything the right way as if being honest/good was for suckers. I felt I needed to ease away from him (cause he was cra-zy) until I learned I was pregnant. I got away immediately and haven't looked back. The day I left, he threatened my life so I filed an exparte and it still hasn't been served but he learned about it because the police left a note on my door about it (which seems completely illogical.) He'll call several times a day just a few minutes apart, text 15 times in a row, etc. I haven't talked to him in months, but he DEMANDS to know what I want to do with our "relationship". He's said he'd leave many times but hasn't. I told him to go many times before, but he hasn't. He says if I don't want him he'll sign over his rights to the baby, and I hope that's true because he REALLY doesn't need to influence a young mind. I found him to be one of the worst people I've ever met and dangerous. He admitted to committing a lot of violent crimes to me and treated me and others around me just awfully. Since I've been gone, most of his texts/emails/voicemails are so doggone positive and loving that I can't really use them as evidence. He knows what he's doing and still comes around my house. What can I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Hippie wants to steal my cat...?

    My older hippie neighbor likes cats and made it a goal to befriend my cat. He's talked a lot for months about how he's used cat communication skills that he read about on all the neighborhood cats and how they've worked at varying degrees. It occured to me that he was more interested in just wearing her down than actually creating a good experience between them. For example, he'd say something to her each and every time she moved which annoyed her. He'd pet her so hard that it hurt her and he'd even approach her too fast and also step on her tail just to get to her. It was ridiculous, but I felt she'd be ok. To my DISMAY she eventually became friends with him. She started coming home less and being grumpy with me. While I was doing him a favor he told me she was his cat, he'd been feeding her, allowing her in his attic, and that when he cleaned his house that he was going to trap her inside because he doesn't believe in outdoor cats. He asked if he got her a bell, would I keep it on her because he's super concerned with the birds that cats kill. He also insulted me.

    Now, this guy is a character in my town. People say he hasn't changed in over 30 years. (He is somewhat adolescent.) His house looks like a hoarder's house and according to people in town, always has looked like that. I thought he may not wait until his house is clean if it never is, so I went ahead and shipped my cat out of town with one of my best friends who lives on many acres. She's ok. When he came over to my friend's house last week, he loudly called me my cat's "jailer" and said he wanted to see her. He thinks she's stuck in my house... but... isn't that what he wanted to do? WTF? What really concerns me is that now he's moving in on my other cat! I saw some food that he put out today. Several times I saw him at night with a flashlight and heard him describe my other cat as he was looking for her. I'm going to have to say something to him. What do I do or say to him? Help me!

    7 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Move to New Mexico...?

    Hello. I'm researching for my move to New Mexico. I'd like to live in a place that has:

    decent cost of living

    warm sunny weather most of the time

    thriving film, dance, and art communities

    Asian people- especially Koreans and Khmer (Cambodians)

    Other non-whites... a lot of em...

    Good country land for rent

    Whatdoyasay? Advise me please! Thank you!

    4 AnswersOther - Mexico8 years ago
  • Double zodiac compatibility...?

    Hello! What can you tell me about the compatibility of a male Aquarius/Snake and a female Aquarius/Tiger? The most detailed (and believable) gets the points. Thank you!

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Songs suggestions for strength?

    Hello. I have an awful lot on my mind and an awful lot of things to do. Please suggest songs that will evoke and/or remind me of my strength. I don't care what genre the songs are, what should I listen to? (And if you pray, say one for me please.) Thank you so much!

    5 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • How can I get this investment back?

    My father invested in a new company a few years ago. He fell ill and things changed financially for him. He's asked to sell his shares, but is getting the run around. As his power of attorney, he wants me to take care of it, but I'm getting the run around also. The person to speak to is hardly ever in the office and doesn't return calls. They keep saying they "don't have a system in place to return funds yet." Today, I told them "that's what you said last year," and at that time I asked when they'd be ready and they said "July." I don't want to face the embarrassment of having been scammed. Dear Goodness! I know I should call a lawyer, but honestly don't want to have to pay someone a big chunk of money for something that should be so simple. What should I do?

    4 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • How can I get this investment back?

    My father invested in a new company a few years ago. He fell ill and things changed financially for him. He's asked to sell his shares, but is getting the run around. As his power of attorney, he wants me to take care of it, but I'm getting the run around also. The person to speak to is hardly ever in the office and doesn't return calls. They keep saying they "don't have a system in place to return funds yet." Today, I told them "that's what you said last year," and at that time I asked when they'd be ready and they said "July." I don't want to face the embarrassment of having been scammed. Dear Goodness! I know I should call a lawyer, but honestly don't want to have to pay someone a big chunk of money for something that should be so simple. What should I do?

    1 AnswerInvesting9 years ago
  • How to handle lame teens?

    Last week a kid from a nearby high school sped down my street with his loud truck early in the morning. I heard a neighbor yell "slow down @$$h.o.l.e! I heard the truck turn around and come back so I went outside to support my neighbor who is an aging hippie. There I found several neighbors out. I approached the kid who was with friends. My neighbors followed. They told him enough was enough because he apparently does this several times every morning and this was his fifth round. We reminded him that this was a residential street and I told him we have children and pets. He got smart and I said "there are other ways to impress your friends; dangle your d!(k around or something." They laughed and one friend said "that ain't gon' impress nobody." So because humor was involved, I thought it was over. The kid said "ok" and although my neighbors were still fussing, it seemed finished.

    After that they sped down the street again yelling "Rebel pride!" (Its like saying "white power". The kids like dressing like cowboys and several drive pickups.) Since then they've :

    Grown in number

    Hang out in the street

    Dump trash many times and smile and wave at us

    Made sexual comments to me

    Scream and yell

    Honk horns including a bicycle horn which lasted from 6-9am

    Throw tobacco spit in my neighbor's driveway

    Knocked on my neighbor's door and told him something would happen to him if he called the cops again

    Threatened one of our cats with antifreeze

    There's a man meets his daughter to walk her home and they said something inappropriate to her as they walked by. The man turned back and told them to watch what they say. Its awfully bold to me that they'd do that in front of the dad. I found my neighbor's cat dead by his driveway and he said he couldn't find any broken bones or anything except a little blood in her mouth.

    Obviously they're not at all worried about us being adults. Calling the school hasn't worked nor has calling the police. Help.

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Where should I move to?

    Hello. I'm looking for a new place to live. I understand that there probably won't be any place that fits all my criteria, but if you know of a place that's close to what I want, please advise me.

    1. Warm and sunny most of the year.

    2. Near a large body of water.

    3. The elderly are revered.

    4. Children are actually disciplined.

    5. Many opportunities in the entertainment business, particularly film and dance.

    6. A structured community (that's also friendly and accepting, of course.)

    7. *I realize this may be terrible to some* White people are the minority.

    Where is this place?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Kim Hyun Joong tickets?

    Hello. I've tried everything I could think of to find tickets to a Kim Hyun Joong show or fan meeting. I can't even find a tour schedule. With American artists these things are found in one moment and are readily available on multiple sites. How the heck do thousands of people make it to these shows? What am I missing? Thank you.

    2 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • Guys: Did you always chase?

    "They" say that if a guy isn't chasing the girl he's not interested, but I think it may be more complicated than that sometimes. Did you guys ever not chase a girl you really liked? Why not?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Multimillionaire....?

    I've been attracting millions of dollars for awhile now. I feel great about it, but am uninspired as to where to look to access them. Any ideas on how I can get millions? Thanks. (Not joking. I want MILLIONSSSSS!)

    6 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Yahoo!Answers unavailable?

    Is anyone else getting this message over and over when they try to answer a specific question?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Are they gay? Real close friends!?

    My ex lover and I remain "friends," but I realize he's not very friendly. In fact, he's a jerk. Over several months of hanging out, I started liking his friend, but they seem awfully friendly with each other. His friend is much sweeter and sometimes seems to like me (perhaps my wishful thinking).

    My ex "Buford" just lights up when his friend "Evan" enters the room. He follows him with his eyes while this silly smile is plastered to his face. They're 26 and this is the THIRD TIME they've lived together. Buford hasn't had his own apartment except when he was out of the country. Any other time, he lives with Evan. (Even with no job.) Evan seems upset when Buford and I aren't getting along- even though it has nothing to do with him. Buford has always spoken very highly of Evan and has even gotten very upset with me when he feels I'm not treating him with the utmost respect. Buford also looks to Evan to form his own opinions. He'll wait until Evan approves of something before he approves. He'll wait for Evan to laugh before he laughs, etc. Once when they were expecting me to come over, they were obviously asleep. I felt Buford's bed and it was cool, but his blanket was warm. I wonder if they were on the couch together! Evan knows Buford's poetry and even the different themes he gets hung up on. I just found out that they're out of the state together and will take another trip together for the holidays soon. When I speak of the relationship between Buford and I, Evan always seems uncomfortable. Buford noticed that Evan and I were getting along very well and getting to know each other. He was obviously jealous (but I wonder where the jealousy actually lies). He acts like Evan is his leader. Actually, Buford has always seemed to want Evan to dislike me. Often, if I'm animated he'll look at Evan in hopes of agreeing on some negative opinion, but Evan NEVER SEEMS TO BE IN AGREEMENT. When I pointed that out to Buford, he told me I'm not a good reader of Evan.

    Evan seems to notice who I am. Sometimes he's aloof. Other times, it seems he's just awaiting my reaction to something. He stares and stumbles over his words sometimes. Even among friends, it seems he's speaking directly to me at times. We pay attention to each other, waiting to see how each other will react to a joke, movie, or something. Buford will huff and puff and roll his eyes nowadays, as Evan and I find more similarities between us. I mean Buford no harm, but with all of the things he's done, I'm not going to stop myself if there is really something there between me and Evan. Evan notices things about me that Buford hasn't even acknowledged in years of being around me but has not made one doggone mother bleeping move toward me! He always goes into his room when receiving a phone call, but when I call him (twice now), its obvious that Buford is near him while we talk and Evan seems really uncomfortable. This hurts a bit- like there is nothing private between us. Lately, he's been complimenting Buford a lot in front of me. Geez. Years ago, at the very beginning Evan didn't seem to approve of me, so we've come a long way. I remember Buford winking at me in the beginning and Evan had such a strong reaction. It was like he couldn't believe it. I've wondered about that for years. The last visit, Evan was helping me in the kitchen and opening up about his family. By the end of the night, we were really entertaining each other! I've asked Evan to meet me by himself to talk (we've HARDLY been alone in years.) He seemed nervous. I want to know what to say. How do I get to the bottom of their intimacy and find out how he feels about me?

    Twice I've suspected men of being a couple and I've been right both times! Now I suppose I'm paranoid. Do they sound gay to you? Am I a hag?!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • I feel so guilty! Bursted my friend's bubble...?

    One of my closest friends and I are at a horror film convention where he's attending for the second time to see his favorite actress. He's 45 and in the 8 years I've known him, I've come to believe he has autism. He wasn't diagnosed (which is amazing to me) but his identical twin has Aspergers and trust me, my friend has it also. He is sooooo drawn to this woman that I cringe. He'll point and kind of yell "There she is!" each time she's near.. in the hall... in the restaurant... at her table. Last night we were passing her in the hall and he just stopped walking and stood there to watch her and her friends talking. He's taken up her time several times this weekend left a lot of fans waiting for a long time. People in the line started whispering "He's being weird!" I let them know he was with ME! Once he realized that she was sitting across the aisle from us during a documentary about her, he changed his seat to one sitting nearest to her in the row as soon as it was available. She saw him and immediately left. He has to approach her every single time he sees her and stay for awhile. I noticed that she was escorted from place to place. No other actor has escorts here. I thought she was weirded out and told him about himself. He feels soooo bad. He thinks he can't like her anymore and was going to apologize and say "goodbye" to her forever which thank God I was able to talk him out of. I feel horrible. He's sulking and slinking around and is only motivated by thoughts of her and talking to her. What should I do?

    2 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago