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Should every programmed parrot that regurgitates "Liberalism is a mental disorder" be executed to add value to the gene pool?


LOL, the expectation of something obvious doesn't make it any less hysterical. All these "that's the problem with you liberals" comments. These folks are so brainwashed that they can't see that someone is making fun of their one dimensional parroting regardless of ideology. They do understand people who aren't liberals can point out how ridiculous they sound as a broken record of programmed thought. They do understand this, right. Nahhh...never mind.

Update 2:

Amazing how many conservatives have no clue what fascism is, and still propagate the lie that being liberal and fascist have anything in common. Please read Mussolini's essay on fascism.

Update 3:

Funny that I never directed this action to occur, just suggested the gene pool would be enhanced by eliminating the seemingly endless swarm of conservative Borg that do nothing but repeat what they hear on hate radio and hate cable news.

Update 4:

Conservatives and tea baggers do not want freedom or liberty. Their dutiful war on their own countrymen, friends and neighbors proves that they do not believe in any of this, and are anathema to freedom.

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes haha. Fun to think about. Actually they did neuroscientidic studies that said liberal minded people are more tolerant and creative while conservatives are more rigid, unwilling to change, and perceive threats that are more of a danger than they really are. They are also more likely to carry the Warrior Gene (monoamine oxidase A) which is a huge factor for aggressiveness and sociopathy.

    This would explain the Bush admin, Ted Nugent, the Tea Party Movement, and right wing evangelicals from an empirical perspective.

  • RoSH
    Lv 7
    6 years ago


    Liberalism smacks in the face of evolution-----which of course is the science liberals use to refute religion.

    Liberalism has a personality disorder in its thinking which of course IS A Mental Disorder.

    This is true on many political fronts the liberals champion.

    Source(s): Psychology
  • Marc
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Absolutely. We should fence in one state and run it using completely Conservative ideals. Then move all of the programmed parrots into it. In about 2 months 40% would be in the county jail, 20%would be dead from lack of medical treatment, 20% would be dead from starvation, 19% would be dead from exposure due to homelessness, and there would be one guy starving to death with no food, and no one left to do his bidding, in the biggest mansion in the state holding everyone's money.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    YES! because the US Constitution clearly states that Freedom of Speech applies only to people who agree with you! Everyone else should be killed! How Ironic that this idiocy comes from a person who uses the screen name "anarchist"! If you added 70 IQ points I could call you a moron!

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  • 6 years ago

    What else explains that when confronted by the failures of their ideology liberals continue to hold fast to their beliefs and push for more of it?

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    Albert Einstein

  • 6 years ago

    You suggest executing someone for saying 5 words is normal, but executing someone for raping and murdering children is wrong. ...and you wonder why people think you have a mental disorder.

  • John
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I suppose you’d love for the government to literally have that power, thats what makes you a liberal, and to those who appreciate real liberty... your mentality does seem like mental disorder...or immaturity.

  • 6 years ago

    Funny how liberals are always trying to take away the rights and freedoms ie "common sense gun control"

  • 6 years ago

    No, in this country freedom of thought is still valued much to the chagrin of some liberals. LOL

  • Aly
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Spoken like a good little fascist libbie. Adolf would be proud

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