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How soon is too soon to get another cat after your beloved cat dies?

A week? A month? A year?

I always rescue. I never buy from pet shops or breeders. I love saving lives. :-)

I had 2 cats, so the other cat (and also my dog who was the cats BFF) are missing her and acting different.

Is it best to let us all grieve for a few weeks or more, or should I go out and save another life in memory of my other cat as soon as possible?

What would YOU do?

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If it were me I would rescue as soon as you can. It seems to me that you ready to rescue, but you arent because you think it will look wrong. If that's the case then I suggest adopting asap. It's a nice thing to do and it will help you get over the death of your other cat (s)

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    There is no specific time frame for this - each loss is an individual decision. Some people will adopt another immediately while others (myself included) will wait for months. Animals do grieve so you need to be aware of the symptoms. If an animal stops eating, seems lethargic, keeps searching or appears to be upset then your vet should be notified. It may only last of few days and then subside.

    If you are ready to adopt then save another life by rescue. Be aware, however, that the animals may not accept another in the house as quickly.

  • Tori
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It is really up to you. Some people prefer to step back to grieve for a period of time and others feel that there is no more effective cure for a broken heart than to find a new pet to love and will look for a new one right away.

  • 6 years ago

    I waited 2 years

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  • 6 years ago

    Let your memories set, and the other cat's scent dissipate. Wait 6 months.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    That's down to you. I lost my cat 12 years ago and haven't had a new one since, but that's not to say I won't one day.

  • 6 years ago

    if you are ready, then go for it. i think a kitten might work best as older cats would be more willing to accept a kitten than an older cat, plus kittens and their playful antics do great things for broken hearts.

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