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Why don't JW's read their bibles within the teaching authority taught in the Bible to be His Church, the Catholic Church?

The Bible teaches that their is a hierarchy of teaching authority which is the teaching of Jesus, secondly His Church and lastly the Bible understood in the community of His Church, the Catholic Church. Why do they think that their modernist Arian sect has more authority than the biblical authority recorded in Scripture that Jesus gave to His Church ?

10 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They refuse to accept the authority of the Catholic Church despite the fact the Catholic Church actually wrote the Bible under the authority of scripture and under the Divine Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I think they still mean well but are unable to think for themselves in these matters.

  • 6 years ago

    According to a former JW here, U.L.1975, they tried just letting members read the Bible without Watchtower guidance and it didn't work so well for them.

    "Watchtower 8/15/1981 p. 29

    They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago,"

    Perhaps the Holy Spirit guided them to the teaching authority taught in the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


    JW's DO read their bibles and recognize the teaching authority taught in the Bible to be His Church.

    They also recognize that the evidence irrefutably shows that the Catholic Church could NEVER be that teaching authority.

    God has always used an organized teaching method to disseminate his Truth. God's Word identified this teaching authority or “channel” of truth as the Christian Congregation: "that there might be made known THROUGH the CONGREGATION the wisdom of God" (Eph.3:10,11; Heb.13:17). God's Word says that the "CONGREGATION" is the "pillar and foundation of truth" (1Tim.3:15; 1Pt.1:11-12; 2:8-10).

    But, any claim by Catholicism to be the Christian Church at any time in its existence is laughable!

    Catholicism’s historical record from its very inception is of bloodthirsty wars, immorality, sectarian violence and factional splits! (Mt.7:21-23; Gal.5:19-23). This is an imitation of Satan who characteristically promotes killing (Jn.8:44; 1Jn.3:8).

    Catholics view the Pope as infallible in his interpretation of doctrines (or educated Catholics refer to the "magisterium" as infallible). Catholics look to the Pope/magisterium and "tradition" as the final authority on what the Bible "really" teaches and view the Bible as a secondary and untrustworthy source.

    JWs do not believe that any human or organization is infallible. JWs believe that the Bible is the *final* authority on doctrinal belief and it cannot be overridden by any human or organization. They confirm that their organization has been appointed as the teaching authority for Christians by verifying that everything it teaches agrees with God’s Word and its actions conform to Christ’s teachings.

    In the Christian congregation those with teaching authority are described with the terms "Elder," "Overseer," and "Minister" (1Co 11:1; Phil.3:17; 4:9; Heb.13:7; 1Pe 5:2, 3). As the description implies these men are simply experienced counselors and shepherds. These Overseers are not "masters of our faith" nor are they infallible (Heb.13:17,24; 1Thes. 5:12; 1Cor.16:16).

    The qualifications of the Christian overseers are explicitly outlined in the Bible (1Tim.3:1ff; Tit.1:5ff). But just examine the whole list of Popes and see how many of them met the Scriptural qualifications for overseers in the Congregation.

    “Not a few Popes, such as Sergius III., John XII., Benedict IX., John XXIII., and Alexander VI., were guilty of the darkest crimes of depraved human nature.”–Schaff’s History of the Christian Church

    “If all the wicked characters who have worn the pope’s crown were removed from the list of legitimate successors as they should be, seeing that Scripturally they are wholly disqualified even to be called Christians...The history of some of those monsters is shocking.”

    Would Christ would use men such as the his teaching authority? They don’t even merit the description of being Christian!

    Unlike Catholicism which claims hierarchical authority solely based on their own delusory history and misinterpretation of the Bible, Jehovah’s Witnesses derive their authority from God’s Word the Bible, which is the final authority for True Christians.

    ONLY Jehovah’s Witnesses can provide irrefutable Scriptural evidence that they are taught by the True Christian.



  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The JW Bible is not a Christian approved version. It's made up to satisfy Man.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The Catholic Church with all the pedophile priests, that Catholic Church? Oh yeah, the CC should definitely lead the way for the rest of us. The CC lost all its moral authority when it permitted that to go on for decades. Let's place political needs ahead of the needs of children. Let's protect the priests and our beloved church.

    Right now Jesus and Peter cannot be happy about that.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Revelation describes the catholic church as the great whore who is filled with abominations. which is true.

  • 6 years ago

    quite sure of this huh? the "Church" in the Bible represents the Body of Believers, no mention of any specific "denomination" friend, if anything it would be the Remnant , that which is like the beginning, before satan infiltrated her and corrupted from within.., but the catholic institution is foretold of in Prophecy and is described as a woman wearing scarlet and purple, adorned in jewels etc, holding a golden cup..full of abominations and the Blood of the saints who is riding a beast (dragon) she is not the True church but the False church, who received her power, seat and authority from the dragon..I pray you abandon this institutions false teaching that Jesus' Book of Revelation has "already" come to pass because it has NOT...or we wold have already been received unto Him and been in His Kingdom...right:-)

    Source(s): Gods Word
  • odd
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It is because they follow a false gospel and a false Bible.

  • 6 years ago

    Everyone has their own bible and their own god.

  • 6 years ago

    God is not fireball.

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