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Lv 7
Scouse asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 years ago

Is the Greek government going to be taken over by the generals?

15 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    The seriously Left-wing government want to remain members of the Eurozone - as dignified EQUAL partners -

    despite failing to abide by the rules, reneging on debt repayments and refusing to accept inevitable inevitable cuts to over-blown state benefits. It IS quite possible the EMOTIONAL blackmail they have tried to use will fail

    and mass demonstrations turning to riots, etc will not only further damage their tourist industry but lead to martial law being imposed.

    This would please Putin no end and far from striking a blow for democracy (in reality, demanding a 'free lunch')

    the Greeks might well bring upon themselves an even worse sort of government - as those involved in the Arab Spring have done. If Merkel gives in, other indebted members of the Eurozone will face similar strife and break-down of law and order. With hordes of 'hard-working' folk using numbers to avoid austerity measures - even British Trade Union leaders will be hoping they can stir up another Winter of Discontent - if mass demonstrations and some violence are seen to change things.

  • 6 years ago

    Something is bound to happen and the askers suggestion is indeed interesting. Were I Greek I know I would be wanting something done,but we all have to live within our means.

    They have voted in a Communist government hoping they would somehow "write off" their debts. I think their name is a "haircut" How quaint ! That is the wish of all people in debt.

    The last Conservative government wanted to accept the terms of the people they owe money to. In may take an army take over to put the Conservatives back in power. What is democracy,eating is more important.

  • 6 years ago

    Not likely to happen.

    There are too many people who agree with the current government.

    I believe as long as there are friends and partners in the foreign policy, each country has to deal with it's economy on its own!

  • 6 years ago

    They don't need Generals. They need a Major Effort.

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  • Kini
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The government is still there, only Varoufakis resigned to help his country get another loan since the Germans dont like him.

  • 6 years ago

    Doubt it. The soldiers would go on strike. Sensible people, in many ways, the majority of ordinary Greeks.

    Anything else apart, I get the impression that the Syriza victory in the last elections amounted to a refreshing takeover by the people from the hired fartbags of the multi-millionaires.

    By the way, who else is enjoying the spectacle of Merkel and Junkers pissing themselves with fury?

  • 6 years ago

    No. The Germans would not allow it. They would start sending the Generals the bills they are currently sending Tsipras.

  • 6 years ago

    Last time it was The Colonels but by now they would be dead or Generals

    I don't see that Greece has any bargaining power at all

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    That would not be allowed because patriotic Generals would deport the black migrants back across the Med

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Zeig Stavros !!

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