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Would theists rather atheists make up answers to questions we don't know? If we say we don't know, why is that so bad?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'd rather you admit you DON'T KNOW and stop bashing others for their beliefs.

    When I hear SOME atheists say:

    1.) No god exists

    2.) No purpose to the universe

    3.) No existence after death

    THOSE ARE BELIEFS. Those are beliefs for which those atheists have given no more evidence than the theists.

    The fact is that NONE of us knows. We are all guessing based upon our experiences and the value we place on those experiences.

    This is the same problem I have had with fundie Christians since I was little. I was happy as a clam to see fundamentalism slowly going away. But to have it replaced by atheist fundies, insulting and bad mouthing all people who disagree with them. NOT a good trade.

    Now instead of going to fairy Helland (like Holland, but warmer I guess), I am ignorant, stupid and delusional. Care to tell me the improvement? All sounds like hate-mongering to me.

    Guess what? I am deist. I may be wrong about my beliefs, but no one has shown me that I am and insults certainly do not take the place of evidence.

    You may not agree with my views. GREAT. DON'T. Makes no nevermind to me. Actually, I prefer diversity in the world. How boring would this world be if we all thought alike.

    Now you personally, I have not seen enough of your posts to know if you act like some of the atheists I argue with here.


    Now you may not understand this, BUT, when some atheists say the universe and her laws are a big purposeless accident... To me, that sounds as ludicrous as hearing the sugar fairy princess dropped a gumdrop on a turtle shell and thus the universe formed. There is literally nothing in my experience that would lead me to believe that the universe is purposeless or that it is an accident. I simply do not see your belief as any better.

    Now you may feel the exact same way about my deist belief. FINE. Believe as you like. BUT if we are to respect each other and hope for a better world, it starts by not viewing the other as lesser simply because they are different.

    Source(s): Deist
  • 6 years ago

    Theists are often the sort of people who want an answer to absolutely everything, even if that answer is absurd. Saying "I don't know" just isn't something many of them can accept.

  • 6 years ago

    It is the fallacy of composition. Their assumption is that if I don't know something about the large subject X, then I don't know anything about it.

    Don't expect logic or honesty from any of them.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Yes, because they think they have all the answers and when we say we don't know, they think they win.

    They are used to made up stories, so it would work out well for everyone.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Shouldn't answer at all, if we don't know the answer.....silly. Mo Atheist

  • 6 years ago

    It's not, as long as it works both ways.

  • 6 years ago

    its not so bad. if anything though, most people actually disagree on the facts and interpretations of scripture. many believers of all types actually have most of hte answers. excepting where people limit their knowledge of the mysteries of God. especially Deists.

    i admit things when i dont know the answers. and i say im speculating and conjecturing, if i do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Theists make no sense sometimes

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