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Scouse asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 years ago

Is the Greek Deal actually a deal or just another smokescreen?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Troika won!

    Germany won. Because Greek Parliament approves bailout measures.

    It will keep the "lenders" liquid!

    Previously for every 100 loaned to Greece to pay back their loans, 98.2 returned TO the lenders! ONLY 1.8 stayed in Greece, which is why the economy could NOT recover!

    If Greece exits, which EU country will be next to be targeted, Italy, Spain, France, finally Germany? The idea that the same market forces won't target them, is the idea driving keeping Greece in, at all costs. Costs paid by the Greek people.The deal is far worse then the one rejected!

    If Greece exited, it would be holidays makers destination.

    'a hand grenade has been thrown into the centre of proceedings with the leak of a report from the International Monetary Fund saying that lending more to Greece will not solve its problems without a re-scheduling of some of its existing massive debts - something the EU is in no mood to grant.' 'Deputy finance minister Nadia Valavani, a Syriza member, resigned Wednesday in a letter to the prime minister. "I'm not going to vote for this amendment and this means I cannot stay in the government," Valavani told reporters.'

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It's a smoke-screen, because the conditions of this 'deal' actually prevent Greece from every being able to repay the money.

    So by doing this deal, Greece is certainly never gonna be able to pay back the 'support' money, why I put the support in ¨ is because this deal was bad to begin with 80% of this deal was illegal bank-support for French, and German banks, so the Greeks are actually only getting 1 in 5 Euro's(at best) out of this deal, now the Greeks are also supposed to sell-off the last money-makers they had, which leaves them with nothing.

    And for some reason Economists have been saying this for months, but POLITICIANS seem to believe in this 'magical' solution, that has no logic behind it.

    Under this deal Greece is a waste-land for at least 50 years, under the previous deal it was 20 years, and if Greece would've been brave, and left the Euro, the recovery economically was projected at 12-24 MONTHS.

    So Greece really needed a leader, not yet another politician.

    Source(s): I'm hoping Greek parliament comes to their senses and says NO to this 'deal', because it's volutary self-destruction, it's not help, or support, in any way.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Well it's laughable. The IMF said no more money until there's more austerity in place. Tsipras got in on a mandate of ending austerity, something endorsed by a recent vote of confidence in the government. They've now been promised more money by the European Union only if they introduce more austerity, which Greece has accepted. So the EU is asking all EU countries to indebt themselves to shore up a currency half of them have nothing to do with while the IMF shrugs and says it doesn't care if the Euro fails anyway.

    Farcical doesn't fully cover it!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The deal is real enough and simply put the Greeks are mortgaging their country! Their repayment schedule will be of 30 years and an agency will sell off much of their public assets.

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  • 6 years ago

    It shows that the policies of the Euro Zone are flawed.

    Greece can't (won't) manage their economy properly because they know that the rest of the Euro zone can't afford to let them fail and leave. Everyone knows this, yet they're stuck flushing even more money into the bottomless maw that is Greece's debts.

    Nothing has changed.

  • 6 years ago

    This plays right into the hands of the 'Krauts'. Greek company's forced to seek external investment are going to find their investors........Guess where ?

    This is a German take-over by stealth and politics........The same as Hitler tried to do by the bomb and the bullet.

    We in the UK need to be OUT of this madness. Thank god we never took on the 'euro'.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I don't remember the last time the EU audited it's accounts.The gravy train is likely to continue.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It's prolonging the inevitable,and shows how desperate Germany still wants to be 'Uber alles'.

  • 6 years ago

    Greece is a perfect example of how Socialism fails

  • 6 years ago

    its bullshit, because its yet another bailout, in 6 months time the **** will it the fan again.. Greece should accept that its poor and withdraw from the Euro so that it can find its place in the world again without being in hock to euro zone

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