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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 6 years ago

Christians, Why did you stop opposing Race Mixing?

I’m really not posting this to get called names. I’m not posting this to offend people in any way as well. I’m really looking for respectful answers. I’m a Christian myself; an Independent Baptist and I oppose Race Mixing. Some may be surprised to know that I’m not White myself. I’m actually Egyptian. I was born in the U.S and I did serve in the U.S Navy.Not trying to get political here but I’m very Conservative; socially and politically. I was actually baptized in my parents’ faith; Eastern Orthodox Christianity but I became a Baptist because I found Catholicism and Orthodoxy to be very un-Biblical.

I have extensively studied U.S history and I do know very well that Conservative Christians (especially Baptists and other Evangelicals) in the 50's and 60's and before and before have strongly opposed Race Mixing. Sadly enough today’s Christians have chosen to abandon God’s word and are now supporting Race Mixing. Where is this really going? What will we support next? Abortion, Homosexuality and Assisted Suicide? Sadly I know this will happen because of the political and social influence we’re influencing as Christians.


I’m personally not a racist in any way. I do believe every human regardless of race is equal in God’s eyes and I believe in equal treatment for all humans. However; it’s very clear to me that God intended for different races not to mix.

Update 2:

God put the Blacks in Africa, Whites in Europe, Asians in Asia, etc. God is the master of diversity. Look around you; Have you seen a Rabbit and a Cat mix? Biracial people also have identity problems and I have known biracial people who had problems. There are many more arguments against Race Mixing but I will stop there.

Update 3:

I personally had a White girlfriend whom I deeply loved. She was a Christian as well. We weren’t sexually active in any way since both of us oppose sex before marriage. We broke up when I told her that I will not have Mixed Children. I chose to stick to God’s word. I offered her the option of adopting White Children but she refused. God is more important to me. Ever since we broke up, I decided to be a single for the rest of my life and devote my life to God.

16 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    There is no scriptural support for keeping the races separate, neither is there any such support in ancient Christian teaching. The 'support' you see is not scriptural at all. Rather, it is a religious-sounding whitewash of a racist ARGUMENT, and a weakly supported argument at that. Prohibitions against inter-racial marriage are NOT found in either the Old or New Testaments; they are purely cultural.

    The closest you might come to a Christian Theological support would be a prohibition on marrying outside of one's FAITH. IE a Christian should not marry a Pagan or a Muslim, etc.

    You gave the impossibility of mating two different types of animals as a supporting argument (cats and rabbits). This argument fails to apply to humans, as all humans belong to the same species and can genetically produce fertile offspring. Genetically, 'race' (or 'type') is a subset of 'species'. So while domesticated cats (Felis catus) and jackrabbits (Lepus timidus) cannot produce kittens together, there is nothing genetic separating a feral tabby tom from making a litter with a Siamese queen: they belong to the same genus and species. So it is with human beings: all humans belong to the same genus and species, and can produce children together.

    Your argument about the social ills faced by children of mixed race also has no Scriptural merit. The social problems mixed people face are just that: social in nature, caused by bigoted people's sinful actions. God did not command such bigotry; He specifically commanded us to love everyone, including our enemies.

    The tendency to glorify racism and bigotry actually runs counter to Scripture, even in a Bible that has had several books chopped out of it by Luther and Calvin (who gave them the right and authority to decide what books belong in the Bible, anyway?) Read Galatians 3 for clarification. Read also John's Gospel, chapter 7, 2 Corinthians 10, and James 2.

    "Stop judging by mere appearance, and make a right judgment."

  • 6 years ago

    God had noting to say about races. You can't find that word in the Bible, or in the Torah or any other scripture. That's because the modern concept of race was invented by the Spanish Inquisition in their attempt to brand Jews evil before birth due to their 'race.'

    Medically speaking the best way to eliminate inherited diseases is through genetic mixing with a broader gene pool. That means mixing various ethnicities.

    Abortion is not banned by the Bible, the word isn't even mentioned. The Bible also does not support monogamy. In fact polygamy is the norm among the Biblical patriarchs (Solomon had 300 wives).

  • 6 years ago

    There is no such thing as a pure race, we are all descended from energetic mongrels. Europeans and Asians have DNA from Neanderthals and Denisovans, proving that we not only mixed among ourselves but also with different hominids in the past.

    You are descended from Egyptians, you must have seen the diversity of race and colour in Egypt, its been a cross roads for people from Africa, Europe and Asia. It's highly likely you already are descended from many different races.

  • 6 years ago

    Christians stopped being racist when it became politically incorrect.

    Last incident was reported in 2009

    I would think there are more people out there.

    I would suggest that a biracial couple would produce healthier children than one of the same race. The couple of the same race would have a higher chance to be closer related than a mixed race couple.

    Source(s): Free Thinkers are here to answer your religious questions with intelligence, wit, and sarcasm to steer you on the path paved with logic and reason
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    YOu asked your question 3 hours ago and in reading all the answers so far, it seems that there are no Christians here who are aware that it was Christianity that led the fight against race mixing. In not so many years, they will say the same about equal protection under the law for homosexuals

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    We are all mongrels.....unlike dogs.....we cannot trace our lineage back to one race. Even you as an Egyptian must know that you are a seems to me it is colour you are talking about.....not wanting a mixed race child but willing to adopt a WHITE one.....My country the most tolerant place in the world. Long ago we stopped worrying about mixed race had been born of fear....the unknown.... when black people arrived in my country when I was a child, I was frightened of them.....come a long way two best friends are Jamaicans....lovely women.....we are all grandmas now...people are people....please try to see that. Mo Univ Lec Atheist

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Considering that humanity is one single "race", your point is moot.

    When I was married to a white man, the world was about to end.

    His family hated the idea, and mine weren't keen on it either.

    Many years later, we are well, and easily accepted, we have 2 adult kids who are "mixed-race", and happy productive members of society.

    So your entire concept is wrong.

    Then you toss pure pretense into the mix by mentioning god, so it becomes obvious by that that you are a pretender.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If god didn't want us to race mix he wouldn't of made it possible for people of different races to have offspring

  • ;l'l
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I didn't know God was against people of different races being together.

    I am a Baptist, don't have a problem with it at all.

  • 6 years ago

    so as an Egyptian you will know the history of Egypt under the Greek pharaohs, which probably means you are already of mixed race through your progenitors.

    how would you deal with that

    - "if your right arm offends thee, cut it off"

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