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If the US anexed Canada or Mexico.?

Discuss the implications, benefit? Or money pit?


Canada has vast Natural resources and a tiny population….which are good things…but it’s also full of socialists and Quebec 

Mexico has beaches and Tequila….. but it’s full of drug cartels and 3rd world corruption.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mexico is annexing the US

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    With Canada there would be very little change. Mexico would be a catastrophe. The unemployment rate would jump from 6% to 50%. The poverty rate from 15% to 45%. Mexico would be a huge drain on the Federal Budget. Social Security and Medicare would become responible for maybe 30 million retirees who paid nothing into the system with the existing tax base to cover it. The amount of coast the Coast Guard would have to cover would double. The Federal Hiway Administrations liability would triple overnight. FBI and the DEA wouldn't have the power to even begin to cover the new territory. The saving grace is Mexico has huge oil reserves. Once their oil industry was straightened out and made more efficient it would help considertably.

  • 6 years ago

    Mexico has a powerful ruthless Mexican drug cartel that has all kinds of powerful weapons and power.

    They like to chop people into pieces and throw the parts along the roads. And hang people by their ankles under bridges and rape and kill.

    And they smuggle in drugs, guns and illegals into the states.

    Mexico is full of uneducated people.

    Mexico is a third world.

    A lot of the people live in shanties. Some dirt floor shacks.

    Mexico does have oil.

    Canada is okay. Don't think they will like that ideal.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The US have already attempted to annex Canada, they lost and we burned down the White House.

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  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Unless they wanted to be annexed (of which I've seen no evidence), it would be a huge problem.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    farms would move back to the US because we'd have more workers and maple syrup wouldn't be so expensive.

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