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near death experiences. What's the latest scientific proof that they aren't real?

11 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    I read a very interesting Near Death Experience of a toddler, which could not be disproved by any scientific method whatsoever! She was too young to have been indoctrinated; too young to know about living on Earth, in this universe, or God, or that there might be an invisible part of her that could live on. She explained this experience as a grown up, once the penny dropped.

    Interestingly, this happened to her around 1951, before the first satellites were sent into orbit and before the first photos came back to show us what the Earth looked like from space. Her family had no TV in the house, no posters of the universe or anything to give her a clue about what she then experienced.

    After an accident in the house and being concussed, she remembered looking down on planet Earth from a considerable distance out in the universe, in full colour with the black background of space. She noticed a thin silvery string linking from her, curving down and to the left, back to Earth. That was her snap-shop memory.

    Her parents brought her up to disbelieve in any soul that lives on after death. But much later in life, when she read in the Bible Ecclesiastes chapter 12, it all suddenly made sense. That chapter advises young people to remember their Creator in their youth before old age and death comes, "and the spirit returns to God who gave it." But it also mentioned death, when "the silver cord is broken." That explained the strange silvery link from her back to Earth. Because it was not broken, she was revived. If it had been broken, she would never have been revived. But she lived to tell the tale. Interesting also because it does not conform to many other experiences of a tunnel, a bright light and seeing deceased loved ones, or Jesus or anybody else. (Her explanation as an adult, of Eccl. 12, was in a second publication, YOURS magazine, end of May 2014. No link for that.)

    Apparently Carl Jung had a very similar experience to that toddler, though he was in his 60s when he had his NDE. So it wasn't just a one-off thing. Why don't scientists just keep an open mind on this phenomenon?

  • 6 years ago

    Normally, after a person stops breathing and the heart-beat ceases, it is several minutes before gradual cessation of the life-force in the body cells begins. If the body is subjected to severe cold, that process can be delayed for hours. For this reason, it is sometimes possible to revive persons by means of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They were what is termed "clinically dead", but their body cells were still alive.

    Many persons revived from "clinical death" remember nothing. Others report experiencing a floating sensation. Some say they saw beautiful things; others were terrified by their experiences.

    The medical editor of The Arizona Republic wrote: "When physical prowess is at its lowest ebb, as under anesthesia, or the result of disease or injury, automatic control or bodily functions diminishes accordingly. Thus, the neuro-hormones and catecholamines of the nervous system are released and pour out in uncontrolled quantity. The result, among other manifestations. . .

    Source(s): . .is the hallucination, rationalized after returning to consciousness, of having died and returned to life.
  • 6 years ago

    Life is a near death experience!

    No one has ever clinically died and returned. Period.

    There is not scientific evidence, or historical evidence, other than tales and myth!

    You do not prove that something is not real, it is 'real' in YOUR imagination, as a 'belief', but everything is Reality!

  • Tony R
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The problem is, people are also seeing Alice in Wonderland and the Star Ship Enterprise in these experiences. When people that want these to be real, as in they are actually people crossing over into heaven, then they pick only the ones that fit their mold that they want. But over all, they are just people dreaming. With thousands of people getting into really bad near death experiences, then a few are going to seem miraculous, but over all, if you look at the big picture, it seems like people just dreaming really vivid dreams. Some just happen to have a religious theme going on.

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  • david
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    we as humans have been given this God faculty of being psychic as part of our divinity. We tend to offset this by doctrines which to say the least are against such divine actions and that will include both science and the churches to some extent for their own reasons for you to ponder over somewhat.

    We say that these experiences are real and can in time be spelled out for the majority of folks on earth.

    We train disciples to see other worlds and places as in prevision which in no way is an illusion more to the point we are now coming into all of your lives and these mystery schools are almost ready to begin anew as in ages past. amen. om shantih

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    They haven't tried to disprove near death experiences as they happen everyday. When your heart stops and they manage to revive you that is classed as a near death experience

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I don't dispute that they happen; there's just nothing to suggest they're supernatural.

  • 6 years ago

    Seeing these bright lights, your dead grandma, your cat that died 2 years ago, can easily be explained by the lack of oxygen. You are dying after all.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    "Man is appointed once to die and then the Judgment." Hebrews 9:27

  • 6 years ago

    They are real, people have hallucinations all of the time.

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