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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 6 years ago

How many of the Republicans who now say they support Trump will deny they ever supported Trump when he doesn't get nominated?

At this time in 2007, Rudy Giuliani had a commanding lead for the GOP nomination.

At this time in 2003, Joe Lieberman led among Democrats.

Other early GOP front runners: Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Sarah Palin (even though she never even ran for the nomination).

12 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    You have an excellent point about front runners. The last big frontrunner to win was Bill Clinton. I do not support Donald Trump, I think he is an egomaniac looking for some limelight. I am an independent. I vote not for a party but for the person. Trump won;t be nominated for one simple reason, he doesn't want to be. Not only that but there are much better candidates. Stop paying attention to Trump, that will be funny because he's so desperate for the light and the lens that he will make an even bigger fool of himself

  • 6 years ago

    After Nixon had resigned, a poll found that almost no one had voted for him. That was the question, "Who did you vote for in the last presidential election?" HAHAHA

    I'll say upfront that, in 07, and early 08, I supported Edwards. His scandal broke, and he dropped out before my primaries, so I swiched to Obama.

    Anyway, Republicans can't seem to remember that LAST week they said that Obama was a completely inneffectual, do-nothing, who only played golf and went on vacation, but THIS week, he's an all-powerful dictator who controls every action and event on Earth.

    So I haven't much trust in the GOP power to remember anything.

    None seem to remember when their predictions turn out wrong, from the moment they are proven wrong.

    I have seen some who are "supporters" who say they've had NO intention of actually voting for Trump. We ARE very far out, so people feel more free to just basically click "Like" on him, if you follow.

    Sorry, I just got completely distracted by the Hecka COOL story on PBS about "portals."

    Big shipping crates. You walk in, and you are talking to a full-body image of a person who is on another part of Earth. Just ordinary people, who can talk to each other for 20 minutes.

    The creator of the project has put these boxes in a number of places.

    Anyway, yeah, I haven't much faith in many wing-nuts remembering how pro-Trump they are, if he offends someone or something they love.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I support Trump, but I have other candidates I'm backing, I gave money to Ted Cruz, and he's second in the polls now. I like Carson and Fiorina too. I also like Walker, but he's losing support here recently.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Why would they say that? One can say, "Well, I preferred candidate X, but can get behind candidate Y, if that's the nominee." There's no shame in that.

    I'm not a Trump fan, but I must say, I'm enjoying liberals such as you having a fit over his current popularity.

    The hate is really strong with a lot of you.

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  • Kini
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Giuliani never would have made the cut. Most of these nut jobs are not running to become Pres, esp those with little or no experience like Fiorina, Cruz, Rubio. The characters from the last time are characters again. It is a year before the real Repub candidate will emerge, and that depends on how good their paid consultants do and how much they are shown on TV. Not substance, but personna.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Nothing good to say about Hillary Clinton? Don't blame you. Most Democrats don't

    TRUMP 2016

    ME - TRUMP Girl

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'll be writing trump in anyway if he's not on the voting block

    Attachment image
  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I have this far never backed trump,; ,however, I am not at all open to Bernie Sanders.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    All of my Trump bumper tickers are easily removable and flammable, if such a situation arises.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Of course he will be nominated and win - think outside the box

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