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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

Have headlines from "The Onion" now become real?

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — A man guarding a small-town Oklahoma gun range and survivalist shop that declared itself a "Muslim-free" business dropped his weapon and accidentally shot himself.

Authorities said a bullet struck the unidentified man in his arm after he dropped his gun Tuesday. He was among several armed residents in front of the Save Yourself Survival Gun Shop, in a town of 390 residents about 65 miles southeast of Tulsa.

The Oklahoma store — which boasts carrying "all your tactical, survival, and off grid living needs to take care of your family in a time of natural and manmade disaster" — also says it reserves "the right to refuse service to anyone."

The armed locals said they began guarding the shop after the owners claimed they received death threats over the sign. The store owners didn't immediately return a message to The Associated Press seeking comment about the alleged threats.

According to the local sheriff, "The way they were holding their weapons, with the fingers on the triggers, you can tell a couple of these gentlemen have no idea about weapons safety. It's like the Clampetts have come to town," Pearson told the online news outlet, comparing the armed men to the family in the TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies."

4 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    That's bogus! And by that I mean the part about where the guy dropped the gun and it went off. Guns made in the last 50 years have safeties that prevent that. Unless maybe that guy was carrying an old Colt Single Action Army maybe.

    Oh, I have no doubt he shot himself, but he did it through his own carelessness, not dropping the gun.

    UPDATE: Well, what do you know, I was wrong. The man who shot himself confirms he was carrying an old Colt 45 revolver, as I mentioned earlier. Guess he forgot to leave the chamber under the hammer unloaded for just such a reason.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Obviously they have! Doesn't it just go to show how great guns are? The wonderful thing about satire is the way real life can trump it every time.

  • J-Dawn
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Doesn't seem "The Onion"-esque to me. Accidents happen.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Stuff happens when morons are included.

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