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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

If Josh Duggar ordered a cake from the conservative bakers who won't bake wedding cakes for gay people, would the bakers bake it for him?

...even though molesting your sisters and having extramarital affairs are just as sinful as gay sex according to the religion those bakers espouse?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If he marches into the store and demands forgiveness. His wife was stupid enough to forgive his molestation of 5 girls. I wonder if she'll forgive him for banging another woman, and having 2 (!) Ashley Madison accounts. And the Republicans call Bill Clinton an immoral horndog for getting a hummer in the Oval Office.

    There was an article yesterday (in HuffPost I think) about how Josh's parents won't be seen with him, and now it comes out that this "Family Values" hack has two accounts at an adultery website.

    Is there such thing as a "Divorce Cake?" I smell one baking...

    But since Josh is a "Christian," they probably bake it for him - even though adultery is expressly forbidden in the Ten Commandments. Homosexuality doesn't even rate a footnote. But Josh is likely to have a problem finding a woman stupid enough or masochistic enough to marry that loser.

    Oh... the hypocrisy!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If he was asking them to bake a cake for an underage sex party with the inappropriate figurines on top of course they wouldn't.

    THAT would be the real comparison. He would be asking them to participate in his sin. THAT is what happens when a gay wedding cake is ordered. Participation.

  • Unseen
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If the act of baking that cake would lead to contributing to sinning then yes. You are comparing apples and oranges.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    37 million users have Ashley Madison accounts. Only three US zipcodes out of 43,000 do not have an Ashley Madison account, and those are sparsely populated rural areas with little to no internet access. As of 2014 the US had an estimated 115,227,000 households. That makes a projected 32% or 1/3 of all US households that have a cheater. Assuming that both spouses want to be cheaters this could make this as little as 1/6 of US households. In the wake of this revelation US citizens have picked a scapegoat to put all their focus on. Not only is the press attacking this scapegoat, but his wife also, blaming her for not leaving him, his parents for not raising him right and his children for existing. The attacks in the press have been vicious and the comments under the articles have been even more vicious. The things that have been said are just awful. The wife and children, and brothers and sisters and even parents are not responsible for this man’s adultery. But we are teaching the husbands and wives of 1/6 to 1/3 of US households is that this is how they too will be treated once their spouses infidelity becomes public knowledge. Somehow we get the idea that because a wife chooses to forgive, this makes her weak. Trust me when I say that forgiveness for some grave injustice is not easy to do and forgiveness is something that only strong people are able to process.

    I have seen many posts online lambasting Christians because this particular Christian celebrity has been found in a few sex scandals as of late and appears to be a sex addict who has repeatedly acted on his addiction. Christians are being called out for their “injustice” and willingness to stand by this family in this family member’s hour of shame. Well, let me tell you something, Christianity is not about judgement, it is not about evil people getting their just due. God is a good God who demands justice but humans were incapable of being just God created injustice. God created justice for all mankind by the most unjust act to have ever taken place. God allowed an innocent man to suffer and die unjustly, to create justice for all men. He sacrificed his own son Jesus, and believe me when your child dies you hurt, when your child hurts, you hurt. God hurt when Jesus died. He was fully God to make it just, he gave his life freely to make it just and he was also fully man so that he could pay for our sin. Because he did not deserve death the power of justice raised him back to life proving that sin had been paid for once and for all. So when any man, woman or child has a relationship with Jesus Christ their sin is paid for. So when I say Christianity is not about life being fair I am telling the truth. Jesus death was not fair, Jesus did not have a fair trial, Jesus did not have a “just” death. When sinners sin, whatever their celebrity status, however they sin, through Ashley Madison or otherwise they have committed an injustice that must be paid for and Christ paid the price. So when Josh Duggar sins, there is grace at the cross, there is forgiveness and hope and healing and if we American’s are unable to forgive infidelity then 1/6-1/3 of US households are soon going to be broken because we don’t believe in offering forgiveness for sin.

    Now Ashley Madison blames the hackers trying to direct attention away from themselves for the existence of a website that should be illegal because it undermines the family and when the family is weak the nation is weak, but I think that Ashley Madison is to blame for what they have done to destroy families in America.

    I stand with Anna and the other 1/3-1/6 of American households suffering from sexual infidelity from Ashley Madison.

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    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    They should also refuse molesters. Abusing someone, since it's done without their consent, is much worse.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    we will never know since the government shut down that baker.

  • Shawn
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Is he gay?

  • 6 years ago


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