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How do I move on from this guy?

I've had a crush on this guy since my freshman year of high school. He's not a good guy. He's been arrested, smokes pot, gets into fights, & is a manwhore, but somehow my 14 year old self found this this attractive,

When I was a sophomore (& he was a senior) I developed this unhealthy obsession over him. My days would revolve around him & when I would see him next & when we would talk. He was all I thought about & when he graduated I was devasted.

My junior year (this past year) things started happening between us. We never officially dated, but we got close. We hung out a lot & kissed. He was the first guy to come to my house & meet my parents. Things were okay between us up until about 2 month ago.

2 months ago I snuck out & went to his house & we were intimate to say the least. Since then he has hardly said anything to me. He doesn't try talking to me & when I talk to him, he either ignores me or doesn't say much at all. It really hurts. I thought he respected me more than just to ignore me after we basically have sex.

I just don't know what to do. I'm not obsessing or crying over him...but he's always in the back of my mind. I can't enjoy anything in life because of it. I know I need to move on. I mean I'm going into my senior year & I'm still not over this douche! I just don't know how to let go & stop being angry & hurt over the situation. I feel like I'll never find another guy that I like as much as I like him. Just ugh. Any advice?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes you are obsessed with him. And you have been for years. Try dating some people. More than one. Just because you go out on a date or two with someone, it doesnt mean they are your boyfriend or that you're in a relationship. You could also just go out with guys as friends for now. Get out and socialize with other people.

    Sometimes guys dump girls after there is sex. You did say he's a man whore... that explains a lot.

    I wish you all the best. This, too, shall pass.

    Oh, and i just thought of something -- the entire time i was in junior high school (40 years ago), i was also obsessed with a guy, through my high school years. I ran into him a few years ago, and he's short, unattractive, and i have no idea what i was thinking back then. I never went out with him though, and when i was in high school, i didn't notice he was only 5'8"--probably because he was 2 years older.. I am usually attracted to tall, lean men.

  • 6 years ago

    He was trying to use you . which he did. It is hard to get over your first relationship but you have to because you have no future with this guy.

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