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Miss Jackson

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  • Why don't guys want a relationship with me?

    I'm 20 years old, and I've never had a relationship. I know I'm young, but I feel like I'm getting to the age where I should have had a relationship by now. I feel like my family looks at me weird because all of my cousins have someone, and most of my friends do and I'm just the odd one out. Please don't mistake, I don't want a boyfriend to fit in. I want one because I'm lonely and I feel it could make me happier, and perhaps bring some stability to my life. It's just that every guy I have a "thing" with will have sex with me, but will then stop talking to me. Every single time. It's not that they don't want a relationship in general, because a month or two after having their way with me they will be in a relationship with another girl. It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. Like I'm not good enough to commit to or something. I know it's not the way I look, and it's not that I'm easy and won't try to get to know them on a deeper level than sex, because I do! I don't have sex with them right away and a lot of the times we're friends!

    I'm at a loss of what to do and I just feel like garbage about myself. Any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • What should I major in?

    So I'm a freshman in college and I'm going into my second semester next month, and I still have no idea what I want to major in.

    One field that I've always considered is the medical field. I'm a lifeguard and I've volunteered for my local EMS, and it is something that interests me. The only thing holding me back is that I know it requires a lot of science, and science and math aren't my strengths. My strengths are definitely more towards writing and liberal arts, and in a way that really frustrates me because I know that math and science related majors are the ones that make good money...and I'm not going to college just to end up making an average salary. I want to make six figures eventually, or at least close to it...

    Some other things I'm interested in is animals. I really love animals, especially dogs. I also love the ocean/beach. Like I said I'm a lifeguard and I feel really at home/at peace near the water. I also love to travel, and I also have an interest in foreign languages. I want to eventually be fluent in several, and overall I just find learning them cool.

    Also, I don't know if this makes a difference, but I'm thinking about joining the military after college, just because its something I really want to do.

    Any ideas as to what I could possibly major in? Any help is appreciated, thank you :)

  • Is moving out a bad idea?

    So I'm 18, graduating high school in a couple weeks, and I'm attending college in a little city that's about 30 minutes away from home.

    My friend and I are going to the same college, and we've been thinking about getting a small apartment together. I've always liked the idea, but yesterday she messaged me saying she found a possible place, and all of a sudden this is becoming real and I'm not sure if it's possible and or a good idea.

    Money of course is the main issue here. We both have jobs making minimum wage. I'm going to be working full time this summer, so that's approximately $800 a month. I figured during college I would work 3 days a week, so that's around $420 a month. The apartment she is looking at is $475 a month (w/ water and electric and all that included), and of course we'd split it, so I would pay around $230ish and and would have about $180 left. But there's also other expenses like gas money and food. (I am fortunate enough that my parents are paying for my insurance and phone bill).

    I don't know. I'm just nervous that we're jumping into something that we're not quite ready for yet. I'm nervous that I might find myself having to work more than 3 days during college, and I don't know if that is going to affect my studies or not.


  • I don't know if I'm going to be okay?

    I'm at a really complicated point in my life right now. I'm 18, graduating high school in less than a month, and I really do not know if I'm going to be okay.

    First off, I recently found out that the guy I'm in love with has only been using me for sex and money, and after our last conversation I'm pretty sure he hates me. Second, all of my friends are going away for college and I'm the only one going to a local school, so I don't know what I'm going to do in a couple months. I'm not good at making friends and I'm not overly likable or approachable (no matter how hard I try to be). Having no friends around also means that I won't be able to get an apartment with anyone (I can't afford rent on my own), so basically I can't move out, and I don't want to be stuck in my parent's house forever.

    I feel like this should be a happy time in my life, but all I feel is pain, loneliness and hopelessness and I honestly am not seeing a way out. I mean, am I going to be okay, because right now it doesn't seem like it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How many times can I wear daily contact lenses?

    Okay, so I'm in a bit of a situation. Over the next 2 months, I have a lot going on. I'm graduating high school, I'm going to prom, I'm starting a new job... and as of right now I only have less than 2 weeks worth of Aqua Comfort Plus Daily contact lenses. I just found out that my prescription has expired, so long story short I can't get new lenses until after June 27th.

    My question is, although they are daily lenses, could I put them in contact lense solution after I wear them for a few hours and then use them the next day... or something like that? I am really freaking out here. Of course I have glasses, but they are painfully annoying to wear. I need to somehow stretch less than two weeks of contact lenses out over almost 2 months.

    1 AnswerOptical5 years ago
  • Should I keep my nose piercing?

    Alright, so I got my nose pierced yesterday, & I regret it soooo much.

    To be honest, I was skeptical about getting it pierced. I have a rather narrow nose, so I wasn't sure it would look good, & I have a lot of other piercings (multiple ear & my belly), but I've never had anything on my face & I don't really want scarring down the road, but I got it pierced because people were saying it would look good & I figured I would try something new.

    And now, I can't stand it. I look in the mirror and it's the only thing I can see and it's driving me crazy! Lol I miss my face the way it was before....The only thing that's really keeping me from taking it out is that I spent money on it..and I can always put a retainer in when it heals,,, but then again that's months away and it would still be something sticking out of my face. Then a part of me thinks that maybe I would like it if I got the other side done too so it would look more symmetrical....

    Ugh, I don't know. What should I do???

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • I regret sayiing this to him?

    So basically this guy who I used to be involved with snapchatted me "whatsup", & I asked him why he even snapchats me... he said "why not"....& I said "because we're not friends"... & he hasn't replied since & I'm starting to regret it...

    The only reason why I was rude to him was because he has treated me like complete sh*t. We were never technically in a relationship (because he could never commit, might I add), but there was a time when we might as well have been. We hung out multiple times, he came to my house & met my parents, & I spent the night with him once & basically gave him my virginity... & after I spent the night with him, he went back to his ex gf & didn't talk to me for 4 months.

    But, after the 4 months of us not talking, we started talking again & hung out briefly. But then, just like last time, he went back to his ex gf, but this time he completely blocked me on facebook without even having the decency of giving me an explanation. & now, with me still being blocked, he snapchats me out of no where all the time. & it's like... I don't want to tell him off. A part of me still really cares about him even if he is a douche & I still want things to work out with us... but at the same time I think it's beyond the point where I need to start sticking up for myself & having some self respect.

    Was I wrong for being rude to him? Do you think he'll ever contact me again because of it?

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Should I have invited her ?

    So basically my birthday was a week ago, & I have this friend (V) who did a lot for me. She bought me presents, decorated my locker (we're seniors in high school), bought me lunch, & had the principal say happy birthday to me over the loud speaker. She was beyond a good friend to me.

    Anyways, always around my birthday me & my two other friends (J & L) get together. J is in a grade below us, & L moved away years ago, so I do not see them very often. I wouldn't say it's a birthday party more than it is a tradition really, & a way for us to hang out together at least once a year.

    Well anyways, I made plans to hang out with J & L this weekend, but then my other friend (A) who is also friends with V, asked if I wanted to hang out with her & our other friend (K) this weekend. K has a car, sooo A thought that it would be fun if we all went out for the night, & since me, J, L, A, & K all get along, I thought why the hell not.

    Wellll apparently it got mentioned in front of V that all of this was happening, & she basically thinks that she was not invited to my birthday party & is feeling left out. & it's like, I feel so bad. She did so much for me on my birthday, but it's not like I meant to not include her, it's just how the plans worked out. & I mean I would invite her, but there's only so much room in the car...

    Am I a bad person for not thinking about her in all of this?

    (I tried using initials to make it less confusing, sorry if it made it more confusing...)

    4 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy s5 or Iphone 6?

    Soooo I need a new phone, and I am at total lost of what to do. Right now I have the Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, and it is a complete piece of garbage and I just can't deal with it anymore. So I'm stuck between two phones, Samsung s5 or the Iphone 6.

    The thing I like about samsung is the straight talk plan. I get unlimited texting, calls, and data for $45 a month. The s5 runs just under $500... but the thing....if I'm going to spend that much money...I don't know if I should just get an Iphone 6.

    The thing that is making me hesitant to get an iphone is the plan. It's like what, $45 a month for 1 GB of data? Like the better deal is obviously with straight talk....but then again the Iphone 6 is the new thing and I would honestly prefer the Iphone over samsung.

    So...which one should I go with? I just need a really good phone that is going to last me a while.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Should I go to Hawaii?

    So I'm a senior in high school and my class is taking a trip to Hawaii this April. I was supposed to sign up months ago, but they were originally going to Paris, which was something I wasn't overly interested in. But now that the destination has changed, some people have dropped out and there's room for more people on the it's been something I'm considering.

    The things that are making me reluctant to go is the people. I don't care for the majority of the people going. I mean I have some friends that will be there, but I'm not sure if they'll be enough. I'll also be getting back from a vacation in the Caribbean a week I don't know if it's worth the money to take a second vacation to Hawaii.

    I guess my question is,would it be a waste of my parent's $2,800 to go on this trip?

    4 AnswersHonolulu5 years ago
  • How do I survive this gym class?

    I m a senior in high school who has been put in a ridiculous gym class with all freshmen, and its awful and I don t know what to do.

    For starters, I always struggle with participating because the freshmen never include me, and I also feel so uncomfortable because I don t know anyone, so my grade is terrible for the class.

    Second, we don t have a real gym teacher.our gym teacher quit in the beginning of the year, so we have a substitute who doesn t have a degree in physical education who is grading us. It s stupid.

    Third, we have to do a semester of swimming...and I am super uncomfortable with doing it with all freshmen. I mean, these kids are only about halfway through puberty, and I m pretty much done it. It s just super weird.

    Making friends with them is not an option. I suck at socializing in general, and doing it with a bunch of 14 year olds is not okay. Like, I m not saying they re immature, but there s definitely a maturity difference between someone who is 14 and 18.

    What do I do? I ve tried switching to a different class but the school isn t really helping? Am I overreacting to this?

    3 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • How do I stop pulling out my hair?

    So I'm a 17 year old girl, and my hair is pretty long and thick so I'm not worried about going bald or anything...but I've noticed that I pull out my hair a lot. I pick at my split ends and I'll also brush my fingers through and pull the loser strands out, but lately I've noticed that I also pull the not-so-loose pieces as well. By the time I'm done there will be a pile of hair next to me. It's really crazy.. I'll do this in school and home and pretty much everywhere else.

    I always just thought it was a bad habit, but I'm starting to think that maybe it's a nervous habit. I have a lot of anxiety and stress, so maybe that has something to do with it? Any opinions or advice on how to stop would be helpful.

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • My ex's grandmother died...should I say anything?

    Long story short, I was basically involved with this guy for a while & he ditched me for his ex-gf of 5 yrs. He never really treated me good, but for reasons I can't explain I care about him. I was really heartbroken when he went back to her & it left me a mess. For a while I was borderline obsessed with him & I couldn't move on from him & get him out of my head. My. Life. Revolved. Around. Him. I guess it was so hard because he was the first guy I did anything sexual with & he basically cut me off from his life. He won't talk to me & he ignores me if I try to talk to him.

    I guess my question is, even though I doubt he cares about me & he obviously doesn't want me a part of his life... should I give my condolences? He was such a negative impact on my life & only recently have I started to get better...but at the same time there's history there & a part of me still cares about him.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Which of these electives should I take my senior year?

    I have room in my schedule for 1-2 more classes and these are my options:

    public speaking

    career/financial management



    Public speaking is something I really need work on, but it really stresses me out and I kinda wanna relax my senior year and I could always take it in college.

    With drawing and painting.. I love the idea of getting better at art but the class stresses me out and the teacher is really awful.

    Career/Financial management I could go either way with. It just sounds boring.

    Opinions? Please and thanks :)

    5 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • My best friend is making me uncomfortable...what do I do?

    As weird as this may sound, lately our friendship has been more like a relationship. I mean she doesn't like me romantically, but some of the things she gets annoyed with me about are weird. The other day we were hanging out with another one of our friends. She was getting mad at me for not giving her enough attention. Apparently I was laughing more at what my other friend was saying than what she was saying. She felt like she was competing with our other friend & she felt like I liked her more because she's prettier. She was also annoyed when she found out that our other friend was spending the night because she wanted to have alone time with me. I mean I understand wanting to have quality time together or whatever, but every other time we hang out it's just us. I don't understand what the big deal is hanging out with a third person.

    Basically, this girl is very insecure. She is overweight, self harms & lives in an abusive household. She has a ton of medical issues. She thinks of me as her only friend & if anything was to happen to our friendship she would kill herself. It puts me in a very horrible position that I don't want to be in.

    What do I do? It's not like I don't want anything to do with her, but I feel like this friendship is very unhealthy.

    (We're 17 if that makes a difference)

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • My best friend is making me uncomfortable?

    As weird as this may sound, lately our friendship has been more like a relationship. I mean she doesn't like me romantically, but some of the things she gets annoyed with me about are weird. The other day we were hanging out with another one of our friends. She was getting mad at me for not giving her enough attention. Apparently I was laughing more at what my other friend was saying than what she was saying. She felt like she was competing with our other friend & she felt like I liked her more because she's prettier. She was also annoyed when she found out that our other friend was spending the night because she wanted to have alone time with me. I mean I understand wanting to have quality time together or whatever, but every other time we hang out it's just us. I don't understand what the big deal is hanging out with a third person.

    Basically, this girl is very insecure. She is overweight, self harms & lives in an abusive household. She has a ton of medical issues. She thinks of me as her only friend & if anything was to happen to our friendship she would kill herself. It puts me in a very horrible position that I don't want to be in.

    What do I do? It's not like I don't want anything to do with her, but I feel like this friendship is very unhealthy.

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • How do I move on from this guy?

    I've had a crush on this guy since my freshman year of high school. He's not a good guy. He's been arrested, smokes pot, gets into fights, & is a manwhore, but somehow my 14 year old self found this this attractive,

    When I was a sophomore (& he was a senior) I developed this unhealthy obsession over him. My days would revolve around him & when I would see him next & when we would talk. He was all I thought about & when he graduated I was devasted.

    My junior year (this past year) things started happening between us. We never officially dated, but we got close. We hung out a lot & kissed. He was the first guy to come to my house & meet my parents. Things were okay between us up until about 2 month ago.

    2 months ago I snuck out & went to his house & we were intimate to say the least. Since then he has hardly said anything to me. He doesn't try talking to me & when I talk to him, he either ignores me or doesn't say much at all. It really hurts. I thought he respected me more than just to ignore me after we basically have sex.

    I just don't know what to do. I'm not obsessing or crying over him...but he's always in the back of my mind. I can't enjoy anything in life because of it. I know I need to move on. I mean I'm going into my senior year & I'm still not over this douche! I just don't know how to let go & stop being angry & hurt over the situation. I feel like I'll never find another guy that I like as much as I like him. Just ugh. Any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I hang out with this guy?

    Basically there's this guy I met through my best friend. He seemed cool at first, but then he got to being really really weird, clingy, & slightly obnoxious. If I don't answer him he'll send me over 70 messages in a row, he stalked my best friend & always talks about the most strange, awkward, & inappropriate things. It makes me really uncomfortable.

    I honestly don't like him at all, but I feel really bad because he has autism & a lot of people don't like him (& he knows that). I don't really want to hang with him, but he calls me his best friend & although he has his quirks he's a good person & has always been a good friend to me. He wants to hang out this weekend, but I don't know if I should. A part of me wants to be a good person & just do it, but another part of me wants to stand my ground & not be guilt tripped into letting people into my life.

    What should I do?

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Should I get tested for STDs?

    So basically I fooled around with this guy who has a reputation of getting with a lot of people. We didn't have sex but he rubbed his parts on mine. He said he got tested and didn't have any but I don't know if I believe him...

    Should I be worrying? Based on what we there a high chance that I caught something from him? It happened about 2 months ago and I haven't noticed anything physically wrong with me (though I know sometimes there are no symptoms). But idk I wasn't really worried about this before (stupid, I know) but now I'm kind of freaking out.

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago
  • Should I get tested for STDs?

    So basically I fooled around with this guy who has a reputation of getting with a lot of people. We didn't have sex but he rubbed his parts on mine. He said he got tested and didn't have any but I don't know if I believe him...

    Should I be worrying? Based on what we there a high chance that I caught something from him? It happened about 2 months ago and I haven't noticed anything physically wrong with me (though I know sometimes there are no symptoms). But idk I wasn't really worried about this before (stupid, I know) but now I'm kind of freaking out.

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago