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Why don't guys want a relationship with me?

I'm 20 years old, and I've never had a relationship. I know I'm young, but I feel like I'm getting to the age where I should have had a relationship by now. I feel like my family looks at me weird because all of my cousins have someone, and most of my friends do and I'm just the odd one out. Please don't mistake, I don't want a boyfriend to fit in. I want one because I'm lonely and I feel it could make me happier, and perhaps bring some stability to my life. It's just that every guy I have a "thing" with will have sex with me, but will then stop talking to me. Every single time. It's not that they don't want a relationship in general, because a month or two after having their way with me they will be in a relationship with another girl. It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. Like I'm not good enough to commit to or something. I know it's not the way I look, and it's not that I'm easy and won't try to get to know them on a deeper level than sex, because I do! I don't have sex with them right away and a lot of the times we're friends!

I'm at a loss of what to do and I just feel like garbage about myself. Any advice?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Please don't give up. Try and have a bit more faith in yourself; it is confidence that makes people want to be around to you. I would start off by trying to be happy and vibrant in front of them so as to create a friendly atmosphere. For instance, smiling is a warm and inviting gesture and encourages people to approach you. I can assure you that making conversation with your crush is not as hard as it appears to be. When talking to people, its not so much the stuff you talk about as it is the energy and vibes you give off. If you are both relaxed and confident, then people are going to want to be around you no matter what you talk about because your energy is going to make them feel relaxed and confident too. As for where you can meet good guys, I would suggest maybe joining a social club or playing a sport as they are great social opportunities that provide you with an opportunity to meet people with similar interests to you.

    Source(s): Would you say that you are confident when it comes to meeting new people or are you more of the shy type? :)
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    First, do you like bluegrass music?

    Second, where are you from?

    Reason I ask is, because I'm single too and in your exact same boat.

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