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Is "The Beast from the Earth" Satan, or just a minion?

Or is it all wordplay and metaphor?

Read this one. Read it. Seriously.

Revelation 13:11

11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.

He had two horns like a lamb.

And spoke as a dragon.

In D&D terms, this would be a Magical Beast with Earthglide who knows the Draconic language.

But back to the point here, if you read on, this "Beast from the earth" is the one that marks people with the 666. A job most people attribute to Satan.

Kinda kooky, isn't it?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I believe that the beast is actually the kingdom of the Antichrist- the one world government that is to come. the kingdom having 10 kings. interestingly enough the United Nations has plans to divide the world into 10 regions. the second beast is the one world religion which the United Nations is also planning in the works. all of this can be found in Revelation 13 and is part of the Christian Bible. the precedent is set in the Book of Daniel when Daniel presents four beast's in a dream. these beasts all represented kingdoms

    Attachment image
  • 6 years ago

    The Beast of the Earth is in Muslim belief, will be one of the signs of the coming of the Last Day. This creature will appear after the sun arises in the west. The phrase appears in the Qur'an, in Sura An-Naml. The term also appears in the hadith, which expands upon the activities of the beast. The Qur'an mentions that the Beast will address the unbelievers and admonish them for their lack of attention towards God. The following is the purport of the Qur'anic verse that has been discussed:

    And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), we shall produce from the earth a beast to (face) them: He will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs.(27:82)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Definitely a minion - in fact I think it's Kevin.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    the beast is the antichrist, a man

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  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Everything in Revelation is symbolic.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The Bible is expressing God's viewpoint of two large and influential phenomena. Scripture indicates that God sees them similarly to the way a safari hunter sees prize game animals. The Greek word translated into English as 'beast' implies this idea.

    The two beasts mentioned in Revelation refer to two currently existing global phenomena which the Bible predicted would arrive and would be installed among the powers of the world. The two act in tandem with one another, the first presenting to the world a very convincing narrative of objective truth, while the other demonstrates the absurdity of believing in anything other than this narrative of objective truth. It uses a highly addictive and very impressive form of entertainment to accomplish this. Your own current opinions about the Revelation can be traced directly to the wide-reaching influence of this current global phenomenon.

    The 'hunted game animal' that scripture tells us resembles a male lamb but speaks like a dragon is actually a reference to modern science. Science was once a little academic movement housed inside the first 'university' system, which was created by the Christian Church. Every department of this original system of higher education was exclusively dedicated to studying the sacred allegories, narratives and languages of the holy Bible. Christ Himself is known as the 'Lamb of God.' 'Horns' represent power. This small department was inside the authority structure established by the 'Lamb of God,' in order to study the holy texts from the perspective of only the five appreciable human senses. It was considered a largely unimportant pursuit because it was such a mundane idea. However, this department made some remarkable discoveries while attempting to apply to the 'real' world the perplexing and bizarre new perspectives being discovered within scripture. Many of these truly paradoxical perspectives are now considered commonplace. However, at the time, the students quickly realized that these new perspectives were like a treasure trove of potential knowledge which could be applied across many important fields, especially the crafts of warfare and business. They saw that this would revolutionize the world's power bases. Representing an obvious threat to the Church itself, these ideas were kept secret and sold without the Church's knowledge. This led to a gathering of strength and wealth that eventually enabled a great betrayal and open academic abandonment of the Church, known within scripture as the 'apostasy' or 'falling away.' The Bible predicts that this would occur just before the advent of 'antichrist,' and the movement known as the 'mystery of lawlessness.' (2 Thessalonians 2).

    Jesus uses the Greek phrase, 'huios apoleia,' meaning, 'son of destruction,' to describe Judas Iscariot who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus and caused a smaller version of this 'falling away.' This occurred as Christ's disciples abandoned Him on the night He was betrayed. The Bible uses the identical phrase, 'huios apoleia,' ('son of destruction'), to refer to 'antichrist' and this similar betrayal on a grander scale, (John 17:12, 2 Thessalonians 2:3).

    It is an elaborate and ubiquitously received fiction devised by the second 'beast,' (known also in scripture as the 'false prophet,' and known to modern people as the 'global media system'), to present 'antichrist' as a single human being. Though many translators of scripture have made minor adjustments to texts to reinforce the idea that 'antichrist' is a single person, there is nothing in the actual texts to confirm this. In fact, every indication within scripture points to 'antichrist' being a global movement with very specific characteristics, all of which accurately describe and depict modern science itself:

    'Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.' (1 John 2:18).

    'Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.' (1 John 2:22).

    'By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.' (1 John 4:2-3).

    'For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.' (2 John 1:7).

    From this we can see that 'antichrist' is actually a large movement predicted to merge into one from out of many and that all of them bear two basic characteristics: 1) They all deny the authority of Christ and God the Father; 2) They all seek to demonstrate that Christ's fleshly existence and divine visit is a fiction.

    2 Thessalonians 2 also indicates that this movement would present itself as a great mystery that offers a new world without divine Law and that this movement would represent itself as the replacement for God and all previous objects of worship, even doing so inside the houses of worship themselves (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This is exactly what modern science has done and continues to do.

    Scripture also indicates that this 'beast' would come out from the 'great abyss,' and would be given the key to decide who opens or closes it. This process of opening the abyss would release a smoky vapor throughout the world that would unleash a bizarre and embarrassing disease that does not immediately kill but torments people for 'five months.' The only other use of the phrase 'five months' within scripture is in referring to the period during which a woman can still hide her pregnancy. After this, nothing she does can keep others from finding out about it. This is being used to describe how this new disease, symbolically described like devouring locusts with teeth like lions and long hair like women, which hides in secret places like a scorpion and stings suddenly and unexpectedly, is arrayed like a mighty but secret army and sent out to torture men, however not destroying the green vegetation of the world, (Revelations 9). The locust would be expected to destroy vegetation but does not. So this 'smoky vapor' seems like it ought to kill the green plants but it does not. The teeth of a lion devours flesh, not vegetation. The resemblance to women indicates that its power is subtle and not overtly militaristic. This secrecy extends into its hidden approach and the sudden unexpected striking of people like a scorpion. Yet, the disease itself does not kill quickly like a poison. It causes people to long for death while death does not arrive.

    Can we deny that this 'abyss' refers to what modern people call 'space,' and that the destructive messenger holding the 'key' to opening or closing it is once again a reference to 'modern science?' The 'smoky vapor' is the burning of fossil fuels which made this access to space possible, and the torment that suddenly strikes, eats away flesh, causing men to long for death and hide their condition until it can no longer be disguised, is what modern people call 'cancers.'

    The messenger arriving from within this 'bottomless pit,' (God tells us that the height of the firmament is the 'highest' place and that the earth is comparable to His 'footstool,' making entry into space a 'fall' into a great abyss, even though science characterizes it as 'above' the earth. Scientists will admit however, that 'up and down' become relative after we leave the earth's atmosphere)---this messenger is named 'Apollyon.' His name comes from the same phrase used by Jesus for both Judas Iscariot and antichrist, 'huios apoleia,' ('son of destruction').

    Science has truly earned this moniker, introducing the world to ubiquitous cancers with treatments often more torturous and deadly than the diseases themselves, inescapable arms races that began back during the 'Renaissance' or 'rebirth,' which were launched after the great apostasy and which continue to this day, its manifestation of weapons of mass destruction, its planet poisoning mega-industry, its waves of mass death from poor and shifting understandings of forbidden chemicals and drugs, widespread negligence, needless accidents, endless experiments and 'do-overs' costing vast amounts of human blood and treasure, suicides, murders, asymmetrical and inexplicable violence, sprawling government sanctioned ghettos manifesting every kind of atrocity, lawlessness and corruption. These are only a short list of 'his' contributions. Going before him as a preacher and preparer while giving constant reinterpretations of his evils, calling them 'heroism,' 'love,' 'futuristic visions,' 'social justice,' 'the necessary price of progress,' is the second beast known as his 'false prophet.' This global media system will continue until the predicted divine indignation is complete and God captures and destroys both 'beasts,' through a sudden revelation of His glory and the real system to which science only vainly and futilely aspires as it systematically destroys and damages God's world. They will both end up His trophies, and their constant mockeries will come back to visit them with overwhelming force and unimaginable power.

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