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Young earth creationism, hell, terroist threats are all lies.

  • If God is more important than morality, then what standard are you using when you say God is good?


    Obey or die.

    Obey or go to hell.

    Obey immediately.

    Obey without question.


    When he asks you to sacrifice your first born, you obey, you don't question. It might FEEL wrong, but you obey first, never ask questions later. You don't ask questions of the guy you're obeying, or he'll take that as blasphemy.

    You don't HAVE morality. You have NO standards: you only have obedience. Obey the rules or you get the stick. Obey the rules and you'll get a carrot. Your standard for all things is instant unquestioning eager obedience, and NOT morality.

    What IS moral?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is the max video compression (LOWEST QUALITY) slide show image sequence with audio?

    I keep beating my face against this stupid thing and I keep getting 18 meg files.

    The audio is 1.6 megs.

    The image sequence is 23 kb.

    SOMEHOW this translates into an OBSCENE 18 meg file.

    I'm using virtualdub, x264vw compression, veryslow preset, still image tuning, single pass- ratefactor-based (CRF), 51 ratefactor.

    This SHOULD be the smallest size possible as far as I can figure it.

    Where did I go wrong?!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers6 years ago
  • What is more prideful? The ignorance of atheists, or the knowledge of God?

    Atheists claim ignorance. We don't claim to KNOW God isn't real. We also don't claim to KNOW God IS real. We aren't convinced by the arguments put forth so far, so we do not actively believe in God.

    Theists claim knowledge. They claim to know what every other person on earth doesn't: WHICH God is the "right" one.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • If I'm a really good boy and I go to heaven, will I get to see a real Ophanim?

    If I'm a really good boy and I go to heaven, will I get to see a real Ophanim?

    Are they angels? Are they just the bronze age equivalent of "super-wheels for a super-chariot"?

    They're not just wheels, though - they're TWIN-NESTED wheels... And they're covered in EYES!

    That's holy, isn't it?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is this secular AND biblical proof that hell is real?

    Is this proof that hell is real? (That is "real" as in "a real physical location here on earth" Not a miraculous place where miraculous souls are miracously kept concious and miraculously tortured for ever.)

    The links I provide go on to describe Tophet, a place IN the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom (aka "Gehenna.")

    It's easy to see how one might MISTRANSLATE this valley of death and horror as the "classic" "pitchforks and demons under the ground torturing for ever).

    This is assuming that our ancestors WEREN'T more advanced in knowledge than we are today.

    Back then, "life" and "death" were a lot less well understood than they are today. People "died" ... and then "came back to life" all the time.

    It's easy to get swept up in a story. A few accidents and bad luck might get someone to think the world is out to get them... and when their friend "isn't breathing" anymore and isn't moving... it's easy to THINK he's dead...

    When he actually isn't and is just stone dead DRUNK with a weak pulse and nearly inperceptable breathing.

    Because of this, people "knew" that people "came back to life" all the time.

    It was disturbing.

    So as a CAUTION to PREVENT such disturbing things, they invented all sorts of ways of "properly" burying the dead. Elaborate "respectful" ways of burying that were meant to KEEP the dead ... DEAD.

    In such a culture, throwing the corpse on the trash was a HUGE no-no.... and

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • According to the bible, are satyrs real, or a myth?

    In 2 Chronicles 11:15 (NASB) Jeroboam was prostletizing around, and this is casually mentioned:

    "He set up priests of his own for the high places, for the satyrs and for the calves which he had made."

    Didja catch that? "for the SATYRS and for the calves which he had made."

    Remember: This is OLD TESTAMENT. That means Ancient Hebrew, without spaces, punctuation, chapter or verse. No vowels. No verb tese (no future or past tense). And NO NUMBERS!!!

    The next "verse" is "Those from all the tribes of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the Lord God of Israel [b]followed them to Jerusalem, to sacrifice to the Lord God of their fathers."

    So, since the ORIGINAL didn't HAVE a way of distinguishing between letters and numbers, It COULD be the two verses are COMBINED as so:

    "He set up priests of his own for the high places, for the satyrs and for the calves which he had."

    "Make those from all the tribes of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the Lord God of Israel follow them to Jerusalem, to sacrifice to the Lord God of their fathers. "

    In the first (perfectly legit translation) it SORT of kind of implies Jeroboam "made up" the satyrs he's preaching to. In the second, not so much.


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why were unicorns taken out of the bible?

    Isn't the FEELING God Himself gives you when reading the bible more important than science and facts and translation by "learned" men?

    If you take the KJV as literal truth, then it doesn't matter that LATER translators after 1600 based on "earned literary biblical scholars" ret-conned mentions of "unicorn" to "ox." That's just wrong! The KJV is literal truth!

    Isn't it?

    If it is, then Fluttershy might be real too, and that just fills me with all sorts of warm fuzzies.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is Job a metaphor, or did it all really happen?

    Job is where we get leviathan

    Job 41:18

    “His sneezes flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning."

    Don't forget the fact that in it, God makes a BET WITH THE DEVIL that results in Job getting royally cornholed. God does this. God initiates this little exchange. God WANTS Job to suffer, and he gives permission to Satan for Satan to visit all sorts of ills on him.

    No, forget that. Concentrate on the Leviathan, whose sneezes flash forth light.

    That's a metaphor, right? There isn't a flesh-and-blood monster crawling around on the bottom of the ocean who makes a lightshow when he gets the sniffles, is there?

    And, NO, He's NOT an Angler fish, the "Deep sea fangly fish." He has a "graceful frame" (Job 41:12) and he has a neck (Job 41:22) UNLIKE a deep sea fangly fish.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is "The Beast from the Earth" Satan, or just a minion?

    Or is it all wordplay and metaphor?

    Read this one. Read it. Seriously.

    Revelation 13:11

    11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.

    He had two horns like a lamb.

    And spoke as a dragon.

    In D&D terms, this would be a Magical Beast with Earthglide who knows the Draconic language.

    But back to the point here, if you read on, this "Beast from the earth" is the one that marks people with the 666. A job most people attribute to Satan.

    Kinda kooky, isn't it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is anything the beginning of wisdom?

    A soldier fears the dictator... and shoots children.

    A mobster fears the don... and murders innocent people.

    An abused wife fears her husband... and lets him beat the crap out of her.

    A man with a wallet fears his mugger... and gives him his wallet.

    Fear dulls the mind to the point of stimulus-response. It does not evoke CLEAR thinking,

    just IMMEDIATE thinking. Hasty, desperate thinking.

    That's not thinking I'd like to rely on.

    I say fear of anything is the beginning of obedience, not morality OR wisdom.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • If popularity doesn't make a belief true, then why trust ANY "popular" belief?

    25,000 Icelanders actively believe elves are real. That's a fact.

    Twerking was a thing and was popular.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • How much good work did Jesus do in comparison to the last year of all of Christianity?

    Heaven, Hell, and salvation are off the table. That's all highly controversial "is it real or is it not" stuff.

    I'm just talking about the acts he did on Earth. The number of lives he saved, the number of people he educated.

    Even if he's real, there's only so much a man can do in the scant 33 years or whatever it was he lived.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
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    If it's popular to believe in something, is it real?

    320,000 people in Iceland.

    80,000 of which say it's "definite" or "likely" that elves exist.

    180,000 say it's "possible" or "unlikely"

    Only 40,000 say it's "impossible."

    8 definite 25,600

    17 likely 54,400

    37 possible 118,400

    19 unlikely 60,800

    13 impossible 41,600

    5 no opinion 16,000

    Isn't that cute?

    Twenty five thousand Islanders actively think there are real life elves in this world.

    Does the popularity of the believe SWAY you?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is a better name for this article about the origin of life?

    My initial thought was "God did it."

    But then I realized a more accurate title would be "Why abiogenesis doesn't work."

    This article is titled "origin of life" but it explains nothing about HOW life actually originated. It is just criticism of a bunch of scientific ideas vaguely associated with abiogenesis, and doesn't actually say HOW life first formed.

    Also, notice how there isn't ONE critical comment at the bottom, and how comments on it are closed.

    How honest is THAT?

    It's possible for your opponent to be calm cool collected and tactful. They couldn't find ONE guy to do that?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians who believe in hell: what kind of person believes in different "gods" than yours?

    Are there any good, honest, caring, hard working people who believe in Buddah? 375 million people believe in Buddha.

    Are the 22 million people who believe in Sikhism good people?

    If you met one of the million Rastafarians out there, would you expect him or her to care for their children?

    Are there any people among the Christians who DON'T believe in hell that are honest and hard working?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
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    Did America begin as a Christian nation?

    1. "Christianity neither is, nor ever was, part of the common law."

    2. "Among many other weighty objections to the Measure, it has been suggested, that it has a tendency to introduce religious disputes into the Army, which above all things should be avoided, and in many instances would compel men to a mode of Worship which they do not profess."

    3. "I hold that in this country there must be complete severance of church and state"

    4. "The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession"

    1. Thomas Jefferson

    2. George Washington

    3. Theodore Roosevelt

    4. Abraham Lincoln

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is the "unnatural" good or bad?

    Some say homosexuality is "unnatural" because "natural" sex results in babies.

    Sex results in babies.

    What about when a baby happens.... without sex? Is THAT "unnatural"?

    And resurrection - THAT is natural?

    Walking on water - THAT is natural?

    Water turning into wine - THAT is natural?

    A guy living inside a whale - THAT is natural?

    Okay, okay. Everyone agrees that last one is complete fabrication. But still.

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    Can atheists feel the world itself is amazing?

    Are we allowed to claim to feel the gamut of experiences even if we don t ascribe them to a higher power?

    This amazing world is probably why ancient peoples worshipped nature long before they got around to thinking of god as that bearded guy in the sky.

    We feel awe and wonder just like ordinary people do... because we ARE ordinary people. We re parents, tachers, first responders, engineers; we re part of every community. And we feel hurt, too, like anyone else.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy6 years ago
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    Why would you want more than this life?

    Isn't this life enough for you? You might not have even been born at all. But here you are. Living. If you're reading this, it's likely you're not in dire straights just struggling to find food and water. Some people are actually doing that right now today in this modern world. There's 7 billion of us, not everyone gets to eat cheez pips and watch youtube.

    But here you are.

    To put it more eloquently,

    "The only position that leaves me with no cognitive dissonance is atheism. It is not a creed. Death is certain, replacing both the siren-song of Paradise and the dread of Hell. Life on this earth, with all its mystery and beauty and pain, is then to be lived far more intensely: we stumble and get up, we are sad, confident, insecure, feel loneliness and joy and love. There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Where's God's Workbench?

    Where are His tools? Not his toolmarks, but the tools themselves?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago