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If God is more important than morality, then what standard are you using when you say God is good?


Obey or die.

Obey or go to hell.

Obey immediately.

Obey without question.


When he asks you to sacrifice your first born, you obey, you don't question. It might FEEL wrong, but you obey first, never ask questions later. You don't ask questions of the guy you're obeying, or he'll take that as blasphemy.

You don't HAVE morality. You have NO standards: you only have obedience. Obey the rules or you get the stick. Obey the rules and you'll get a carrot. Your standard for all things is instant unquestioning eager obedience, and NOT morality.

What IS moral?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    False choice. It's simply not how you describe it. It's not. I live it, and I know that. Life has its pressures, severe ones, that test your faith like fire. The Bible even describes those tests as fire. So having experienced it, and continuing to experience it, I see how your description is untrue. And I will explain it, as maybe you would really like to know. People don't obey God because He says something, and so they obey, despite the fact that He seems to be immoral or require immorality. People who accept the truth about God and our relationship to Him have a proper understanding of Him, ourselves, and of things, so they learn more and more about Him, and it's this experience, in which they've learned about God what He is willing to reveal to those who want the truth revealed to them, which they use when their faith is tested, such as when Abraham's was. Abraham knew that God was good, including that He detested child sacrifice. Yet God was asking Him to sacrifice His son. This is conflicting information, but Abraham didn't throw up his hands and give up, but trusted that there was an answer, that was good, and for his benefit, because he already knew that and had experienced it with God. And there was. God didn't have him sacrifice his son, after all. But Abraham did prove, mostly to himself at God's direction, that his son was not an idol, and not more important than God. One thing that means is that Abraham wouldn't put Isaac ahead of what's right, meaning he wouldn't do injustice in order to favor his son. Isn't that moral? Many people will go to the length of protecting their children even if they've committed serious crimes such as murder, just because they're their children.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    In the beginning God created only two adult humans, and their children had to commit incest in order to propagate the human race.

    Incest is immoral and always has been, but for God morality is relative, so he figured he can make everybody have sex with their relatives. Relative. Well morality is not relative. What he did was immoral because it caused a situation where immoral acts had to be committed.

    Then he had the audacity to accuse the entire human race of original sin.

    God needs to take responsibility for his own iniquity and stop accusing us of original sin, which is a lie. This is only an example. There are many others in the Bible where God likes to pretend morality can be changed at his whim.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    God is the standard for morality

    Atheists have no objective morality

    Atheists personal opinion is their "morality" which changes with circumstances

    burning unbelievers in hell for rejecting God is just and moral

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    We're using objective moral standards.

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  • 6 years ago

    No , because morality is ruled by conscience .

  • 6 years ago

    God is not "good". He is PERFECT. Therefore how closely our behaviors and opinions agree with His teaching defines whether such behaviors and opinions are good or not.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    His Pure Holiest and Love......

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Are you a muslim? Relax

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