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Lv 6
? asked in HealthMental Health · 6 years ago

Why shouldn't I kill myself?

I've prayed for years for friends, a lover, my sanity to be restored, my depression to go away.

I've done my best to do things to help this goal anet, I l, just haven't achieved any of this. I fel shitty I have no goals, I can't rely on anyone for emotional support.

I only stay alive so others won't grieve . .. .When can I be happy?

87 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Don't kill yourself, I'm 28 and I can tell you it gets a lot easier with time. Just imagine how you feel when you hear awful things happening on the news, children dying and being attacked. It makes you feel sad even though you don't know them. So you may not be able to perceive it, but your death will impact more people than you realise. I know it's hard when you're in a state of existing and not living, but take one day at a time, turn to God telling him all you honest thoughts and fears and keep living, it will get better and you will get through this. Also learn to appreciate the love and support you do get. It may not come in the way you want it but even a hello from a friendly cashier that you regularly go to is an act of kindness and if you learn to recognise and appreciate all these small acts you will feel a lot better :)

  • 6 years ago

    I'm in the same boat as you. No friends, family support, or anyone who actually loves me, and I'm frequently depressed and anxious but nobody in my life cares. I'm 18 and presuming that you may be... younger, so you still have a chance to save yourself. At 18 and in college, my mom stopped caring about my health when I did. So it's better to get mental help before it's too late.

    I don't have a right to give you advice since I've not healed at all, but I can say that what's really helped along is distracting myself. Either doing what I love, seeing a movie, or talking to people online who are dealing with the same issues I am help distract me from inevitable despair. The sad fact is that depression will never go away. Depending on who you are (brain chemistry or natural causes) you'll feel suicidal sometimes, but you can only manage it. If you're religious, maturing in your God can also help build purpose inside you. Also, look at all the long answers people gave you. They wouldn't do that if they didn't care about you. They've given you a means to talk with them too! Try reaching out one more time because as I've realized, suicide IS a mistake, but it may be one you don't care about making; you just want the pain and redundant days to stop. If you ever wanna talk to, e-mail:

    God bless!

  • S
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    short and sweet you will only get happy when you get your mind off yourself and focus on other people.

    Volunteer at a homeless shelter serving food.

    Read to shut ins in a nursing home play simple games

    join a group that reads with kids in your local school. RIF or SMART

    offer to watch a neighbors kids for a hour so a single mom can have a relaxing bath.

    find a group that offers rides to medical appointments for people that can't get there on there own

    Get out get busy and people you have never expected fall into your life.

    You should not kill yourself because God put you here for a reason you need to find out what the reason is. Stop wallering in self pity and do some good deeds. Helping others will help you. You will be surprised what a smile can do.

  • 6 years ago

    BECAUSE YOU CLEARLY HAVEN'T LIVED YET!!! I don't know your situation, bit I'm assuming you definitely don't have children as you wouldn't be asking this.

    So my answer is this, you may one day have a child, and when you do you'll feel and experience a love greater than any other. That little person will look to you and love you unconditionally. You will be it's while world and everything in it.

    Now, if you were to kill yourself, this little person that'd adore you will never exist. Don't do that to your future children.

    We all have our challenges and sh** to deal with buddy, and those are YOUR challenges. Take them by the horns and get through them, like the rest of us.

    Best advice EVER given to me, and proven true time and time again.... you don't know what's around the corner!!!!!

    My ex left me with our 3 kids and my world came crashing down. That was 3 years ago now I'm madly in love again which I thought wouldn't ever happen. Don't know what's around the corner!

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'm not just going to say "don't kill yourself" because I don't know your reason why. Have you ever heard of Amanda Todd? I watched her response videos and people that are strangers don't know her had a bad effect. They started crying 1 second into the video. All I'm trying to say is

    killing yourself is not the way to handle it. Someone does care for you look at Amanda Todd, people made videos about her and she doesn't even know how much people she hurt. I suggest talk to a close someone to you like a friend or a teacher or maybe go see a therapist!!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You should. Because that will solve all of your problems and everyone will be better off. **DRIPPING SARCASM***. NOTHING will get better from you harming yourself. Your life is worth it. I know for sure you see how ridiculous the first part of my answer is, so you know that killing yourself would not make this world a better place. You would leave so many other people hurt, because there is love for you.

    I know life can be hard, and sometimes feel un-liveable. But you are strong. I know you can continue on and have a great life. It does get better. Sounds like the biggest cliche ever, but honestly SO true. You just have to accept it.

    Depression and anxiety is real, and is a serious disease that hurts SO many. Make sure you keep talking to people. close friends, family, psychologist. Keep those close by, because when you are depressed, alone time can hurt more than help, as you can sink into your own head and get even more miserable.

    Please try to cheer up. You are strong. You are beautiful. Chin Up. You are here for a reason. This world would NOT be great without you. :) There is only one you! <3

  • 6 years ago

    If I were there with you now or then or later. I reach out and I give you a hug!!! A humongous hug! We can cry together. We can hate this world together. but tomorrow, the sun will rise again. And tomorrow will come a new day. New chances. In the end everything will work itself out.

    When I was 11, I found my sister dead. She was 14. Suicide. I speak from my heart. I know your pain and you know mine. You are not alone.

    I am, you are, we all are soo very lucky to be alive. Even when it doesn't seem possible. There will be a better day. Do not let go this time. Situations change. You must give it time.

    My favorite saying when I'm down - "In Time." That's it. In time everything works itself out.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I suffer from depression as well most people say the reasons are genetics A lot of people try to find a lover as they think that they will help their depression but this isn't healthy you can't force a meaningful relationship to happen if you are just getting with anybody Go to a doctor they can prescribe you anti depressants I learnt the hard way that if you don't care about yourself no one else everyone is for themselves this is the world we live in

  • 6 years ago

    I'm 15 and I get depressed over the same EXACT stuff but I just realize that I'm still only a teenager and I have plenty of time left to find a relationship and just make friends so I don't end my life over it. How old are you? Even if you are in your senior years, there is dating sites for senior citizens such as Our Time if you're over 50 and looking for a relationship. If you're younger then try going to bars, support groups, or pretty much anywhere people gather and see if you can make some friends. Believe me, if you tell people "Hey I'm lonely, depressed, and contemplating suicide. Can you please help me?" and they WILL talk to you!

    They are human beings and no human wants to see another human end their life because they are lonely! It's so terrible that you feel this lonely to where you are contemplating suicide. I've been there too many times to count so I know exactly how you feel!! It's a terrible feeling when you are lonely it is a feeling of rejection, heart ache, and physical pain all combined into one. Luckily for me I've never attempted suicide and most likely never will but I just feel depressed so much sometimes I feel like my world is ending. BUT then I slap myself in the face and realize I have a loving and supportive family who would feel so terrible if I died.

    Depression is an AWFUL feeling to have! I really hope you'll seek help and not kill yourself because I KNOW people care about you and want you to stay on Earth. There is support groups literately EVERYWHERE but you have to want the HELP in order to battle your depression. I join online support groups and we have group chats all the time to pour out our problems and open up. It really works!! You just need more interaction with humans and you will feel really amazing once you start meeting friends who care about you. I really hope you'll make the right decision and seek help. PLEASE don't end your life!! God wants you to be on Earth for longer and that's a blessing. Good luck!!!

  • 6 years ago

    because killing yourself will only leave others depressed - think about it do you want others such as ur close family and friends and other people in your life to be going through the same thing as you? And if you kill urself whats the guarantee that u won't be depressed after in another form? So it defeated ur goal.

    There are strangers willing to help you with emotional support- start with the finding out (googling) where in your learning institution u can find a counsellor to talk about these kind of issues. or ask a teacher - i know someone will guide u to them. Just have hope cause it all anyone has.

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