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? asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionDrama · 6 years ago

What shows are you looking for this fall??

The new shows that going to be the best and going to be successful: Chicago Med, Blindspot, Life In Pieces, The Grinder, The Muppets and this awesome show,

The new shows that going to be the worst: Scream Queens (on Fox), Rosewood (also on Fox), and Best Time Ever (on NBC) (even though, Metacritic already was given these shows a 52, 34, and 42 by critics, one was already aired and no one is interested, either do i.

Scream Queens is going to ruin some careers, Rosewood would be down in the toliet, and Best Time Ever isn't the best time ever and will likely be the show .

I still don't know about Supergirl yet going to be a good show or not.

The new show that's most likely going to be cancelled for some reason: Quantico

1. This show lacked promotion as much on several ABC affiliates as it was promoted mostly on the internet in North America via a trailer on ABC's YouTube channel, a website, and one teaser appeared on the College Football game. This show's series premiere is in competition against Fox's Sunday Funday lineup, CBS' CSI Finale, and NBC's Sunday Night Football game between the Broncos and Lions.

2. One article had listed for Quantico on the IMDb NewsDesk i looked up from a Bollywood gossip site called Bollyspice was not as true as Rob Lowe's DirecTV commercials. nice try, India.:


*Best Time Ever isn't the best time ever and will likely be the show some people won't be interested. Sorry, for the error.

6 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Returning shows: Orphan Black, Gotham, The Blacklist, Vikings, Suits

    And one I'm stuck waiting till 2016 for: 19-2, a Canadian cop show that's crazy good.

    Plus another I hope will be back this fall instead of later in the season: Person of Interest.

    Some of the new shows that have debuted since you asked your question seemed okay, like Blindspot.

    But I wasn't all that impressed with the premiere episodes of Quantico and Blood and Oil.

  • 6 years ago

    I don't have cable, but that's okay, I love these. Some shows I haven't started watching yet. I keep saying I plan to, but don't. FREE NETFLIX BABY!.

    Castle, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Blue Bloods, Once Upon a Time, Grey's Anatomy, How to Get Away With Murder, Secrets and Lies, Resurrection. Blindspot. 2 (hot) Broke Girls. The Big Bang Theory. NCIS with Abby. CSI with Ted Danson, (I want to start watching I, Zombie. The girl's hot). Gotham. Heroes Reborn. Last Man Standing. Law and Order SVU. Limitless. Marvel's Agent Carter (I love shows where women kick ***). Mike and Molly. Modern Family. Mom. The Muppets. The Mysteries of Laura. Once Upon a Time. Quantico. Secrets and Lies. The Simpsons. Scream Queens. Scream. Supergirl. Under The Dome. Whose Line Is It Anyway?

  • 6 years ago

    The new Supernatural season, American Horror Story: Hotel, Walking Dead, Once Upon A Time, and Bates Motel.

  • 6 years ago

    Looking forward to Scream Queens & Quantico

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


    - The Walking Dead

    - The Affair

    - How to get away with Murder

    - Z Nation

  • 6 years ago

    chrisley knows best

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