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Why does the emo lifestyle die out as people get older?

6 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    mostly cuz of the misunderstanding of what "emo" is -- since most teens believe in the false stereotypes of emo (which are generally for the immature + developing), they tend to grow out of such things quickly, rather than someone who is *truly* an emo (meaning someone who listens to emotive hardcore music, maybe dresses a bit darkly, + nothing more) is possible to stay that way for the rest of their life (provided that's their true self).

    teens who think "emo" means overly emotional/emotionally unstable, depression, self-harming, complain about everything, etc. sort of stuff are usually just going through maturing/hormones + use that stuff as an excuse to cope with it -- they also usually believe that bands like BVB, PTV, or other metalcore type of bands are "emo" bands, but they're not. all this stuff spreads from one teen to another, basically teaching each other (+ other ppl) the wrong meaning of "emo", thus it becomes a phase that teens usually grow out of. but none of it actually relates to "emo". unfortunately, there are too many ppl who don't understand that (there are ppl who do understand the true def of emo, but not many)..

    Source(s): hope this helps~ :)
  • Mike
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The emo lifestyle is fun because it's counter-culture and is 'shocking' to people in middle school and high school. Then you learn that reality isn't as accommodating. If I interviewed a potential employee who was in black, had black makeup, and a negative attitude, they don't get a job.

    It's not relevant to the adult world. People grow out of it because they find things they really enjoy. And they need to have jobs.

  • chip
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Because people grow out of their emotional stages and tend to learn more about happiness as they go through life. Naturally they get out of their dark stages and the emo stage goes with that.

  • 6 years ago

    The emo lifestyle is for dumb insecure turds.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Because this emo thing is just dumb and peak of immaturenss

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    People become more mature and they understand the world more?

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