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Which person would you rather have as President of the United States and WHY?

1.Carly Fiorina

2. Ted Cruz

3. Marc Rubio

4. Chris Cristie

These are my top four based on debates. Who do you think is the best fit and why?

12 Answers

  • Deino
    Lv 7
    6 years ago


    He's the only who has spoken intelligibly about the needs and trials of small business in America.

    And I believe that small business is the answer to the problem of America's hurting middle class, among other things.

  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Marco Rubio.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Ted Cruz

    Chris Christie is basically a democrat. All of Carly's companies failed. Marco Rubio is weak on illegal immigration, he supports amnesty!!

  • Jesse
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Ben Carson

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Ted Cruz

    He's a principled Conservative

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You chooses Fiorina just because she stood up to Donald Trump about her face? That isnt much of a qualification. I dont think a Latino can be elected.

  • 6 years ago

    Ted Cruz because unlike a lot of other Republicans, he stand behind his values and is not a sell out.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Bernie Sanders.

    “What I thought from day one is that we had a message which said you know what, we got to start creating a government that works for all people. We’ve got to create millions of jobs. We have to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. We ought to control the outrageous increases in prescription drug costs. We have to have pay equity for women workers. We have to rebuild our infrastructure. All of those ideas I knew in my heart were going to resonate with the American people.” ~ Bernie Sanders, Democratic candidate for president, 9/10/15

    Bernie Sanders refuses to take money from Wall Street. He’s He doesn’t and won’t owe anyone any favors. A recent poll by CBS and The New York Times, found that 80 percent of Republicans agree with Bernie Sanders’ stand on Citizens United. Democrats agree with it too. Clean campaigning is very desirable.

    policies align with the majority of Americans on everything from income inequality to money’s role in politics to the minimum wage to federally financed political campaigning to abortion to overturning Citizens United to global warming andgovernment taking action to combat it to the affordability of a college degree to gun control togovernment surveillance We need a populist push in this country. Bernie is honest and consistent. He’s been fighting for veterans, workers, jobs, the middle class, women, children, education and a clean environment for his whole career. He’s not just giving it lip service; he’s written many bills and knows how the government works.

    Bernie has fought TPP every step of the way. TPP will lose yet more American jobs and be disastrous for America.

    He wants to create jobs fixing our crumbling infrastructure, and in clean renewable energy.

    Bernie wants to stop the corrupt money buying off our government officials so that each of us has an equal voice in our government.

    He wants to go beyond just protecting Social Security into expanding it.

    One out of five people in the US who gets a prescription from a doctor can’t afford to fill it, including cancer patients. They get sick(er) and end up in the hospital driving up the price of all our insurance. Americans pay the highest drug prices in the world. Drug companies are immensely profitable, spend more on advertising than on research, and have powerful lobbyists in D.C. Bernie Sanders and Elisha Cummings (D) have been working on this problem to lower drug prices and also allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Back in 1999 as a Representative, he was the first member of Congress to drive desperate Americans (often women with cancer) to Canada so they could buy their drugs at 1/10th the price they’d pay here.

    Basically, he cares deeply about the people of this country and our future. I believe we’ll have a better future and be more competitive in the global marketplace with him at the helm.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Rubio, although everyone of those people would make a horrible president.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    None of them. I haven't registered for my GOP sponsored lobotomy.

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