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Lv 5
? asked in HealthOther - Health · 6 years ago

Is Obesity a disease or just the sin of gluttony?

The "big bones" and "thyroid issues" are just excuses for being a a "pig person"?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    cecil is right on the money

    the farm subsidies for big corporations of snack industries and fast food keeps the average American addicted to high caloric intakes of fats and sugars leading to heart disease and obesity. its like u fatten up your calf before slaughtering it. the aliens prefer a little meat on the bones. they cook people alive and harvest their organs to make proteins needed to survive because their bodies are incapable of doing this.

    this is common knowledge there are over 1000 deep underground bases in the USA where FEMA has box cars with shackles on them for 50 000 americans to be brought into alien custody. just the same as getting the cow as healthy as possible before killing it. the aliens want humans to be as fat as possible so they can harvest the tissue and organs for their health needs.

    these aliens are the fallen angels or greys and servants of the adversary the snake. the reptilian race is descendant from the devil.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Obesity may be a sign of gluttony, but that is not always the case. One’s being overweight may be the result of an ailment. Hereditary factors may also contribute to obesity. We should also keep in mind that obesity is a physical condition, while gluttony is a mental attitude. Obesity is defined as “a condition characterized by excessive bodily fat,” whereas gluttony is “greedy or excessive indulgence.” Thus, gluttony is not determined by someone’s size but by his attitude toward food. A person may be of normal size or may even be thin and yet be a glutton. Furthermore, what is viewed as the ideal weight or shape varies considerably from place to place.

  • Edie
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Too many people assume that the obese are weak-willed lazy whiners who shovel down everything in sight and never exercise beyond lifting a fork. Because of these assumptions, they heap abuse upon the obese, deny them jobs, emotional support, call them disgusting pigs, laugh and jeer at them, etc...

    This abusive behavior must stop. Current research being done is revealing a very complex disease with genetic factors, emotional factors, environmental factors, etc... The rise in obesity coincided with the development of chemical additives in the food supply to preserve it, genetically engineered foods, plastics, fast foods, both human and animal medications, changing social pressures, and the health of organs such as the thyroid.

    The human body is a highly complex eco system with many internal systems that have to work in harmony in order to reach the optimum state of good health. Its emotional and mental systems are just as important as the circulatory and nervous systems. All the systems are interdependent.

    If you are disgusted by the obese, keep your opinions to yourself and try being a friend instead. Don't be negative around them you will only sabotage their efforts to improve themselves. Be supportive and stop being so judgmental over something you do not understand.

    The obese are human beings who have the same right to exist in this world as you, have the same needs as you, have the same hopes and dreams as you, have the same desires and fears as you. They also know exactly how fat they are and don't need you to tell them over and over and over.

    A little compassion can go along way.

  • 6 years ago

    The Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight explains the cause of obesity in simple terms: “Genes may set the stage for overweight or obesity, but your body weight ultimately is determined by your diet and physical activity. Over the long term, eating excess calories, leading a sedentary lifestyle, or a combination of both leads to obesity.” “Obesity is very difficult to treat, and most people who lose weight do not keep it off,” says the book Food Fight.

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  • 6 years ago

    It is our food supply. This obesity as we know it today just hit about 30 years ago. Culprits are:

    TV, computers, cars, movies, schools.

    Toooo much sitting.

    The worst culprit of the all is the food supply. They grow veggies, milks, sugars, and most foods that are malnourishing or not.....and obesity is taking it toll as a direct result. Be aware that our USA

    Congress does not eat these malnourishing and devitalized foods.

    They have thousands of acres of specialty farms, lakes that grow only the best of specialty meats, fruits and fish.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    I don't believe in sin. I think it could be laziness or a legitimate disease, but most of the time it's more complicated than those things. Maybe it's their parents fault for not establishing a healthy diet for them early on, maybe they're eating as a result of depression. It could be a lot of things. I don't think obesity is right but just writing them off as lazy pigs is counter-intuitive to encouraging them to improve their health.

  • 6 years ago

    There are a lot of things that can effect someone's weight. Some are health related, some are genetic, some are from a general lack of activity, and some are eating related. Also, take what I said with a grain of salt, because the causes can also effect weight indirectly.

  • K & D
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Usually it is just a matter of either eating too much or eating the wrong foods. So much of our food has corn syrup in it which is awful for you not to mention all the preservatives. Also we sit too much, our bodies were created in such a way that we get better the more physical we are. If you let a car just sit in your yard it would eventually rust, same with our bodies!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Thyroid disease is one of the most common health problems we face today. From a practical standpoint, there are many ways to approach this issue. Learn here

    Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, is a very common problem, and there are many reasons for this, including drinking chlorinated and fluoridated water, and eating brominated flour.

    Chlorine, fluoride, and bromine are all in the same family as iodine, and can displace iodine in your thyroid gland.

    Secondly, many people simply aren't getting enough iodine in their diet to begin with. The amount you get from iodized salt is just barely enough to prevent you from getting a goiter.

  • 6 years ago

    If all medical tests have ruled out something such as an under active thyroid I do believe it is learned behavior ( gluttony) food is like fuel for a car your body needs it to operate properly. And the right kind of "fuel" as well

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