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Im really stressed with my weight!?

Hi everyone~ Im a 16 year old teen girl and really obses with my weight. Not that much though. I never have aneroxia problem but before this I was really thin (when I was 13) and my BMI indicated me as underweight. Now, I feel so stress about how my whole body looks. I tried dieting but it last only to 2 or 3 weeks then I will start binging for 2 to 3 weeks and I will be on track back. That is my diet cycle and Im really disappointed in that. I tried everything to get my thin body back; drinking a glass of water after I get up from sleep, avoid eating after 7p.m, avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks (I ate instant noodle 2 times in 2 weeks because I was binging and that was not normal for me), drink a mug of green tea (unsweetened), drinking 2000mg of vitamin c a day and I dont eat chicken and meat (Really dont eat them). Im not the kind that is active in sports but I go here and there by walking (especially in school and my tuition class). My parents doesnt let me cycle or walk to school for safety reasons. Actually, Im have a normal BMI but I dont now why I want to become underweight like the celebrities out there. All of them look so pretty and beautiful. I also have this major crush on a boy. Everytime my mind recalls his face, suddenly I will stop eat everything and will go on a massive diet. Then, I will start binging. I think that is one of the reasons too.

Help me please :'( Thank you :')


In the same time, I always compare myself with my sisters, friends and classmates and everytime I do that myself esteem drops and I will start dieting then binging. My mum always told me how thin she was when she was in my age and that really stresses me out. She was only 45kg when she was pregnant for the first time. But, Im 50++kg and Im not even married yet!!! And my aunt told me that Im chubby.

Update 2:

And some of the people that I didnt met for a long time, usually they will say ' You gain some weight here lil fella' and I will be like smiling but deep in my heart Im crying.

Update 3:

Help me please. I'm sick being like this :'( I want to do an extreme diet routine but I always think about how will my future be if I dont consume the right amount of nutrients now. Both of my mum and sister told me to stop dieting but I cant... I just cant.. Help me please

Update 4:

Additional Informations:

16 years old

Weight 50++kg

157 height (That was a 6-7 months ago. I dont know what is my current height)

Dont exercise much but walks a lot (not that a lot) in school especially

Likes to watch cooking shows

Not living in the west

Sometimes obses with the calories that I consumed

Im always craving for food

Really loves bread

Im curvy ><

I cant think anything more.

I have asthma

Thank you everyone!

2 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Alright so first off I think you should know that the celebrity's look like the way they do because of make up company's having some graphics designer photoshopping their faces slitely to make them seem so pretty. They trick you into thinking that u need to look like them in order to be cool or whatever but don't be fooled nobody is perfect.

    And the boy u like should like u not based on your looks but who u are on the inside. Ya being attracted to someone means somthing but trust me looks will eventually go away at some point in your life.

    And im not sure what exactly the guy u like is into but most guys will want a girl with a little meat on there bones. but like I said he shouldn't like u based on your weight

    All in all u should just be happy rather than stress out over your weight. As long as your happy with who u are than that should be all that matters Good luck 👍🏼

  • 6 years ago

    1. Add, Don't Subtract

    Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.

    Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.

    "Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.

    2.Forget About Working Out

    If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to enjoying a workout may be to never call it working out.

    "There's some truth to that," Grotto tells WebMD, and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise plan, Grotto says you'll discover "the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that were preventing you from exercising in the first place."

    So burn calories and invigorate muscles by beachcombing, riding bikes, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog around the yard, or even enjoying great sex. After all, a rose by any other name ...

    3.Go Walking

    Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."

    No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:

    -Trade your power mower for a push version.

    -Park your car at the back of the lot.

    -Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.

    -Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.

    -Get off the bus a few stops earlier.

    -Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.

    -Take the stairs every chance you get.

    -Sign up for charity walks.

    -Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.

    It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

    4.Lighten the Foods You Already Love

    One of the easiest ways to cut back without feeling denied is to switch to lower-calorie versions of the foods you crave. A pizza tastes just as good with reduced-fat cheese, and when you garnish low-fat ice cream with your favorite toppers, who notices those missing calories?

    And while you're trimming fat calories, keep an eye on boosting fiber, suggests registered dietitian Elaine Magee, RD, MPH, author of Tell Me What to Eat If I Suffer From Heart Disease and Food Synergy.

    Fiber helps you feel satisfied longer, so while you lighten family favorites, you can easily amp up the fiber by adding a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough, or toss a handful of red bell peppers on the pie.

    Don't forget to lighten the drinks going with that meal. Try switching from high-calorie favorites to diet soda or light beer, or maybe add a spritz of seltzer to your wine.

    Hate low-cal drinks? Mix your preferred drinks with a splash of the low-cal option, then increase the ratio as your taste buds adjust. And don't forget to keep pouring that ultimate beverage, says Magee: water!

    If you enjoyed that, I got six (6) moret tips for you in my blog.. check it out :)

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