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  • Is it normal having a Bunion as a teen?

    Hi! Im a 16 years old teenager and currently jogs everyday to reduce my weight. So, after 2 weeks I started my jogging routine (every morning and evening), my right foot suddenly started feeling sore and it looked like a big bump is growing on my first joint of my big toe. It hurts so much but I keep on jogging until yesterday. It hurts when I'm walking. I dont know what to do. My mum had warned me not to over-exercise but I'm such a stubborn girl and I just continue to jog. But, I really want to shave off some weight :'( Yesterday, it started to swollen a bit but I just ignore it. Should I continue to jog or should I stop for a while? Should I see the doctor? How can I cure this problem without having a surgery? :'(

    P/S: I do have time intervals on jogging. I mean like, today I ran 20 min in morning and 20 min in the evening and rest the next day. But, currently I jog almost everyday. :'( And, it hurts when Im walking but less hurt when I'm running.

    1 AnswerRunning5 years ago
  • I m 16 and eating 600 calories a day, is that okay?

    Hi! I m a 16 year old girl who really want to lose weight. I m eating about 600kcal a day and jog for 20 minutes in the morning and evening everyday. I m about 157-159.5cm tall and currently 47kg after dieting for 1 week. I want to lose another 4kg. But, suddenly today after I finished jog, my body felt soooo weak and I dont know why. I have a cheat day though where I eat around 1000kcal. Please help me. Thank you :)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Im really stressed with my weight!?

    Hi everyone~ Im a 16 year old teen girl and really obses with my weight. Not that much though. I never have aneroxia problem but before this I was really thin (when I was 13) and my BMI indicated me as underweight. Now, I feel so stress about how my whole body looks. I tried dieting but it last only to 2 or 3 weeks then I will start binging for 2 to 3 weeks and I will be on track back. That is my diet cycle and Im really disappointed in that. I tried everything to get my thin body back; drinking a glass of water after I get up from sleep, avoid eating after 7p.m, avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks (I ate instant noodle 2 times in 2 weeks because I was binging and that was not normal for me), drink a mug of green tea (unsweetened), drinking 2000mg of vitamin c a day and I dont eat chicken and meat (Really dont eat them). Im not the kind that is active in sports but I go here and there by walking (especially in school and my tuition class). My parents doesnt let me cycle or walk to school for safety reasons. Actually, Im have a normal BMI but I dont now why I want to become underweight like the celebrities out there. All of them look so pretty and beautiful. I also have this major crush on a boy. Everytime my mind recalls his face, suddenly I will stop eat everything and will go on a massive diet. Then, I will start binging. I think that is one of the reasons too.

    Help me please :'( Thank you :')

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Am I Overweight for a 16 years old girl?

    Hi! Im a 16 years old girl, weigh 110.4lbs with 158cm height. I dont eat meats and I dont drink those fizzy drinks. I also rarely eat those instant foods. But I think my weight is increasing more and more. What should I do :'( Thank you.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How can I be a Chemical Engineer or a Neurosurgeon?

    Hi! Im a 16 year old teen and am planning for my future. I have 2 dream careers that are making me confuse to which one is really suitable for me. Im currently in Science stream. What course do I have to take to achieve that career? What subjects do I have to master in? How much is the salaries? What will I work on/do if say I got the one of the jobs? How many years do I have to study catch one of those careees? I hope anyone can explain this to me CLEARLY as I dont want to make the wrong decision and end up badly. As they say, "Career planning is life planning". Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Are my diet menus will help me lose weight?

    Hi! So, Im 16, 159.5cm and currently weight 49.4kg(after going on a diet routine where I ate less than 1000kcal a day). Before this my weight is 51kg something.. For 2 days, I cheated and left the diet routine because I had a massive food craving (after 2 weeks dieting), plus my family and I went to the cinemas. I ate a box of caramalized popcorn and 2 cups of sweet corn at 12 am until the movie ends. The next day, I ate cakes and a bowl of curry noodles. Im so so so dissapointed in myself now. So, now Im changing my diet routine as follows:-

    Breakfast: 500ml of water

    1 cup of green tea

    1 piece of wholemeal bread with 1 teaspoon of Nutella spread

    1 boiled egg

    A half of cucumber

    3 dates


    Breaking Fast: 500ml of water

    1 cup of green tea

    A half of cucumber

    1 sweet potato (boiled)

    3 dates

    I counted the calories and it is about 600++kcal, but less than 700kcal.. My aim is to eat less than 1000kcal.. Im planning to lose another 4kg and maintain that weight. Help me please.. Thank u...

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • What is the negative and positive impacts of Green Technology? Help me please! It is for my school project!! URGENT :'(?

    Hi! I'm searching the positive and negative impacts of Green Technology but, most of the information I've got from the internet, are positive impacts.. I really need negative impacts of the green technology... Urgent! Thank you for helping me :)

    3 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Can someone translate this sentence into Japanese?

    Hi! Can someone do me a favor? Can you guys translate this sentence 'Melody of the Tears' in Japanese? Oh! And another thing. What is the most beautiful name that starts with T for a girl? Thank you!

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • How does waves occur and can somebody explain to me about simple past tense?

    Hi everyone! I'm a 15 years old student, studying in a secondary school in one of the states in Malaysia. I had been given a task on how waves occur and simple past tense. Can somebody explain to me how does waves occur and what is 'Simple Past Tense'? I would be very greatful if you can list some sentences that use 'Simple Past Tense' too :) Thank you for spending some of your time answering this question of mine. I may not be very good in English but, I would appreciate it if you can correct my mistakes in the sentences that I've used. Thank you!!

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • What is the suitable present continuous tense for this sentence?

    Hi everyone! I'm a 15 year old, studying at a secondary school in one of the states in Malaysia. My teacher gave me a task to find out whether the usage of the present continuous tense in this sentence is right or vice versa. This is the sentence:-

    "Another group of volunteers ............(wait) for the arrival of boats to travel to another flood evacuation centre".

    Should I put "is waiting" or "are waiting" to fill in the blank??

    Also, can somebody explain to me the reason?

    Thank you so much for spending some of your time to answer this knowledgeable question of mine. Hoping to get a nice and effective feedback. If there are any mistakes in any of the sentences that I've used, I apologise and kindly remind me :)

    Again, thank you!


    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • How to describe someone who can't dance?

    I'm writing and essay and one of those characters in my essay can't dance. And by can't dance I mean he tried to dance but he kept failing doing it. I need two to three words to describe this 'undanceable' man :) Thank you :)

    3 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • How do the artery and the vein keep the blood flowing in one direction only?

    In the heart, it is called 'valve', right? The thing that ensure the blood flows only in one direction. What about the artery and the vein? How they keep the blood flowing only in one direction? Help me please. Thank you very much for sparing some time to answer my question :)

    4 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • What do English Men think of Asian Girls?

    Just asking because I liked this English guy and he's so cute :) What do English Men think of Asian Girls?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Is it true that after we have our first period, our height will not be increasing anymore?

    Is this true?? Or is this just a myth?? Because after I have my first period last year, my height grew from 154cm to 160cm.. Before I had my first period, my friends always told me this stuff and it made me so scared that I will never be taller than I am back than after I period.. Please don't bash me with posting bad answers :) I just really want to know :)

    Thank you for spending your time answering my question :)

    P/S: I'm a 14 year old teenage girl :)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    A 14 year old teenage girl need help!! PLease Help Me :))?

    Hi! I'm a 14 years old teenage girl and I have eye circles.. I really want to get rid of them. I tried some home made remedies but sadly it only worked for a while :'( I can't afford to buy an eye cream because they're too expensive for me, a middle school student to buy it.. So, I made some research and make my own eye cream :D I mix my 100% Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E cream in the ratio of 1:2.. Is this okay for me to wear? I've tried apply those 2 things separately and both of them worked for me :) They made my eyes circles fade away slowly. But, when I stop applying those 2 things around my eyes, my eye circles come back.. Help me please :DDDDD

    Thank you so mucH!! :DD

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • What is the best diet plan for 14 year old girl?

    I'm 5'3 and weigh 47kg. I plan to decrease my weigh for about 45 or 44kg. I want to get rid of my chubby face and baby fat in my stomach. My thights are also big (it's big as my 2 palms) and my calves are a bit too big too. It looks like it contains a lot of fat. Thank you :)

    P/S: Sorry if my english is broken :)

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How Can I Determine My Body Shape?

    Can anyone tell me some method that can determine our body shape? Btw, I'm a 14 year old teenager! Thank u!!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How to Have A Balanced Diet and How to maintain my body shape?

    Can anyone tell me a balanced diet and a healthy eating routine? Also, how to maintain my body shape 'cause I heard that our body shape can change anytime. I'm a 14 year old teenager. =) Thank you very much!!!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Can I switch my face cleanser?

    Hi! I'm a 14 year old teenager from Malaysia. I really hope that u guys know what I'm trying to ask you guys through the question. I'm not really fluent in English. Currently, I'm using Garnier's cleanser to cleanse my face. I just surfed the internet and found a new brand face cleanser. The question is, if I want to change my face cleanser into a different face cleanser, will it be okay for my skin?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago