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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

On the eve of the great BENGHAZI hearing do we have Kevin Mccarthy to thank for providing Clinton with all the cover she could ever need?


HIs open and honest admission that the Benghazi hearings are nothing more than political theatre meant to damage Clinton's poll numbers has ensured that whatever accusation they lob at her will slide right off.

13 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Benghazi has been 'investigated' five or six times. Nothing has been found to implicate Hillary, but Republicans speak as if their most breathless accusations have been proven. Anyone who's been paying attention to US politics for a while--for instance during the previous Clinton administration--should recognize the pattern. You might think McCarthy's announcement would make it so that Republicans could no longer claim the hearings are anything more than a witch hunt. But the Republicans are shameless. They will continue to 'investigate' Benghazi and e-mailgate at least until the election, and if Hillary is elected, until she leaves the White House. Along with whatever other spurious accusations they can dream up.

    When confronted with the truth about these tactics, Republicans act as if they are justified in playing dirty politics. This is war! Any tactics are justified because Hillary is a socialist! A fascist! A Communist! She's dedicated to destroying our country, and we are saving it!

  • 6 years ago

    no. it is the members of the demo party there whom are doing an injustice ---attacking the Repubs. while asking watered down Qs so HRC can elaborate on what she thinks she did right during the tragedy of Benghazi. One member pretty much gave up his 10 minutes so she could make a speech for election using the tragedy to her gain Why did she lie about the hard drive if she's innocent and had it wiped out?.

  • 6 years ago

    The BENGHAZI "investigation" has been completely discredited. Hillary should just walk in, state her name for the record, drop the mike, and skip out; if she can still skip. If she can't, moonwalking would also be acceptable.

  • 6 years ago

    Well he started the ball rolling don't forget that since him there have been a lot of other rats trying to swim away from that ship without doing prison time.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Kevin is a PUNK for the Clintons

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Benghazi is still a thing?

    Must be a slow day for Dems and Reps.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Hillary was not the same woman that entered that hearing room this

    morning. She left upset and really wondering what was going to come


  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Don't forget Dick Hanna, R-NY. He spilled the beans that had already been spilled.

  • yes

  • 6 years ago

    go trump

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