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Do girls like to date nice guys?

I want to say a couple things about myself here. I consider myself extremely well respected by family members and such. I was just told last week by a stranger at a bar just how genuine I came across to him. I consider myself an extremely unselfish person that would bend over backwards for everyone. I'm also very sincere about being caring and loving for others and I don't ever look to be something I'm not. Yes I admittedly I do have a quiet side to me with only 1 close friend, but I know that anyone who would meet me would never get the impression that I don't know how to be friendly with people. If anything the close friend I do have would consider me to be a goofball and have tendency to be loud. I'm also a virgin that is waiting to marriage, because I'm very religious. Could it be that girls just simply don't want to date a nice guy like this? Could it be that they don't appreciate that I have an unselfish disposition towards all people in my life? I don't seem to be having luck on dating sites and if I try to find a girl in person I run the risk of running into someone who won't respect my beliefs on premaritial sex which would render me dating such a girl a waste of time.

I want someone who likes affection and appreciates what a unique individual I am. Someone I can laugh with. I feel like if I change to be something else it will just make me unhappy. I'm not unselfish because I need to be in order to be accepted, but because it makes me feel good not unhappy.

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Of course girls like nice guys but some are just basic bi@#£s, who only care for the physical part of the relationship. You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy, but if you do want to find someone who has your standards and beliefs I would suggest going to different churches in your area, christian dating websites or just waiting for the right person to come along .

  • LG
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Whoever said the dating world was easy, was either full of sh^t, really lucky, or not talking about dating human beings on Planet Earth. It's a tough world out there. And no, nice guys don't get a VIP pass here. They have to go through the same process of rejections, false starts and broken hearts. But the good news is, rejections and broken hearts are painful but not deadly. You can survive them to try again. And actually, rejections, false starts and broken hearts teach us something about ourselves and about the opposite sex each time we go through one. Each time(as long as we process it properly, acknowledging what we liked about it, what we didn't like, what can we do better next time. Instead of saying things like "all men are a$$h^les" or "all women are b^&*es") we go through have a better idea of what we want and what to expect. And are that much closer to finding a life partner.

    So yes, you must go through the painful process of finding a good mate. You have many wonderful qualities. But getting and keeping a relationship has as much to do with what we DO as it does with who we are. Good people are just as capable of screwing up relationships as everyone else, or just as capable of being single and alone if they don't do what it takes to find a mate, hoping one will just drop out of the sky, or come knocking on our door one day when we're in our underwear watching Jerry Springer.

    So if you're religious and believe in waiting, you might try putting that on your profile. It'll be a deal breaker for many women. But try to keep in mind that you don't want those women. You're looking for the right one. And a woman who's looking for the same thing might drop you a line instead of passing you up for the next profile.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Try a christian dating site. I think you will go farther in with that as you have morals and high standards.

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