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  • How can I tell my girlfriend I don't like a vacation she goes to every year without hurting her feelings?

    So my girlfriend likes to go to this lake every year with her parents in Connecticut. I don't mean to be mean when I say this, but I find it extremely boring as it's not my idea of a vacation. I mean the reason I bring this question up is because she's going to ask me if i had a good time. Well of course I have a good time spending time with her, but I don't have a good time being at that place if that makes any sense. My idea of a vacation is to see and do things you can't do back home like seeing the Pyramids in Egypt or exploring in the Amazon rain forest. I just feel going to the same place every year is tedious and too much of the same kind of things. I'm just one who is adventurous who likes to see and do amazing things. I want to make a point and say I'm all for her and her parents enjoying the vacation. It's their tradition that they love and it's what they can afford and I greatly appreciate her parents for having me even though it's something I don't enjoy. My question is what should I say to my girlfriend if she asks me if I had a good time without giving her the wrong impression in making her think I don't enjoy her company?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • If advanced stats are most important, then why does it seem like most elected MVP candidates always have the highest batting average?

    My argument is that one can make an argument every year for a guy that doesn t have the highest batting average, yet most of the time the guys that don t have a 300 average are not elected. Why do you think that is? I m not saying they are never elected guys hitting under 300, but a lot of times they re not.

    4 AnswersBaseball3 years ago
  • Do you agree with Joe Girardi in terms of how he has set up the starting rotation for the ALDS against Cleveland?

    Why is Tanaka starting game 3? I understand that Tanaka struck out 15 in his last start against Toronto. I understand that he s capable of throwing a gem. I understand that we re going up against a top Indian starter. But despite knowing this, I don t agree with him. I would start Montgomery, because I m more confident that he won t have an inning where he would give up 6 runs like Tanaka could. I mean 35 home runs given up by Tanaka my goodness. I m not trying to be hypocritical of Girardi since he managed the bullpen great the other night, but am I wrong here to think that this is not the best managerial move?

    Another thing I want to say is that if you have to lose this series, then I would rather go down having my best pitcher Severino pitch twice in this series. I get that Severino was beyond horrendous against the Twins, I get that, but he is still the Yankees number 1 best guy no matter how you slice it. That means I would have him pitch game 2 and then have him come back on 3 days rest for game 5 if necessary. Think about it. Let s say for argument sake the Yanks steal tonight s game. Wouldn t you want to give yourself a more realistic SHOT in game 2 to go up 2-0 by pitching your best pitcher against Corey Kluber? I feel like the Yankees are just handing game 2 of this series to the Indians. Make these guys earn it for god sakes. Don t just give this 102 win team any more breaks than they need.

    What do you guys think about this? Thoughts?

    9 AnswersBaseball4 years ago
  • Despite batting average being overrated, would you venture to guess that 300 hitters have had more postseason success than 250 hitters?

    Like if you were to compare stats from every 250 hitter in postseason history and compare them to every 300 hitter in postseason history would you guess that the 300 hitter had more success? Now by success I mean has either hit better overall in a series than his 250 competitor OR has gotten more key hits.

    3 AnswersBaseball4 years ago
  • Will Lesnar vs. Goldberg at Wrestlemania 33 be a repeat performance of Wrestlemania 20?

    I may be in the minority that feels this way, but I really hope WWE reconsiders doing Lesnar/Goldberg for Wrestlemania 33. While their last match was designed to be a squash match to build up Goldberg, it wasn't a bad match, it was a disgrace of a match. A 1 minute match, for god sakes. Just look at their Wrestlemania 20 match. It was hyped to the moon, only to end up being one of the worst matches of the 21st century. The crowds at Wrestlemania 20 were chanting boring at WWE's peak years, so imagine how it will do now. And now WWE wants to do a rematch of this. Give me Goldberg/Undertaker or Goldberg/Cena over this ****. I love Lesnar and Goldberg, but they don't belong fighting each other.

    2 AnswersWrestling4 years ago
  • Could I sue my school and resign immediately for being hit and threatened by a student?

    So I have a serious situation to discuss. There are 2 students who have either threatened me, my family, or have used a stapler to shoot out staples at me. I had one of those students punch me on the right side of the stomach and the 2nd student slapped me across the face. I have also had a student threaten me with scissors if I didn't give him a dollar. My question is wouldn't I have the right to resign immediately if I so choose and not have to give the school 60 day notice? I just feel like even though the last couple of days things have calmed down, I feel like they are bound to get violent again since the aid that is in my room is a big, tall, and strong man and he scheduled to leave at the end of this month. Generally speaking when he is in the room the students will generally not do anything, but the moment he leaves the room for a second this violent crap starts up again. I just feel like this is affecting my performance as I can't seem to keep up with the tremendous amount of work they want me to do. What should I do?

    3 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • How do I cope with the situation of not having burning desires to accomplish anything in the workplace?

    Ok so I have been fired two years in a row due to classroom management problems as a teacher. I feel like I m completely lost in life. The only reason I work is because I have to work and don t really have anything I m looking to accomplish at any job. I guess the reason I feel this way is because a key to success in any job is learning, but for my entire life learning has been constant source of frustration to me to a point where I hate learning. I ve battled a comprehension disorder my entire life.

    Everything I was taught in school up until now I simply memorized and simply was not able to use any other strategy to learn things other than simple memorization. I could not learn and see things in the big picture, connect ideas to previous learned concepts, or apply any of what I learned to my life. I had extreme trouble mentally picturing words that I read as I could not create mental images of the things I read since the words did not have any meaning to me.

    I feel like how learn things has not benefited me at all and that learning is not a meaningful experience for me like it generally is for most people. I just feel like I m at a complete loss. Anyone have any solutions or advice they can give me to deal with this? Thanks a lot!!!

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • Would you feel insulted if you held the door open for your girlfriend and she didn t say thank you for it?

    I got to tell you, I recently go into a relationship with my new girlfriend a few weeks back. If there is one thing that admittedly bothers me is when she doesn t say thank you for when I open the door for her AND for when I treat her several times for dinner. She said she loved me when I told her I loved her, but I don t feel that way. I feel like the things I do for her is not being truly appreciated. It seems like every time I do something nice for someone I get a slap in the face for it. What exactly did I do to deserve this? Am I just simply loving too hard? I mean I love with the up most sincerity. When I m in a relationship I don t half *** my way through it, I give it my all and I don t feel I deserve a slap in the fave with the way I make girls feel appreciated. Should I tell my girlfriend this? What should I do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What is the difference between an "objective" and "the methods" in a lesson plan?

    I seem to be getting these two terms confused when I'm writing my lesson plans. Could someone be kind enough to give me an example of an objective and a method that clearly demonstrates the difference. I get that a learning objective is a specified learning outcome you hope to get your students to achieve and the methods are kind of procedures, but can someone give me an example of each? Thanks!!!!

    2 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • Should I really bother doing speed dating if I'm a virgin waiting until marriage to have sex?

    While there are girls who would be willing to wait for a guy, it seems the world has become completely polluted in their minds that someone has to have sex with them before marriage otherwise they won't continue in the relationship. I personally think that's shallow as people can miss out on the positive influence people can rub off on others.

    Now to my concern. I want to do this speed dating thing in a few weeks where I have the opportunity to go on 30 dates each 3 minutes each on December 20. The thing is I feel I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, because I haven't had any luck on any of the religious dating sites I've tried and if I do the speed dating thing I might start dating them long term only to find out they refuse to not wait until marriage to have sex. That's why I'm hesitant to meet people in person, because it's hard to find very religious people other than a youth group, which is generally only for people age 25 or younger. What do you think I should do? Should I do the speed dating thing?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Would you date a guy who had only one close friend?

    Let's say I had only one close friend that I would actually hang out with in person, but he was a friend that was helpful and looked out for me when I was in the hospital with a kidney stone. Would you date him?

    I feel like part of the reason I don't have a lot of friends isn't so much because I can't be friendly with people, but the fact that I'm very selective with who I choose to be my friends. I know most extroverted people can be friends with just about anyone, but that's not me. I like friends who are very funny like my one close friend Brian, but someone who likes to try new things and have old fashioned values.

    I do have a person from college that even though we don't hang out, I consider very close to me and that's my friend Steve. Like I feel the few times we have hanged out in the past, we would have the best times joking around and such. It's just hard, because we usually hang out with this other kid in NY who is now married so it's hard for us to get together much. Like am I somehow wrong or weird for being very selective for choosing my friends? It's not that I can't make friends, but I'm just selective with the type of people I want to be friends.

    4 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • I was terminated by my therapist for telling her that I love her and now I see her profile on a dating site called now what?

    I feel weird about this, I mean I feel I'm going to somehow get in trouble for viewing her profile, but at the same time I feel like it's not my fault. It's not like I was trying to invade her privacy or anything. She was the one putting herself out there. How do you think she is going to react knowing she is going to see that I viewed her profile? Am I somehow a fault in this that I ran into her on a dating service. I mean what are the chances?

    5 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Do you feel ambition can be misinterpreted by a partner when in a relationship?

    It seems to me that a lot of women treat ambition as a make or break despite several other factors that go into a relationship. I don't disagree with anyone saying that people who are ambitious tend to be the most intelligent, driven, and go after their goals unlike people who are lazy and not ambition. However, couldn't it be possible also that girls would get the wrong impression about their men who otherwise work extremely hard to be successful and are driven to learn, but are somehow just assumed to be lazy when they are not getting the results they desire.? I mean after all just because someone is unsuccessful doesn't mean they don't put in an extraordinary effort. We are just driven to the assumption based on societal pressures that if someone is unsuccessful they have to be labeled as lazy people who don't want to learn. I personally don't think that's a fair label to assume someone is lazy if they're unsuccessful especially if someone doesn't see how hard someone works and how much drive they have to learn even when the results may not show it.

    What women really want in my opinion are results oriented men, being ambitious does help a great deal to getting results, but doesn't guarantee them and that's where hard working men can get the unfair lazy label. If a woman is a going to label an unsuccessful ambitious man anything, it should be that he lacks results and not that he is lazy, because there is such a thing as working hard to not receive results.

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • What strategies can I take to improve my social pragmatic communication disorder?

    So I went to a neuropsychologist and I got tested for a learning disability. The report came out and I was diagnosed with a social pragmatic communication disorder as well as a specific learning disorder in reading comprehension and listening comprehension. This has impacted me in all forms of life (job, social life etc.).

    What the the report said was that in conversation with people I have difficulty following conversation rules and picking up on nonverbal cues. In conversation I also have extreme difficulty with making inferences and interpreting metaphorical language. I consider myself a very friendly person around people and can be pretty outgoing and a goofball as well, but because of these symptoms it's difficult for me to be consistent with lasting conversations even having experiences to talk about. This would lead my family members and people around me to interpret the times that I am quiet as being shy or unfriendly, when that's not true at all.

    I do put myself out there among people as I'm part of a meetup group, but what strategies can I use for myself among people so I can work around these deficiencies in difficulties with interpreting metamorphical language, nonverbal cues, and making inferences? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Do girls like to date nice guys?

    I want to say a couple things about myself here. I consider myself extremely well respected by family members and such. I was just told last week by a stranger at a bar just how genuine I came across to him. I consider myself an extremely unselfish person that would bend over backwards for everyone. I'm also very sincere about being caring and loving for others and I don't ever look to be something I'm not. Yes I admittedly I do have a quiet side to me with only 1 close friend, but I know that anyone who would meet me would never get the impression that I don't know how to be friendly with people. If anything the close friend I do have would consider me to be a goofball and have tendency to be loud. I'm also a virgin that is waiting to marriage, because I'm very religious. Could it be that girls just simply don't want to date a nice guy like this? Could it be that they don't appreciate that I have an unselfish disposition towards all people in my life? I don't seem to be having luck on dating sites and if I try to find a girl in person I run the risk of running into someone who won't respect my beliefs on premaritial sex which would render me dating such a girl a waste of time.

    I want someone who likes affection and appreciates what a unique individual I am. Someone I can laugh with. I feel like if I change to be something else it will just make me unhappy. I'm not unselfish because I need to be in order to be accepted, but because it makes me feel good not unhappy.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What could my dream of my therapist kissing me mean?

    I have these transferent romantic feelings for my therapist that I haven't told her about yet, but about 3 months ago I dreamed that she kissed me in her office. Obviously I don't need to be educated at all as to why this is unethical in real life and why the therapist and client can't ever be friends due to damage it can do to the therapeutic relationship as well as the risk of the therapist losing his or her's license among several other factors. I would never breach boundaries or have these thoughts interfere with my progression is therapy because I'm too determined and have come too far to not let anything stop me. What could this dream mean though? Could it simply just mean that it's ok for me to be honest with my therapist and tell her the truth about my feelings? I don't want to leave my therapist because I don't think I would respond to treatment no where near as quickly as I have responded to her, because I feel a strong connection in the therapeutic relationship. I feel she understands me better than most others would. Plus I feel I learn things about myself in ways I don't I would learn it from someone else, which kind of in a way makes therapy enjoyable for me rather than a torture.

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Is it fair to say there are not really any shows at all in the present time that would be targeted to what I specifically want to see?

    Ok so I'm a huge 80s and more specifically 90s sitcom type of person. However, when it comes to why I was so intrigued by those shows it has to do with the fact that many of them stressed specific themes within their episodes. So for example in Family Matters there was an episode where a girl from Laura's school was shot in the arm and at the end of the episode they were asked to turn in their guns. Another example was an episode of Full House where Stephanie's friend Charles was abused by his father and Jesse and Stephanie had to resolve it after Stephanie swore to Charles that she wouldn't tell. Am I wrong to say major issues such as these are never stressed in a sitcoms today and therefore modern tv shows wouldn't lend itself to these issues I specifically want to see in shows? Or am I not looking hard enough into sitcoms?

    1 AnswerOther - Television6 years ago
  • Would you date a guy that has no friends, but is actively outgoing at various meetup groups he attends during the week?

    Like let's say a guy chose to not have friends, but acquaintances that he sees at a social group various times during the week. And the guy's choice is to socialize with people, but does not desire a set companionship outside of having a girlfriend because he values romance over companionship. Would you be willing to date him at all provided he actively keeps attending several meetups each week?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What should I say in my interview tomorrow about why I resigned from my previous job?

    So I have another interview tomorrow and I want to know what should I say as far as why I resigned. My boss gave me the option to resign to avoid termination and I took it. So what should I tell them? Should I tell them it was always my dream to work in an urban school district? What other things could I tell them?

    1 AnswerTeaching6 years ago