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Is it rude to ask a transgender about their body?


I mean, it seems like we should get some explanation on what they had done, how it changed them, etc. I show my gallbladder surgery scar to people who want to see it, it seems TGs should do the same.

21 Answers

  • O Man
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    OI actually agree with you provided the question is asked in a tactful/polite respectful way to try and get a better understanding of transgenderism or what that person has gone through, and you dont just go up to a random transgender on the street and immediately ask ifd they've had the full works, or anything like that.. As someone with a disability I have no problem if others ask sensible questions about my disability and how it affects my life, its when people tiptoe around the topic that I get offended. Unfortunately these days a lot of people are extremally sensitive/prescious so a lot of people are easily offended by questions like that. Therefore it really depends on the person. mYou do have to be a bit careful if you dont want to cause offense.

  • 6 years ago

    It's rude to ask anyone personal questions about their body.

    The only time it's relevant whether or not a transgender person has had genital surgery is if they're wanting to use women's bathrooms/changing rooms. No one with a penis should be allowed in there, for the sake of women's safety.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There is nothing personal about gallbladder surgery. You had a problem and fixed it with surgery, whoop dee doo. The same can be said for us trans folk, that we went under the knife to "fix" ourselves, or rather to match our bodies to our minds, but being transgender means more than removing a tumor or getting rid of stones. Being transgender is something we get sh!t about, from our friends, our family, and strangers on the street. I don't know of many people who ask random people about their scars or flesh wounds or whatever, but asking a transgender person whether they've had "the op" (as if there's just one), if their boobs are real, etc. is inappropriate and uncalled for. Even if you know the person intimately, it's a touchy subject because we didn't ask to have the wrong body or to have to have surgery to feel comfortable.

  • 6 years ago

    I think if you are really interested in learning about transgender ppl you should go online and research it. YouTube has video's of ppl who are transitioning. Some tell you about the changes they've had in their body and if they are FTM you can tell their voice is changing. Some changes in the body are noticeable and there is no need for them to 'show' you anything.

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  • abcdef
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Very rude. Why bother? Do you ask everyone you meet about their bodies? Do people ask you the size of your penis? How would you feel about that? In fact, I'd like to know. How big are you?

  • 6 years ago

    i am not defined by surgical procedures. i'm me. this is a biggie, a point which so many people seem to miss: i'm a person, a real live human being. not an object of surgical curiosity.

    don't ask unless you mean business. sizzler doesn't count. :-)

    later: i guess it's a generation thing or something, but nobody has ever asked to see my tummy tuck scar. even the airplane doctor was happy to sketch it in my medical file from my verbal description.

    Source(s): boring suburban transgirl who flies airplanes
  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Just as rude as anyone asking you the exact same questions about your body.

  • 6 years ago

    Is it rude to ask you questions about your body? Do you have a penis or a vagina? How big is your penis? Are you circumcised? Does it lean left or right?

  • 6 years ago

    In what context? Are you dating them and would want to know? Or just a stranger? Would you ask a woman who had breast cancer to see her mastectomy scars? Or a man who lost his penis in a war to see his penis reconstruction surgery results? I am guessing the answer would be no, and I am guessing because its rude and people deserve respect.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    " I show my gallbladder surgery scar to people who want to see it, it seems TGs should do the same."

    So you think it's fair that every trans person should strip off to show you their bodies? If your scar was on your penis would you be showing it to people to satisfy their curiosity?

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