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Why was Jesus telling the unbelievers that he was not the Christ? Matthew 22:45 If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?


It seems clear to me that either Jesus was denying he was the Messiah or if he was,he was not of the descendant of David.

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Context clears this up. Jesus had just exposed the error of the Saducees (who say there is no resurrection of the dead). When the Pharisees heard this, they met to plan how to trap Jesus with a different question - Which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses? Jesus batted that ball straight back into their court, silencing them too! But Jesus was not going to let them off the hook. He could read hearts and minds (the prerogatives of God) and He knew their hatred of Him and His claim to be the Messiah.

    Jesus therefore asked them them a question - "What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?" (verse 47) Jesus knew that they despised His claim to be that Messiah, that son of David. This was now Jesus taking the initiative to show them from scripture that the Messiah is MORE than a son of David - Messiah is David's Lord.

    So Jesus responded to their answer (He is the son of David) with, "Then why does David, speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit, call the Messiah 'my Lord'? (and quotes the Psalm).

    No-one could answer Him. Thereafter, no-one dared ask Jesus any more questions. Obviously, Jesus knew more about scripture and the Messiah than those experts in the law did. He is both the son of David (through the earthly line of descent) AND the Christ, the Son of God, through His uncreated eternal line. No way was Jesus saying He was not the Christ! Exactly the opposite! Read Matthew 14:33.

  • 6 years ago

    Jesus was the Son of man as he, himself had said many, many times, the apostles nor his disciples never questioned Jesus about who the Son of man was compared to who the Son of God is. The answer given by Keyjona touches on this difference, but stops short of the actual truth.

    I Have been asking this same question for the past 8 years or so, not because I don't know the answer, but to make the readers take time to find out the answer to this question for themselves, because of Matthew 13:11.

    The time has come that you shall be given the answer in plain english.

    The Christ is the name given to the first created Spirit of God. God the Father called his first created the CHRIST. It is this Spirit called the Christ who became the Word of God the Father in this world, the physical world. The Christ's work in this world was to give the inhabitants of this world the Words of his Father who lives in a spiritual world called heaven.

    The Spirit the Christ can only enter into this world as a Spirit, which has no form of substance, the Christ is pure thought, which can not be seen or heard.

    In order for the Spirit called the Christ to be seen and heard in this world he must put on a flesh body first, this flesh body is not the Christ, it is only clothing for the Spirit called the Christ. The flesh body is called sons of man, because the flesh is made of water, it is a physical piece of clothing, it is not spiritual.

    The Words themselves created all that you see and can not see, these Words that created everything where created by God, the day God became God the Father.

    God the Father created everthing that was created and created everything from nothing, The Son, the Christ was given the power of God the Father's Words in only this world as was God the Father's second created Son called Lucifer who was given his own kingdom, his inheritance first before the true Christ.

    The Son of man is the official title given to the flesh body named

    Jesus. The Son of God is the official title given to the Spirit called the Christ.

    God the Father is also known by the inhabitants of this world as The LORD thy God, while the Son the Christ is known as Lord God.

    In Matthew 22:41-45 JESUS IS NOT ASKING ABOUT WHO THE SON OF DAVID IS, HE IS ASKING WHO SON THE CHRIST IS, and gives the answer God the Father, who is the LORD, is the Father of the Christ who is the Lord.

    The LORD created

    The Lord made

    The Christ is The Son of God

    Jesus is the Son of man.


  • BJ
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Jesus does not deny that David is the physical ancestor of the Christ, or Messiah

    David calls him ‘Lord,’ how is he his son?”

    The Pharisees are silent, for they do not know the true identity of the Christ, or anointed one. The Messiah is not simply a human descendant of David, as the Pharisees apparently believe, but he existed in heaven and was David’s superior, or Lord.

  • 6 years ago

    The NT is a complete lie and Jesus was nothing but a composite character who never lived. David could not have mentioned nor referred to Jesus as David died many years prior to the NT being written, and Jesus comes ONLY by way of the fictional NT story.

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  • 6 years ago

    Because he is not the Christ:

    1. Jesus is the son of man;

    2. Christ(WORD)is the Son of God.

    3. Christ lived in Jesus as Christ can live in us.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Good question, actually. I know the bible very well. Because of that I can tell you 2 things:

    1 this is an advanced question

    2 the simplest answer is most often the accurate one.

    And on top of that will venture a third based on facts.

    Facts are:

    there is no evidence for god.

    conclusion: This and most other things in the bible are complete B.S.

  • 6 years ago

    First, the Pharisees were not unbelievers. And then, Jesus was not telling them that He was not the Lord. To the contrary, He was telling them that He was the Lord.

    Better read more carefully.

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