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If Z^2 is a complex number then y=root of Z^2 = +_ Z . Not just mod of z or z. Why ?

1 Answer

  • Tomp
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Express z² in polar form. That is

    z² = r(cos(iθ) + isin(θ))

    where r = |z| and θ = Arg(z) ( ie - π < θ ≤ π )

    Applying De Moivre's Theorem where the nth roots of z^n are of the form

    z_k = r^(1/k) [cos(θ/n + 2kπ/n) + isin(θ/n + 2kπ/n)]

    (0 ≤ k ≤ n-1)

    with z₀ being the principle root,

    then the two square roots of z - ie z₀ and z₁ - are

    z₀ = r^(1/2) (cos(θ/2) + isin(θ/2))

    z₁ = r^(1/2) (cos(θ/2 + π ) + isin(θ/2 + π))

    Applying basic trigonometric identities:

    cos(α + β) = cos(α)cos(β) - sin(α)sin(β)

    sin(α + β) = sin(α)cos(β) + cos(α)sin(β)

    from which

    cos(θ/2 + π ) = -cos(θ/2)

    sin(θ/2 + π ) = -sin(θ/2)

    we can write

    z₁ = -r^(1/2) (cos(θ/2) + isin(θ/2))

    The point to notice is that the two square roots of z² are both at angle π apart

    I'm not sure what you mean by "+_z" and as for the modulus of z not being a root, the modulus of z - ie |z| - is a real-valued quantity denoting the distance of z from the origin in the complex plane. Is it possible that you might be confusing

    |z|² = zz* (where here z* is denoted as the conjugate of z)?

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