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Am I going mad?

I think I'm insane.

I keep having these VERY realistic nightmares from time to time.

And by realistic, I don't just mean they simply felt real. I mean ALL these nightmares were set on the very bed I was sleeping on, like it wasn't a nightmare.

Last night, I had one these nightmares in which I woke up in my bed, at night (hence the realism)... then I saw something huge in my room into the dark corner. It wore a hood and it was too dark to see its face.

It then rushed towards me, and my bed being at the corner of the room (I'm at the University accomodation), there was nowhere I could go.

Everything went black.

Then I woke up in the afternoon, like nothing happened.

Or one time, when I was at my original home (not the University Accomodation), I woke up to in a nightmare...yet again it took place in the bed I was sleeping on.

A bright light shone from the window, and at a corner, I saw a child with no head.

Also, I suddenly noticed an abnormally short woman by the side of my bed. She appeared to have no facial features.

Frozen in sheer terror, I was speechless. I then woke up, in the middle of the if the light outside just vanished and the kid and woman disappeared.

And this was months ago.

I keep having these weird dreams.

I don't even watch many horror movies... I barely watch TV.

I heard cheese gives you nightmares, but I rarely eat that.

Am I going mad?

11 Answers

  • Eric
    Lv 4
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have many dreams like this and they seem to occur at times of stress.

  • 5 years ago

    It must be the college finals getting to you. You have those dreams because of stress, fear, or both. I remember when everybody was scared of ebola, I had this dream of an ebola zombie that was chasing me down. No matter what I did or where I went, it knew my location. In my dream I managed to escape a few times until I was in my high school, where it started running at me so I ran away. I got cornered, by a stairwell going down to an abyss so it was either jump and hope for the best or get killed by the ebola zombie. Right before the zombie attacked me I woke up in a cold sweat lol. No you are not going crazy, you are perfectly fine

  • amy
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    We all get crazy dreams. In one I was dead and another my father broke in the house and had a gun ready to shoot us. While some can have a slight meaning most are either fears or whatever u were thinking about before bed

  • 5 years ago

    It is possible that something bad is happening in your life that affects your dreams. Sometimes these nightmares can happen also because you remember past memories that you don't like and are scared to you. Recently have you felt something bad like loneliness or guilt that seemed to have affected you?

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    If you were going mad you wouldn't admit it to yourself

  • 5 years ago

    Between someone putting something in your drinks or something or just having a very active mind i'm not sure.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    See if anyone is putting anything in your drinks at night, sounds like bad trips.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    well adjusted people wake up from such dreams and simply acknowledge them as interesting

    the real issue for you is that youre making a big deal of it

  • 5 years ago

    Night terrors?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Sounds like you are taking acid to me. Check your food, someone could be messing with you.

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