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  • Was I born left handed?

    This has just hit me, but I have noticed a few things:

    1) I'm left footed

    2) (Not sure if this means anything) but my left eye has better vision than my right and is my dominant eye.

    3) I know it sounds rude. But I literally masturbate with my left hand.

    4) As a drummer, my left hand is dominant and I play cleaner notes when starting with my left hand.

    But I write with my right.

    My mom sees left handedness as some sort of disability. So I'm assuming she conditioned me to use my right.

    What are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersOptical5 years ago
  • Is it just me, or are some bras just straight up see through?

    Lol before I get called a pervert and all the sort, let me explain.

    So I was looking for clothes to buy in a catalogue IN THE MALE SECTION... then I stumbled accross the female section and decided to buy my sister some shoes too.

    I came accross the bra section... and most of them were legit see through XD... it's one of those non-opaque bras with patterns.

    Do people realise this haha?? XD

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Are men really treated better than women (in the UK/USA)?

    I know I might get hate for this... but I see the complete opposite.

    Women are treated FAR better than men, at least in UK and USA.

    Men are GENERALLY expected to pay for most things.

    Men are expected not to hit women... but it's rarely ever been the other way round.

    Women generally are pressured to look good... but men are pressured to earn more and be successful (rich)... which is a lot harder than just "looking good".

    If a woman is attacking a man, people laugh or record it on World Star... but if it's the other way round, he gets jailed.

    I had girls pinch my *** in high school and no one gave a f**k... but some guy got their parents brought in because he looked at a girl's boobs.....

    And there's more.

    Are women really getting the worst treatment these days?

    6 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • My dad s DIY lack of safety is legit killing me, help?

    My dad ia very stubborn and hates being corrected... also he s a DIY nut.

    He often asks me to help out and I hate that... here s why.

    He misses out EVERY SAFETY MEASURE possible... and today it s taking a toll on me.

    We ve been painting for like 3 days and my dad thought it was clever to mix the paint with NAIL POLISH REMOVER... yes... you read correct.

    So I m there, painting for hours... inhaling nail polish remover fumes... and I don t feel too good.

    I can t wear a mask because my dad will assume "I THINK I KNOW BETTER THAN HIM".

    I m getting freaking headaches and dizziness it s really beginning to frustrate me.

    What should I do?

    7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)5 years ago
  • Why will no one hire me?

    I'm currently looking for a part-time job to cope with living on my own as a university student. But can't seem to get anything.

    I've edited my CV like a million times and even got help from professionals...but nothing.

    Lol what gets me is, some of my friends literally just put:

    ". Confident worker"

    ". Punctual"

    On their profile (this is LEGIT all they put, nothing more, no experience..just that)... and get like 6 interviews....... WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!

    Yet when I try my best and make sure I fit the expectations they're looking for... all I receive back is:

    "We've received your application, unfortunately you have not been successful".................................

    I know looking for a job is hard and I don't expect jobs to be handed to be on a plate. But this is just getting ridiculous now lol.

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How can I improve kick drum control and speed without a pedal?

    I'm a drummer who has been playing for 10 years and I practice A LOT... however, having met other drummers, I really don't think my playing reflects then years I've put in. Mainly because all I have is a practice pad.

    My kick drum control is just shocking and I want to improve, but my parents don't really support my musical side (and I'm still looking for a job)... so I'm forced to practice on a pad and the floor.

    But the moment I step on the kit, while my hand control is fine due to pad work... my feet just don't work AT ALL.

    Stomping the ground IS NOT THE SAME as using a pedal :(.

    Are there any exercises I can do to improve control and speed without a kick pedal?

    2 AnswersOther - Music5 years ago
  • Is it weird I drum better on a surface with no bounce?

    I ve been drumming for nearly a decade now and I ve gotten used to the kit.

    But I noticed, I seem to have an easier time when practicing on a surface without bounce... like a pillow or sand bag.

    My rudiments just sound and feel better.

    Though I do know the who thing about letting your stick bounce on the kit... I do that.

    But I love the feel of no bounce... where it s just my wrists.

    Is this weird?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • My lecturer marked me down for being creative. Why?

    I'm doing Maths in unive? rsity... and often we get little problems to solve related to what we learn.

    The problems DO NOT state how to solve them... so I try be creative and figure out a way of solving them that's different from what was thought in class... I seem to be the only one who does this.

    When I do this... my lecturer always tells me "Well it's right and it works... but it's not what we showed in class."

    Then drops about 10 marks when the question never specifies the method to use.

    Meanwhile, everyone does it how the teacher says and all copy from whoever finishes first... they get top-marks.

    Is it bad to be creative?

    4 AnswersHomework Help5 years ago
  • Which is safer, tap or bottle water?

    I keep seeing one site saying Tap water is safer. .. while another says Bottled water is safer.

    Right now I can't afford to keep buying bottoled water... but this whole tap water conspiracy is getting me paranoid lol.

    8 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks5 years ago
  • I can t sleep or feel hungry. Haven t slept in 2 days. Help?

    I don t take any drugs.

    I don t drink.

    I exercise in morning and afternoon.

    I barely take any caffeine.

    I m neutral...I m not stressed or over excited about anything.

    I feel completely normal and not tired.

    I never feel hungry but I eat just for the sake of fear it ll affect me if I don t.

    I cannot sleep. At all.

    My body just doesn t feel drained whatsoever.

    I feel this may be bad as I know lack of sleep can negativelt impact health.

    Any tips (I will NOT take pills).

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • How is Baabaa Black Sheep racist?

    I'm black myself and have heard the song.

    To the people who say it's racist...have you even heard the whole song?

    A white sheep is also included.

    You have to be really trying to stir bulls**t to find racism in the song.

    Yes, the wool of the sheep is made to make clothes.

    But that doesn't necesseraly referr to racism. That's just common sense.... sheep have wool, which makes clothes. You'd have to be racist yourself to find racism in that.

    Like those shows where black people have huge lips with bleek skin...that's understandable as to how that can be racist.

    But where is the OBVIOUS racism in Baabaa Black Sheep?

    It's like they heard "Oh it says black...RACIST". Forget the fact it mentions a white sheep too lol.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Whats so bad about reheating rice?

    I keep hearing all sorts of warnings about reheating rice.

    I m 19. My family has been keeping leftover rice, pasta, whatever and reheating it whenever there were leftovers.

    We ve been doing this for over a decade... and nothing has happened.

    I ve had check ups by doctors for many things and they say I m healthy.

    I m active and exercise regularly. I have never been ill from the food we ate.

    So what s the problem?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Why are people so skeptical about Big Foot?

    Now I understand the skepticism about things such as Ghosts, Demons, Angels, God, Spirits, etc...

    But Big me just sounds like some unknown species relating to an ape or gorilla.

    Not very BIZZARE or OUT OF THE NORM as people claim it lol.

    We discover new species all the time.

    Some Big Foot like creature may exist. It really isn't anything supernatural or paranormal.

    Why the skepticism?

    10 AnswersMythology & Folklore5 years ago
  • Am I going mad?

    I think I'm insane.

    I keep having these VERY realistic nightmares from time to time.

    And by realistic, I don't just mean they simply felt real. I mean ALL these nightmares were set on the very bed I was sleeping on, like it wasn't a nightmare.

    Last night, I had one these nightmares in which I woke up in my bed, at night (hence the realism)... then I saw something huge in my room into the dark corner. It wore a hood and it was too dark to see its face.

    It then rushed towards me, and my bed being at the corner of the room (I'm at the University accomodation), there was nowhere I could go.

    Everything went black.

    Then I woke up in the afternoon, like nothing happened.

    Or one time, when I was at my original home (not the University Accomodation), I woke up to in a nightmare...yet again it took place in the bed I was sleeping on.

    A bright light shone from the window, and at a corner, I saw a child with no head.

    Also, I suddenly noticed an abnormally short woman by the side of my bed. She appeared to have no facial features.

    Frozen in sheer terror, I was speechless. I then woke up, in the middle of the if the light outside just vanished and the kid and woman disappeared.

    And this was months ago.

    I keep having these weird dreams.

    I don't even watch many horror movies... I barely watch TV.

    I heard cheese gives you nightmares, but I rarely eat that.

    Am I going mad?

    10 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Since when have Americans started saying "fam"?

    Lately, I've been seeing and hearing loads of Americans using the word "fam".

    From Facebook, to other media.

    I'm from England, and I thought it was an English ting.

    Now I know some are gonna say "It's a Jamaican word"...but England was heavily influenced to use Jamaican slang (since the Yardies came). Which is why we use words like "Wagwan", "Bredrin", "Bombaclart", "Mandem" and other words.

    But when has America picked up on "Fam"?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Isn t Android going to run out of names?

    I was thinking since Android names go by alphabetical order...and are all related to some candy or food...aren t they gonna run out?

    There were the first two:

    Alpha (A)

    Beta (B)

    Then the rest:

    Cupcake (C)

    Donut (D)

    Eclair (E)

    Froyo (F)

    Gingerbread (G)

    Honeycomb (H)

    Ice-cream Sandwich (I)

    Jelly Bean (J)

    Kit Kat (K)

    Lollipop (L)

    And now "Marshmellow (M)...which is coming soon.

    Aren t they going to run out of letters?

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Why do so many people dislike the new Google logo?

    People complain that it looks too simple and childish...but isn't that what logos are these days?

    From app design to logos, everything is getting simpler, that's the fashion.

    Just look at the first iOS and iOS now. Although it's better, the design is much simpler.

    Or PS1 and PS2's start up screen...then PS4 start up screen. Simpler.

    Even the Windows logo went from being a flag like logo to four basic rectangles from an angle.

    Google has just simplified its logo like every one else has done...what were people expecting? A Google logo with stage lights, in fancy writing and bold??

    5 AnswersDrawing & Illustration6 years ago
  • Is this a weird art style for manga?

    I and a friend are making a manga...I do the drawing and story, she helps out with the story, character names and backstories.

    Though I'm concerned about my art style. I feel it may not be "manga" enough and people will find it weird.

    Here's my front cover...

    Btw...the other images in my account are NOT from my manga. My art has improved since then.

    The image I linked is my latest design.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Is The Flash "potentially" the most powerful Justice League member?

    Notice how I said potentially, not IS the most powerful.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago